Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Not sure about anyone elses, but If I tried to hold down my shrimp to clip his antennae it would definitely be torture.
He never said that he was going to do it at all, he was just asking if it was going to hurt the shrimp and was a bad idea. Maybe he hasn't had one before and wasn't sure. I'm pretty sure that you didn't know everything when you first started keeping a fish tank. And I agree with the person above me, you should watch out how you use the word torture, because it's not for one thing and two it's only torture if you have the intention of hurting the torturey. To prove the fact, my cat has whiskers which are used for a sensory device, and they fall of on occasion, does this mean that my cat is attempting to torture itself? I'm guessing that it's not, and I'm guessing you
would know a thing or two about torture.