Check this Bad Boy out!


Hello all. Found this guy weaving in and out of my LR. Need to know if he/she can stay or relocate it. Right now he's in my reef tank. It's app. 1 foot long and 3/8" wide. I believe it's a Bristle Worm. Help me out. Thanks.:scared:


New Member
looks like a big bristle worm to me i have a few smaller ones in my tank and got them out right away they like to eat clames and feather dusters and they might start to prey on your fish get him out i knowmits a sad thing to do but if you have another tank you might might to put him in it all by himself he and your fish will be happy with that


New Member
i would not like to take a chance on what it is the best thing to do is get him out of your tank they come in live rock and they could do damage to your set up good luck with what ever you want to do


Active Member
rasin.. bristleworms are not near has bad as you make them out to be.. they are for the most part 100% harmless and a good part of your cleanup crew. alot of people on here will agree that they are more of a good thing than a bad thing.. and if you can show me full proof that a bristleworm tracked down and attacked a fish that was in perfect health, i'd be glad to see it...


New Member
:thinking: bristle worms are scavengers and predators they sift through the detritus searching for algea and morsels of fodd but they can also attack living prey such as clams, tubeworms, sessile invertebrates and fish that lock themselfs into crevices at night. large specimens are capable of biting humans and even the smallest can produce a painful rash i have lost a few clams and tube worms to bristle worm also


Active Member
I haven't lost a thing in my tank from them. They eat leftofers in my tank and don't hurt a thing.


I haven't lost any fish .........yet. I do have a clam and 4 feather dusters, all fine. Think I'll keep him in my quarantine. Bang guy sounds like you think he's a keeper. Do tell. Thanks.


New Member
no matter what you decide to do i wish you all the luck but the best thing that you can do is try to find out what you can on bristle worms to make sure it is something that you want to keep in your tank i never said i was a expect but i try to find out every thing that i can on things i do not know and ask who ever i can i am learning as well as any one is best of luck


Scared the tar out of me. I was curious to see the nocturnal creatures everyone talks about on this message board. So Got a flashlight, covered it with a red gel , and began exploring. You would of thought jaws was coming to get me. I was shocked. When I took this photo the lights were actually on. Looked as if he was investigating some nori I threw in there for the inverts.


i have lots of bristle worms also and a clam with no problems, your clam was probably dieing and the bristleworms smelled that and came to clean up.


I had LFS give me some, because I was afraid I diddnt have any in my tank...they have been harmless so far. I rarely ever see them but I see the benefits of them daily. My LS is looked better everyday since I added them.
Just my 2 pennies worth...HTH

bang guy

the Eurythoe complanata is incapable of injuring anything that doesn't try to eat it. It won't eat clams, it won't eat fish, it couldn't even harm a Copepod.
It will eat the dead flesh off of injured or dying animals and it will make a quick meal of a dead clam or leftover fish food.
Removing it would be a bad mistake IMO.


Active Member
He's harmless and best left in the tank. I have two or three that are that big and tons of smaller ones. Never seen them eat anything that wasn't dead already. One of the benefits of bristle worms not mentioned here is they keep filter feeders fed by spawning frequently. They are good at sifting sand, eating leftover food and cleaning up after the other tank inhabitants, and keep to themselves.
Having a scavenger like that is also nice for when something dies in the tank - often they will pick it clean before it has a chance to rot and foul the tank (had a recent experience with a dead snail where this was the case).
I have a clam, many corals, fish, and shrimp and never experienced a bristle worm problem.

bang guy


Originally posted by Reef_Magic
does anyone know where i can buy a bristle worm?

We can't post links on this site. Feel free to e-mail me if you would like. My address is to the left.