chaseter's biocube nano extravaganza


Thanks! Then I guess my refugium is doing it's job.
New update. Saw a bristle worm two nights ago:( I tried to catch it but it was too fast. I got a piece of krill and put it outside it's hole and when I went to go do something, I come back and I see the dang shrimp carrying off the krill! So, I have cut down on feeding and I placed a trap by the hole.


The last member of my tiny fish family is a beautiful little maroon clown. He was living in a giant rose bubble at my LFS so I hope he becomes acclimated to my sebae.
My sebae has replinished all his zooxanthellae and is now a healthy spotted tan/brown color. At the LFS store, he was entirely white.
One of my peppermint shrimp was preggers and laid her eggs sometime at night last week. I have no idea where the eggs went, probably eaten or back into the refugium.
I will post pics sometime soon.


I got rid of the sick maroon. I didn't want to risk my whole tank getting whatever he had and so I took him out and returned it to my LFS. The guarantee ran up but they bought him back as a trade in and have a hospital tank.
So...I bought another maroon that is probably a teenager, not a full adult. He is absoultely stunning. I also got rid of my pseudochromis because he was an ***. Now, I have three fish: medium sized maroon, tiny yellow watchman, and a firefish. With the pseudo in the tank, the firefish would hide because the pseudo was mean. Now, all three of my fish hang out together and it is shocking! I was told that the maroon would be very territorial but he is a sweety. The goby now comes out and patrols the tank unlike when the pseudo was there. He also now swims about halfway up the tank beside the maroon. The maroon swims around him and it looks like they are kissing or loving on each other. I am happy with my fish!
My goal now is to get my maroon to host my anemone.


It's so odd the way the maroon and the goby interact. The goby basically swims with it and they pass over and under each other and rub up against each other so slowly. I will get pics. I have seen the goby get angry when the pseudo would come into his cave. He would arch his back and open his mouth but they look so serene. It is odd. I am shocked that this threesome are so good together and I am shocked that a juvenile maroon is so serene.


Active Member
mine if the clown comes near his cave he goes after it! remember when u were teling me about anenome... im geting sunpod light i want to buy a black and white oceleris clown i just want to know what anenome is good and doesnt eat my clownfish?


Active Member
i dont have it yet i saw the pic on this site they look prety good. my favorite is probly riteri idk buble tips are nice


According to various sites, the Ritteri is the most demanding species and is best left to anemone experts. So, I would suggest against it.


Active Member
ok i realy dont know much about them i gota start reading i like the sebae too ill just have to look around at my lfs they always have tons. im seting up my tank so it can have a mandarin first im prety sure i have enough copepods i got the lr from someones tank its been in there for 2 1/2 years but just in case im building a fuge in the back and puting live ones in it


Yes I did! They are easily the most beautiful of the clowns.
Here is a pic of my maroon and goby swimming together.


They are!
Still fighting stupid diatom algae...grrrrr.
My anemone also moved yesterday and he is getting huge. I am going to have to trade him in soon. He has grown so much in the few months I have had him. I am looking for a tiny sebae and I might even give another bubble a try.


I splurged today and bought:
hammer coral frag
frogspawn frag
blue ricordea frag
Already in my tank is a torch coral frag, a ton of zoas, and some yellow polyps.


My haitian got pretty big very fast and started to move so I traded him in:( I didn't want that big guy to sting all of my corals.
My local LFS has only a few anems so I made the drive to the nearby town and purchased this tiny little fellow:

It is a beautiful little rba. It is stunning and was healthy at the LFS. I dripped acclimated and put him in my tank and he is doing great! I was a bit weary since my gba, my first anem purchase, died almost instantly. But, this one has already attached itself and has already accept food!


chaseter, let me ask you something... have you upgraded your lights for the anemones.... ive been dying to buy one but everyone on this site seems to think that my lights wont be strong enough...


No I have not. I bought a gbta and it died the day I bought it. I then went out and got a haitian and it thrived in my tank. It got nearly double its size, regained all its color, and was doing good but it got too big so I had to trade it in. I just got this rbta and from what I have read, the lighting in the biocubes are fine and they do fine if they are up near the top. However, I plan on upgrading to a bigger/better tank next year so better lights cannot hurt it. But, I would think with long term care, you would want to upgrade so that it will thrive.
Plus, I believe bubble tips and haitians are less demanding for high lighting than anems like the ritteri.