Calling Texans: Interesting Theory regarding Global Warming


I'll go one fruther...
The earth is only 36 years, 4 months, 5 days, 4 hours, 35 minutes and 15 seconds old...
Since my brainfart can only decifer waht I'm told then the earth didn't exsist past my existence...

Everybody before that was created to tick me off.


Active Member
People need to stop flying here is a disturbing fact.Planes burn in one day the same amount of emmisions then motor vehicles burn in 3 months.


Originally Posted by digitydash
People need to stop flying here is a disturbing fact.Planes burn in one day the same amount of emmisions then motor vehicles burn in 3 months.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NOTSONOOB
Now that is just about the dumbest counter arguement I've ever heard.
I'll try to make it a bit clearer for you....
No one witnessed the formation of the sun. If a person believes the sun was "created" instead of appearing out of nothing then they can easily believe the sun was created fully functioning and not "new".
Hope that helps.


First off, global warning is a misnomer. Global warming ceases to exist above relative humidities of 40% or more due to the inability of greenhouse gases to overtake the energetics (encompasses fugacity, vapor pressure, chemical potentials) of the water molecules in the air with humidities greater than 40%.
In other words, global warming only happens in cold desserts. The world is not getting hotter, rather the world's temperature is reaching an equilibrium.
Refer to enumerable works published by Freeman Dyson. Furthermore, I, myself have modeled these molecular interactions using Monte-Carlo modeling, and Lennard-Jones correlative functions of chemical potential.
In regards to the arguments of why not err on the side of caution, or who cares it doesn't affect us to reduce emmisions; I ask you to consider the costs of these endeavours. It costs a lot of money to implement pollutant reduction systems on large scale industrial processes. For example, in crude-oil refining, if you were to say "No More CO2 emissions," the price of gas would increase exponential amounts, somewhere in the field of $35/gallon. So to pursue some half-baked liberal politician's crusade would just be a massive goose chase that will have only wasted our time.
I agree that people are very wasteful, and often times I find myself agreeing with Gore's scare tactics as it seems to be the only way to implement change anymore. Drive around at 330 am and look at all of the lighted-signs that had been on all night, or on the freeway look at all of the people you see driving 3000 pound+ cars, while only occupying these contraptions with their 160 pound body, thats just not efficient, in any sense of the word. People are so quick to point fingers at corporations anymore that they forget the corporations are just people, not some evil entity out to exploit the poor, labor the middle class, benefit the rich, and ---- the environment. Why are there no campaigns to get people to stop wasting so many resources? Actually there are! But they are from the energy companies themselves who cannot meet the demand of this energy hungry country.


Active Member
I still would like to have someone point out an arguement in that report, that they think is wrong and explain why... Without saying OH it was oil company funded. Or something silly like that. I have yet to see this "evidence" or any that is not seriously flawed.


My point is non-biased, and anti-Gore.
FWIW, I have worked for several oil companies and still kind of do.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by mfp1016
First off, global warning is a misnomer. Global warming ceases to exist above relative humidities of 40% or more due to the inability of greenhouse gases to overtake the energetics (encompasses fugacity, vapor pressure, chemical potentials) of the water molecules in the air with humidities greater than 40%.
In other words, global warming only happens in cold desserts. The world is not getting hotter, rather the world's temperature is reaching an equilibrium.
Refer to enumerable works published by Freeman Dyson. Furthermore, I, myself have modeled these molecular interactions using Monte-Carlo modeling, and Lennard-Jones correlative functions of chemical potential.
In regards to the arguments of why not err on the side of caution, or who cares it doesn't affect us to reduce emmisions; I ask you to consider the costs of these endeavours. It costs a lot of money to implement pollutant reduction systems on large scale industrial processes. For example, in crude-oil refining, if you were to say "No More CO2 emissions," the price of gas would increase exponential amounts, somewhere in the field of $35/gallon. So to pursue some half-baked liberal politician's crusade would just be a massive goose chase that will have only wasted our time.
I agree that people are very wasteful, and often times I find myself agreeing with Gore's scare tactics as it seems to be the only way to implement change anymore. Drive around at 330 am and look at all of the lighted-signs that had been on all night, or on the freeway look at all of the people you see driving 3000 pound+ cars, while only occupying these contraptions with their 160 pound body, thats just not efficient, in any sense of the word. People are so quick to point fingers at corporations anymore that they forget the corporations are just people, not some evil entity out to exploit the poor, labor the middle class, benefit the rich, and ---- the environment. Why are there no campaigns to get people to stop wasting so many resources? Actually there are! But they are from the energy companies themselves who cannot meet the demand of this energy hungry country.

This has to be one of the best posts I have read on here about this subject.


Active Member
I agree.
IMO, we are completely inefficient. We don't utilize, widely, efficiencies or alternatives that are easily available to use and implement. My husband has a diesel Jetta and he gets looked at like he has some sort of crazy contraption... I am looking at the parking lot now at work and it is full of huge cars and trucks, and the answers people have to driving them are "I like to be up high."
I don't believe in scare tactics, but I do believe in efficiency, clean air, sustainable use, etc. We must do these things for our own standard of living, not for some misguided idea that we can "save the planet."
I've got news for you...the planet will go on. Be honest, this whole campaign is to save ourselves.
We must understand that fear sells; it gets grants for scientists. We must understand that our ability to understand the dynamics of weather systems has rapidly advanced, and with it, our means of categorizing information. The information we have today is not comparable in many cases with information from 100 years ago (particularly appropriate with hurricanes). Even if it was, 100 years is nothing in the life of this planet.
In short, it is awfully high and mighty of mankind to think we have not only sorted it all out, BUT know how to fix it!
Be honest in your usage of energy, your needs, your consumption. Do it for the right reasons.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I agree.
I am looking at the parking lot now at work and it is full of huge cars and trucks, and the answers people have to driving them are "I like to be up high."
lol, what? F-350's and Chevy Pickups in Houston, naaa
I joke that Texas is keeping Ford And Chevy in business by buying sooo many trucks.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
lol, what? F-350's and Chevy Pickups in Houston, naaa
I joke that Texas is keeping Ford And Chevy in business by buying sooo many trucks.
Im not so sure thats a joke....


Originally Posted by ophiura
I agree.
IMO, we are completely inefficient. We don't utilize, widely, efficiencies or alternatives that are easily available to use and implement. My husband has a diesel Jetta and he gets looked at like he has some sort of crazy contraption... I am looking at the parking lot now at work and it is full of huge cars and trucks, and the answers people have to driving them are "I like to be up high."
I don't believe in scare tactics, but I do believe in efficiency, clean air, sustainable use, etc. We must do these things for our own standard of living, not for some misguided idea that we can "save the planet."
I've got news for you...the planet will go on. Be honest, this whole campaign is to save ourselves.
We must understand that fear sells; it gets grants for scientists. We must understand that our ability to understand the dynamics of weather systems has rapidly advanced, and with it, our means of categorizing information. The information we have today is not comparable in many cases with information from 100 years ago (particularly appropriate with hurricanes). Even if it was, 100 years is nothing in the life of this planet.
In short, it is awfully high and mighty of mankind to think we have not only sorted it all out, BUT know how to fix it!
Be honest in your usage of energy, your needs, your consumption. Do it for the right reasons.
Very well put, I think we are on the same page Ophiura.
Haha, I drive a diesel Jetta too.


I remember my grampa tellin me one day when I was your that one day here in pa we will be growing oranges and the people in florida with be growing snowmen.

darthtang aw

Active Member
I will not deny the climate is changing. However that it is man caused I will argue. Two reasons. There is oil in the ice caps. Oil is created by broken down vegetable matter and dead animals. Now, currently there are no animals nor vegetable matter in the polar ice how did the oil form there? Many many years ago there had to be a warmer climat to allow such life to form to die off. Man wasn't polluting then (atleast not to the dgree we are now globally) and the climates changed.
Secong example, every other planet in our solar system is experiencing climate change/global warming. So unless the aliens are polluting this is a natural cycle also not caused by man.
Is energy efficiency a good thing? Of course anytime we think of and design new and better ways to do things is a good thing. It also does improve our quality of life. However is it detrimental to the world and the lives of millions, I am not buying that. To think that man can destroy our planet is (to me) a highly conceited notion on our part.


Active Member
I also find the study of fossils to be very interesting as well.
Try googling "Antarctic Fossil Fly"
Some Antarctic fossils can be explained by continental drift, though I guess that may be a "if you subscribe to it" too (I do). An example in my mind, again, of the unimaginable forces at work on this planet that we can neither observe well in our lifetime, not begin to "fix."
Canadian fossils are also interesting (eg google "fossil find above arctic circle")


Active Member
We used to live north of DFW on the Barnet Shale, It was soo much fun to go find fossilized Nautilus shells, and fish skeletons. We found one Complete Nautilus that was about 20 inches across.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I will not deny the climate is changing. However that it is man caused I will argue. Two reasons. There is oil in the ice caps. Oil is created by broken down vegetable matter and dead animals. Now, currently there are no animals nor vegetable matter in the polar ice how did the oil form there? Many many years ago there had to be a warmer climat to allow such life to form to die off. Man wasn't polluting then (atleast not to the dgree we are now globally) and the climates changed.
Secong example, every other planet in our solar system is experiencing climate change/global warming. So unless the aliens are polluting this is a natural cycle also not caused by man.
Is energy efficiency a good thing? Of course anytime we think of and design new and better ways to do things is a good thing. It also does improve our quality of life. However is it detrimental to the world and the lives of millions, I am not buying that. To think that man can destroy our planet is (to me) a highly conceited notion on our part.
Even less nebular than fossil distribution, is the migration patterns of people throughout the last 2000 years. If you study the history of the Central Europeans and even parts of the Roman Empire, you will find that most historians agree that the large scale migrations into Northern Europe were mostly due to climate change.