call me exited, but...


Originally Posted by Lolly1
The tank looks really great, Mom...
LOL. I was getting ready to ask if you knew each other. Your avatars got me wondering.


Originally Posted by 1knight164
LOL. I was getting ready to ask if you knew each other. Your avatars got me wondering.
She got me addicted about a year ago and has taught me a ton. Now I have a tank of my own in my classroom at work!


Originally Posted by Lolly1
She got me addicted about a year ago and has taught me a ton. Now I have a tank of my own in my classroom at work!
And keep diving!!! BTW, any good dive forums???


Active Member is an international board. 72,000 members on there. Everything from novice to instructor to course director. That's a great diving board. Very patient people and very willing to share their knowledge and experiences. Divers are the best, aren't they?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by highcottn1
i have the same light as u! i love mine the bowfronts are awesome!!! good job so far

Thanks a lot. I'm slowly coming out of stress mode and starting to enjoy. Starting to make future plans as well. I'm glad I made the switch.
Could you post a pic of your tank here? I would LOVE to see it with your lights!! Please?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Sorry about your loss, but your tank looks great.

Thanks a lot AZ. I've been following your thread and I can't wait to see it all set up and going. Exciting, isn't it?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I also would like to post here that Bozo, my male clown, has found a small patch of zoas that he's decided look pretty good to him. Yup, they're hosting him. The thing is, that this small patch of zoas is like 2 inches away from his beloved mushrooms that he was making home in the 37gal...go figure. I think he may just find his shrooms yet. My fingers are crossed.
Thanks everybody!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lolly1
How's everyone today? How's Scampi? Have you seen Willie yet?
Beth ***)
Not sure how everyone is today...lights were out when I left for work, the clowns were sleeping...that's about all I could see.
We'll see when I get home from work.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
any updated pics?
Nope, still at work. I'll see about getting a few when I get home. I also have to do a water test, set up salt water for a change (if needed), and get scraping on my 37 gal to clean it up. Lots to do tonight!! I'll post pics when I decide to take a break.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
any updated pics?
Boy, do I have updates!! I'm SO excited!! First, Scampi (CB shrimp) is eating and just fine, AND Willie (royal gramma) is out and about, still skittish, but he's okay and he even ate a little bit.
I'm posting pics I just took tonight after work. Please excuse the blurry ones, but I didn't want to go spooking anyone, so I just pretty much shot and ran :jumping:
Lisa :happyfish



:jumping: :jumping: :jumping: WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
I'm so happy Willie and Scampi are ok!!! Things are lookin' awesome!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lolly1
:jumping: :jumping: :jumping: WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
I'm so happy Willie and Scampi are ok!!! Things are lookin' awesome!
Thanks honey, so am I!! Whew!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
The blue backround looks AMAZING!!!

Thanks a lot Kevin. I'm always kind of back and forth between doing blue or black, and it seems with me that the blue wins. I really like it too.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
No, I didn't paint it. It's actually a cleanable sheet that I bought at my LFS. The other side is black, so if I get tired of the blue, I can just turn it around.
Lisa :happyfish