call me exited, but...


Active Member
Originally Posted by costa13
is it from pet smart? Cause I think I saw that there the other day.
No, I don't think there's a PetSmart very close to me. You may have seen it there though. It's mixed in with the other backgrounds that are sold for the back of tanks. One side is blue and the other is black. I really like it because it is cleaned very easily and I can switch colors really easily. It also is made of some kind of material that doesn't tear very easily.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
looks great!!
Thanks Bronco. Yeah, I'm really happy with it so far. I do think that I'm going to add a little bit more rock though and try to get a more 3-D look to the landscaping. We'll see how that works out.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
well i'll tell you this
dont EVER EVER EVER....and i mean this seariously....dont ever be scared to take a nice close of pics of the zoos and share!! As a zoo enthusiast i demand it! lol, just playin.

that background stuff you can get at about any petstore...just look at all the freshwater backgrounds, they have all kinds.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
well i'll tell you this
dont EVER EVER EVER....and i mean this seariously....dont ever be scared to take a nice close of pics of the zoos and share!! As a zoo enthusiast i demand it! lol, just playin.

that background stuff you can get at about any petstore...just look at all the freshwater backgrounds, they have all kinds.
I get the point. The thing is, seeee, is that I finally have some really decent lighting, seeee. My pink zoos are actually pink, seeee. Oh, you said close ups, well there is the matter of the camera operator being a bit inept when it comes to photos.
And my other zoos, branching and green, well I can't wait to see what they look like under real light. I'm still light acclimating...the last piece of screening comes off probably next Monday for a total of 3 days per piece. Hope that's the right way to do it.
I'm SO looking forward to stocking this tank with cool stuff.
Correcto on the background stuff...easy to find, easy to use, looks great (I think so).
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
haha, ok, well i guess those can do for now...the background is nice..i like em, i'd rather have a coraline background though :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
i'd rather have a coraline background though :joy:
Up and coming!!
Lisa :happyfish


your tank is very nice. Like you, I have been changing over to a 75 gallon from a 29. And so far so good..I have been moving my beloved pets over 2 at a time now for a couple weeks. I am about half done with that process and so far no losses. I know there is chance of I am taking it slow with fingers crossed everyday. (sorry for your loss of Sister Mary)
I bought this new tank back in April and have been buying equipment for months until I finally set it up 12/31/06. It is so nice to get all those rubbermaid tubs (100 # of curing LR etc.)out of the way !! I cannot wait to post pics too..It is quite a job and stressful but I do LOVE my new tank! We both have something else in common! A CB shrimp named Scampi!
I also have alot of current and my clowns LOVE it! like yours they are always in it happily riding the waves. Hey! good luck on your new tank! IT looks GREAT! very stylish! your aquascaping is very nice! it's the "woman's touch thing"..
(no offense guys!) :cheer:


Active Member
Originally Posted by addicted2
your tank is very nice. Like you, I have been changing over to a 75 gallon from a 29. And so far so good..I have been moving my beloved pets over 2 at a time now for a couple weeks. I am about half done with that process and so far no losses. I know there is chance of I am taking it slow with fingers crossed everyday. (sorry for your loss of Sister Mary)
I bought this new tank back in April and have been buying equipment for months until I finally set it up 12/31/06. It is so nice to get all those rubbermaid tubs (100 # of curing LR etc.)out of the way !! I cannot wait to post pics too..It is quite a job and stressful but I do LOVE my new tank! We both have something else in common! A CB shrimp named Scampi!
I also have alot of current and my clowns LOVE it! like yours they are always in it happily riding the waves. Hey! good luck on your new tank! IT looks GREAT! very stylish! your aquascaping is very nice! it's the "woman's touch thing"..
(no offense guys!) :cheer:
Thanks a lot addicted2,
Everyone is doing great and really exploring the new tank today...I'm so glad. I had one extra added feature in my tank new one was going into the same spot as my previous one. That's why I really had to get my ducks in a row and get it done. In retrospect, it really did go nicely...when I think through the fog of stress (you're right, very stressful).
I'm missing Sister Mary and the movement she brought to the tank. I'm beginning to look at and plan on getting another angel...Sister Mary Angelica (too). I can't believe you also have a CB shrimp named Scampi!!
Well tonight the first layer of screening comes off of the lighting. What a process, hey? I love my new tank too, and I'm really glad that I did it and REALLY glad that it's finished for the most part. I have water set up and heating in case I need it. Will do a water test tomorrow.
After that I have a 37gal that is in serious need of cleaning. Probably this coming weekend.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
look great, love the vase. cant wait to see the 37 with some ponies in it.
Me too. I keep trying to picture it, but I'm a long way away from that. It will be a great project to keep me out of trouble. ***)
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
slowly but surely--check out my thread again, ry and I have a deal for you
Headed there right now!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I am SO excited!! My clowns found their shrooms and are back home!! I posted this on another thread, but thought I would like to post here to add on to this thread...
Look at taken tonight about an hour after I got home from work...:jumping:
Lisa :happyfish



Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
hey thats great!! congrats to you and the clowns on finding they old home!
Thanks Bronco. I couldn't be more pleased than I am right now. What a roller coaster ride!! Again...whew!!
And to top it off, it looks like it's going to be ok with the clowns if Gary (sand perch) lives downstairs. Well, OK, there was some tail fanning, but I think the point was made...
I'm so glad that I made the switch. Everything is so far going so good!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
lol, good deal!you ought to get a video of them, love watching clowns host anything!
I would if I could...but alas, I don't have the equipment, and I don't have the know-how...poo.

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I've got some VERY happy little clowns!! They're actually exploring their mushrooms more than they did in my other tank!! At one point I couldn't find my female (Cookie), and as I was looking in the tank for her, her tail (and only her tail) popped out from underneath one of the mushrooms. Thinking that she was stuck, I put my hand in to try to free her, and she flipped around looked at me like I was nuts. A little while later, I watched as Bozo actually dove right into the shrooms...and pretty much disappeared underneath them, only to emerge on the other side of the rock!!

Side note: The shrooms that the clowns have made home are placed right by a rock that also provides a "cave"...and the shrooms have expanded like crazy in their new home...they've gotten huge (I think they may have been a bit cramped in the 37). Maybe all of that adds to the new happenings...IDK...
Too cool...they sure are having fun now.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Lots of scooping (Pee Ewe!!) and lots of scraping, lots of scrubbing and lots and lots of rinsing, and I've got 'er cleaned up and ready to set up for my seahorses...of course I don't expect ponies to go in until at least 6-7 months after setting it up. I scraped the coraline with single edge razor blades, scooped stinky sand into a 3 gal bucket and covered that as fast as I could. I rinsed the glass, scrubbed some more then scrubbed with white vinegar. After that I rinsed like crazy and air dried...washed the outside of the glass with just clean water and buffed with a soft rag...
Here she is, looking all spiffy and ready to waltz again...My 37gal!!
Lisa :happyfish
