Can I Add More Nemos???!!!!


look, all i said was for him to say "clowns" so he'll be taken seriously. If some guy came into your store and said "hey, i wunt to by mee some ah them nemo's" would you just say "ok, here ya go" (i hope for the sake of the fish you say no...) i was just giving some advice, that's all. calling them "nemo" and "dory" really grates on some people's nerves, and normally they're the ones with good info, but won't check out the thread because the title says "help with my nemo"...


put it this way for you "grown ups" would you want your childs teacher calling him or her an idiot because they asked a question they thought was stupid? i dont think so,and i cant say on this board what i would do to that teacher. thank you nebreefer for understanding what we should all be doing here on these boards. learning and teaching.


you should spend more time here, and you'll get a good idea of what a troll is, and you'll be able to spot them from a mile away... we're not bad people, we're just tired of dealing with these type, and if he's not, he's gotten some good advice, not only about his fish, but how to deal with people when he wants a serious response. I think we've accomplished a lot...


New Member
teaching by degrading??? I never learned that in school! "I rule"-- try to read between all the nosense in this post and learn from mistakes we all have made. I have made many in my nine years in this hobby. as for your original post---Take back at least 7 of the nemos and look in to getting a good book on the general care of salt water aquariums (I love Conscienious Marine Aquarist by Bob Fenner) Also check out (also Bob's site). A picture in the book of a 55 with a yellow tang and a Lionfish would probably get this crowd upset too!!! There are many ways to accompliish the same thing in this hobby--but having 10 clownfish will just not work.


well, i agree that calling anyone an idiot is mean... i would take back 8... i think having more than 2 in a tank is askin for trouble. It's not even guaranteed they'll mate. once the third gets bigger, the other two will force it out of their group and since your tank is so small, it won't have anywhere to go. JMO


Active Member
Originally Posted by nebreefer
wow!! Am glad I joined here!! Remember what forum we are in (New Hobbiest) and why you are here
ok i know you guys dont want to start anykinda of argument but this is the NEw hobbiest so you are GOING to hear the people come in and say these things as we/most of us did at once. they wanted to start a great hobby, slatwater fish keeping so they went to the lfs (their onlt resource for them to get info besides books but when i gtointo this hobby i want sure if i could find a book on this but with alll the help here i am running a healthy tank now for about 3 months so just bare with him and if you know he is wtill maing these mistake wich he wont then that is when you can all say wow why dont you listen or why did you do tht or get someone flamed hes probally only got a few posts and you all can tell hes new so give him a chance and explain to him these things!


Well it seems IRule got everyone stirred up for nothing. I think Alyssia was right........troll!
Check out his other posts on different forums............sure doesn't sound like kid to me.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by DMA57
Well it seems IRule got everyone stirred up for nothing. I think Alyssia was right........troll!
Check out his other posts on different forums............sure doesn't sound like kid to me.



Active Member
Originally Posted by cwgibson
put it this way for you "grown ups" would you want your childs teacher calling him or her an idiot because they asked a question they thought was stupid? i dont think so,and i cant say on this board what i would do to that teacher. thank you nebreefer for understanding what we should all be doing here on these boards. learning and teaching.

Like chickadee said, spend some more time here and you will see I Rule is not trying to learn anything, he is a troll . You will eventually learn to spot one.


Originally Posted by nebreefer
yeah Bob helped me through all sorts of problems!
do ya think he's single???


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
do ya think he's single???

If he is, what a catch!!!


Originally Posted by maroonytun
saltwater fish's growth are not stunted by tank size like freshwater fish.
I did not know this.


Active Member
OK this is too funny! Direct quotes from IRule.
okay i used to work for a lighting company, and i know that t5 are a waste of money all they are is upgraded flourescents
pcs and t5 produce the exact same quality of light
if someone tells you different, they are a bloody idiot
And in a different post.
well sorry guys for being so dumb
10 1'' fish just didn't seem like so much for a 4' tank
i have 40 pounds of live rock and really strong lights, i think they were called metal halide?!!!
wut kind of crab should i get?
Definite Troll.