Cindy Sheehan

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
It seems that you all seem to think that the only way we figured Bush was not the right person was from one source. Michael Moore.
I never stated that, however, much of your talking points came from his movie in your previous posts. You never gleaned one other source.
Originally Posted by keleighr

I watched the Debates between him and Kerry.
HE made no sense, strayed off the topics, repeated himself for for various questions.
HE also seemed to forget the point of why he was there.
As did Kerry with his constant pounding of "Worl coalition" in Iraq. Unfortunantley the majority of those he said he would bring in wanted and still want nothing to do with Iraq. So how was his plan feasible. It wasn't. I prefer a President that has faith in his own people and country to get a job done without having to constantly ask the countries that don't want in to "help". It shows that he has a bigger belief in our own people than the other guy.
There are many reasons why Bush is the worst person to be in power right now.
Again and I will keep repeating myself, it's funny how is willing to RISK our children but not his own.
Never once has he said in fornt of the press to his girls, Are you ready to die for your country? Because you know he's not and they are not.
The History channel ran a doc. on Recruiting for the services. This is where I learned that 38 out 0f 40 kids (cause they all 18-21) were in it for the college money. NOT because they had the calling to defend their country. So you might say they new what they were getting into but more were hoping to have a future with the College piece.
Kind of a sucky trade off.
Number one, you can not force your own family members to join the military. What his daughters have to do with the military I don't know. Number 2, show me one President in the last 100 years who's children served in ANY war they started or joined.
Number 3, there are MANY ways to get money for college.........the military wasn't their only option. When you sign up for the military you understand you may be fighting. That is YOUR JOB! That sounds cold, but it is the truth. It is like complaining you are working at Mcdonalds and have to flip the fries. That is your job. They could have easily got a loan, grant, did good in school and got a scholarship, or even worked somewhere else and saved the money. MANY OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
. If Bill Richardson would have ran, the Dem's would have had my vote.
That would have made it a hard choice for me. Richardson is a good guy as governor but then again so was Jimmy Carter.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
That would have made it a hard choice for me. Richardson is a good guy as governor but then again so was Jimmy Carter.
You bring a valid point, But I have an advantage of living were Richardson reigns....he has done much here.....and recognizes the border threat as a reality far more than any other canidate I believe. He is also not one to "bash or blame". Just get the job done and done well.


Active Member
First of all.
I am going to apologize.....wait don't get excited............I stand by everything I said.
Yesterday was a horrible day and I used words on here to vent that shouldn't have been used.
Go to Fish Discussion only if you are interested in knowing why. Give your kids a hug is the thread I am talking about.
You even if Cindy Sheehan didn't raise her son she still carried him.
Men no offense but you have no idea what is like to carry a child. None.
I did say earlier in the forum that Cindy may be doing things the wrong way but to PArent's who have lost their children in this DON'T care how she does it. As long as someone else is right there with them saying and doing everyhting that they want to. She was just the mouth that opened the doors


Active Member
We're told the Bush administration isn't doing enough against the threat of terrorism in this country. HOWEVER, Mr. Gore said recently that global warming is a bigger threat than terrorism. :notsure:

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Farmboy
We're told the Bush administration isn't doing enough against the threat of terrorism in this country. HOWEVER, Mr. Gore said recently that global warming is a bigger threat than terrorism. :notsure:
Mr. Gore also invented the internet........


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I never stated that, however, much of your talking points came from his movie in your previous posts. You never gleaned one other source.
As did Kerry with his constant pounding of "Worl coalition" in Iraq. Unfortunantley the majority of those he said he would bring in wanted and still want nothing to do with Iraq. So how was his plan feasible. It wasn't. I prefer a President that has faith in his own people and country to get a job done without having to constantly ask the countries that don't want in to "help". It shows that he has a bigger belief in our own people than the other guy.
There are many reasons why Bush is the worst person to be in power right now.
Again and I will keep repeating myself, it's funny how is willing to RISK our children but not his own.
Never once has he said in fornt of the press to his girls, Are you ready to die for your country? Because you know he's not and they are not.
The History channel ran a doc. on Recruiting for the services. This is where I learned that 38 out 0f 40 kids (cause they all 18-21) were in it for the college money. NOT because they had the calling to defend their country. So you might say they new what they were getting into but more were hoping to have a future with the College piece.
Kind of a sucky trade off.
Number one, you can not force your own family members to join the military. What his daughters have to do with the military I don't know. Number 2, show me one President in the last 100 years who's children served in ANY war they started or joined.
Number 3, there are MANY ways to get money for college.........the military wasn't their only option. When you sign up for the military you understand you may be fighting. That is YOUR JOB! That sounds cold, but it is the truth. It is like complaining you are working at Mcdonalds and have to flip the fries. That is your job. They could have easily got a loan, grant, did good in school and got a scholarship, or even worked somewhere else and saved the money. MANY OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE!!
Ok I guess since I ahvebeen poor most of my life I can honestly tell you that when you are from the aren't going to get a loan.........tried getting a single mom made too much $$$.............McDonald's isn't going to pay the Tuition to any Good college, let alone the books and everything else you need to pay brother worked three jobs to go to school. Guess what he is 38 and STILL going............wonder why.....


38 out 0f 40 kids (cause they all 18-21) were in it for the college money. NOT because they had the calling to defend their country.
I would think that at the age of 18, they would recognize the possibility that they may be called to serve. At least they are accepting their responsibility and the agreement they made. It is unfair to expect the Army to pay for your education for nothing in return.
I think it is sad how Cindy has just been dropped
We can thank Katrina, Rita, Wilma, earthquakes in Pakistan, Japan, and let us not forget the disenfranchized youths in

for Cindy falling by the wayside.


Active Member
MolaMola said:
I would think that at the age of 18, they would recognize the possibility that they may be called to serve. At least they are accepting their responsibility and the agreement they made. It is unfair to expect the Army to pay for your education for nothing in return.
I don't think that expected to do nothing in return, I truly think they didn't expect to die.
Can you remeber back when you were that old? (maybe some of you are there now) Man I thought nothing could touch me.
We can thank Katrina, Rita, Wilma, earthquakes in Pakistan, Japan, and let us not forget the disenfranchized youths in

for Cindy falling by the wayside.
Yeah and looked how that got handled.


Active Member
How many times have we seen pro-american Iraqi people on TV? How about pro-american anything. We get this poor grieving woman propped up as the "anti-war" movement leader.

I had no idea about the rest of the family. How the dad raised him in a 2cd marriage. :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
First of all.
I am going to apologize.....wait don't get excited............I stand by everything I said.
Yesterday was a horrible day and I used words on here to vent that shouldn't have been used.
Go to Fish Discussion only if you are interested in knowing why. Give your kids a hug is the thread I am talking about.
You even if Cindy Sheehan didn't raise her son she still carried him.
Men no offense but you have no idea what is like to carry a child. None.
I did say earlier in the forum that Cindy may be doing things the wrong way but to PArent's who have lost their children in this DON'T care how she does it. As long as someone else is right there with them saying and doing everyhting that they want to. She was just the mouth that opened the doors

Sorry it is actually posted in the Aquarium


you make some good points. i still dissagre though
i stand corrected about house arrest. but was not necessarily speaking about house arrest. are they able to do this after you serve your time? that's what i was basically inferring to.
this war is being fought by a lot of reserves who had well paying jobs and first responders in the states. i don't think the reserves have miltary housing. this is not sarcasm, i just don't know. these are the families i am talking about.
this is a different type of war that ww2. i won't get int that because i may be going over my head with some one who is/been in the military (respectfully). our enemy blends in with the general population and is hard to tell who is who.
there certianly is room for all to be blamed. as i said before, the dems are to blame because they did not stand up to the principles of the democratic party. they did not stand up to the rush to war because it was election time and they were shaking in their boots if they appeared to be, as bush and other hard liners would say, unpatriotic. sad to say that i am a democrat. my party has abandoned me. the republican party is hijacked by the christian right. we both need to get our parties back to get civility in our government.
i trust the casualty rates you stated. i'm curious if the ratio of death to battles fought, and insurgent attacks was figured into these stats. it is true that we have one of the best military forces in the world with the highest technology used and that has cut down our casualty rate.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
Ok I guess since I ahvebeen poor most of my life I can honestly tell you that when you are from the aren't going to get a loan.........tried getting a single mom made too much $$$.............McDonald's isn't going to pay the Tuition to any Good college, let alone the books and everything else you need to pay brother worked three jobs to go to school. Guess what he is 38 and STILL going............wonder why.....

Scholarships aren't affected by monetary means. They are affected by grades and how well you did in High school. A loan is difficult, but a grant is not. The government and many other organizations hand out grants. The grant may not pay the whole thing, but a part-time job will easily supplement it. My family was by no means blessed with a money tree. My dad retired military, got his pention check for twenty years service. He worked security starting at 6.25 an hour throughout my high school. My mom got a job for one year. We maybe made a total of 35,000 a year in a good year from all income sources. I applyed for grants, scholarships, and loans. I got most of what I applied. I didn't take them in the end for personal reasons. But it can be done, even at a poverty level. This was in the 90's.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by rpick
you make some good points. i still dissagre though
i stand corrected about house arrest. but was not necessarily speaking about house arrest. are they able to do this after you serve your time? that's what i was basically inferring to.
this war is being fought by a lot of reserves who had well paying jobs and first responders in the states. i don't think the reserves have miltary housing. this is not sarcasm, i just don't know. these are the families i am talking about.
this is a different type of war that ww2. i won't get int that because i may be going over my head with some one who is/been in the military (respectfully). our enemy blends in with the general population and is hard to tell who is who.
there certianly is room for all to be blamed. as i said before, the dems are to blame because they did not stand up to the principles of the democratic party. they did not stand up to the rush to war because it was election time and they were shaking in their boots if they appeared to be, as bush and other hard liners would say, unpatriotic. sad to say that i am a democrat. my party has abandoned me. the republican party is hijacked by the christian right. we both need to get our parties back to get civility in our government.
i trust the casualty rates you stated. i'm curious if the ratio of death to battles fought, and insurgent attacks was figured into these stats. it is true that we have one of the best military forces in the world with the highest technology used and that has cut down our casualty rate.

With most people after they serve time for a henious act the get paroled, They are still subject to the same scrutiny from local law enforcement and their Parole officer....IE> random drug checks and house searches.
The casualty ratios are including everything from the beginning till now. So everything is included.
As far as WW2 goes, I agree it is different so harder to compare....but different in a lot of ways. Mainly, the mindset and what was acceptable.
You are correct about reservists. But in defense to that they knew they could still get called to war. They also took the job as a "part-time" job. So the benefits are less.....I however disagree with this during a time of war. I won't blame this administartion for some of the mistreatments I see to our military. It has been getting worse since Reagan left office. Bush is not solely to blame for this and it is hard to get things reveresed once accepted.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by rpick
al gore never said he invented it. he said that he helped create it.
If you help create something, do you not infact help invent it if it has never been made before? Just asking...seems the same thing to me.


Active Member
This thread could go on and on.
Nobody is going to change their minds on how they feel about Cindy Sheehan nor Bush.
is all we will be doing

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
This thread could go on and on.
Nobody is going to change their minds on how they feel about Cindy Sheehan nor Bush.
is all we will be doing

I disagree. While no one's mind may be changed, this thread has helped me get an understanding of why people have their views( when expressed properly). I have also shown RPick some different things and he understands a bit more. He may still disagree as a whole, but he has more information now than previously and a greater understanding of someone else's view. This is what makes our country so great...You can disagree and yet still RESPECT the other's opinion and concede points. It gets us closer to an agreeable understanding without causing conflict thus resulting ijn a solution all can live with..............
Now if only we can get our politicians to do that.