cc vs ls for aggresives


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it has been up and running for about a year it has a dog face a blue face angel a naso tang and a panther grouper which i am not keeping and i am also selling the naso tang


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jcrim said that would be fine and he is very smart when it comes to aggressives and iam not saying that ur not smart


Active Member
A lot of puffers will nip at the fins of sharks ,rays and other bottom dwellers. I personally have never had them in the same tank ,So I can't speak from personal experiance.


Thanks for the compliment... puffers are a gamble. I wouldn't try one myself but I know others have with success. So I wouldn't say yay or nay on them.


Active Member
i do really want to keep the cc come to think of it because i think it looks better will i have any major problems if i decided to keep it


Active Member
If you keep the CC you will need to keep it very clean so it wont build up bactiria. If you don't keep it clean you will end up with a problem spikes of amonina and nitrates nitrites.


Active Member
Sounds fine to me . Even with live sand You'll want to stir it up and clean it out once and a while.
The thicker you make your sand bed the more it will capture nitrates. This is both a good and bad thing. You want it to be deep enough to do its job as a biological filter. but too much and it actually has a reverse effect. it will just trap it in there. and it will build up and cause a spike. 2 inches is a good number. I have between 2-3 in my 125 right now .
Just a note for you if you plan on a shark you'll need to go with a very fine sand. CC and rougher sand will scratch the sharks belly and can cause infection. and lead to a very unhapppy shark