Can Nitrate kill?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROW
It was CC and sea shells. It was only about 1.5 to 2 inches deep.
i'd go back with a sand substrate, jmo.


Yeah I was planning on telling him to use sand, I just wanted to know if the rock could be salvaged and if I had the proper procedure down. I don't want to reuse the rock if you think it will recontaminate the tank.


Can someone please tell me if I have the correct procedure for trying to salvage this rock. I would prefer to just have him buy new LR but he insists on trying to salvage it and I want to make sure I do it right.

aztec reef

Active Member
I would just use new live rock, to be Safe.. The problem is that the live rock is pretty much ruined is no longer live..and imo is not worth the risk.
How much live rock are we talking about? do you know what type of live rock it is?
If is something like fiji, then i would just use new rock, cause fiji will be almost imposible to get the chlorine out cause of it's pourocity.(it's possible)
But i wouldn't recomended. because even if you put it in the bucket for a week and test for chlorine there could be "Undetectable" chlorine which could leach out eventually in be safe it would have to be monitor and rinsed for like a month instead of a week then sun dryed.
IMO is too much trouble just for base.
But we can try to figure it out, if you still wanna do it.


Unfortunately, I have told him of all your responses, as well as my opinion, and he still wants to try and salvage it. Some of the rock has sentimental value, he brought some home from various trips, and he wants to try and keep it. IMO it would just be easier and safer to start fresh, but it is his tank. I appreciate everybodies help. If anybody has any other suggestions, comments, or ways to try and salvage the rock, I would greatly appreciate their input.


Active Member
i can understand sentimental value.
i'd suggest doing what you stated above, just replace the water a few times before drying out the rock.

aztec reef

Active Member
well then just do it, give it two at least two weeks, change water every few days,then sun/air dry it .then it will be ready to use.
Also, as far as the CC i would take it out now. And Empty tank's water. Then when rock is ready then put it back in tank and Restart cycle. and you should be fine.


I drained the whole tank and scrubbed it a few days ago. I told him today he was looking at least a month long process to clean the rock. I will probably go the the LFS and pick up what I need tommorow.
How long should I sun/air dry the rock before I know it is ready to put back in the tank.


Thanks. I will keep everybody posted on what happens. When I go to set the tank up again I will probably need some assistance figuring out his filtration system and his lighting system.
Thanks again everybody!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
If it were me there is no way that the rock would go back in my tank.
I agree 100%.


Bleach with high lighting (Heat) will cause decomposing of the bleach and the end result will be high chlorine. The only reason I know this is my job involves carbon air scrubbers.


Well-Known Member
I have bleached many live rocks, and used them subsequently with no ill effects. The trick is to soak them for a day or two in water that has had chlorine neutralizer added to it at at least twice the recommended dose. Then rinse in clear water and give it the sniff test - if you smell chlorine, it isn't ready.