Cindy Sheehan


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I am not the one who calls people who disagree with me idiots in posts, but I will respond when someone does and directs it at me. You go ahead and follow your leaders blindly. Maybe by the time you are old enough to drive you will have enough sense not to believe everything you hear.
I voted for Bush twice and if he could run again and the dems put up the same class of candidate they did in this election I would vote for him again.
I am done with you 2
Happy reefing:)

BYE then
I new you were STUPID!!!
TWICE you voted for a man who could give a care about you.
I am probably older than you that's why I know not to follow a MORON!
I have three children and I hope to he** that they don't have to ever go to War for some dumba**


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I am not the one who calls people who disagree with me idiots in posts, but I will respond when someone does and directs it at me. You go ahead and follow your leaders blindly. Maybe by the time you are old enough to drive you will have enough sense not to believe everything you hear.
I voted for Bush twice and if he could run again and the dems put up the same class of candidate they did in this election I would vote for him again.
I am done with you 2
Happy reefing:)

ONE I never actually DIRECTED anything at you.
TWO not my fault you were an idiot and voted for Bush.


Active Member
There you go assuming again :D Yeah, me and a majority of the country are stupid just cause we disagree with you. Hope that gets you through the night.
As long as you want to get personal... Never mind, your not worth it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
There you go assuming again :D Yeah, me and a majority of the country are stupid just cause we disagree with you. Hope that gets you through the night.
As long as you want to get personal... Never mind, your not worth it.

Man you are stupid
Quit talking.
I am worth it!!
GO join up...........your Commander in cheif needs you!


cool pic mudplayer,
for those that watch fox new, let me tell you a few things. some may already know this.
the owner of fox news is rupert murdock. he own a hughe portion of the media market. roughly 38%. his goal is to control the media.
he hired roger ails to run the fox new station. roger ails ran bush senior's presidential campaign against dukakas. he is the one who engineered the 'willie thorton ad' (smear campaign).
bill 'shut up' o'rielly is a pathological liar who makes up facts. he has been proven wrong on may occaisions.
sean hannity, a man who doen't let facts get in the way.
rush limbaugh, a drug addict who thinks you can kick the habit after 6 weeks. 6 weeks may flush your system, but it does not address the root cause of his addiction. i can bet that he is back on the drugs. another one who makes up facts like 'the majority of minimum wage workers are teens. not true. the majority are single moms and people desperate for a job.
websites like drudge report, newmax get their information from republican talking points.
i'm putting myself out on a lib and say the report about cindy sheehan was on one of these web sites or fox news. the socalled 'liberal media' tries not to report smears as fact.
consider the source of you news. i don't read newspapers. i watch the tv news, then go on the internet and read the real news where you get more detail instead of convenient sound bites.
sean hannity, a person who doesn't let facts get in the way of his commentary.
both sides can be biased in their reporting but what the video 'outfoxed'. it has real clips of how they distort the news.


here's a little know fact:
the 'no child left behind' bill has a little known provision in it. all districts who take fedreal money are REQUIRED to hand over student records to military recruiters. students are being harrased and pressured to enlist.
you can stop this by filling out and 'opt-out form' that should be available at the high schools recruiters go to.


Active Member
Please do not resort to calling people "idiots" or other names. This board has had some issues with children running rampant and it will not be tolerated.
Either discuss and disagree like adults who live in a free country and, I would assume, are smart enough to actually DISCUSS issues instead of name calling. People who resort to name calling, IMO, do not have facts on their side and so can't debate. It doesn't mean they are wrong, it means they need to go work on their confidence.
If you can not disagree and debate like adults, the thread will be closed.

darth tang

Active Member
This debate has gone downhill quickly. Much like I see our country, unfortunantley. There is no need for name calling on either side.
Let me explain.
First and for most, when congress voted on this war the motion passed by a great margin. In fact, a much higher margin than when congress voted for the first gulf war. Why aren't those that voted for the action of war that now are in the media voicing their "concerns" and screaming it was wrong being chastized? Of those that voted on this action, only roughly 25 oppossed it, yet they are not the ones in front of the cameras saying I told you so. It is Kerry, Kennedy, Boxer, and those that said, "Yes, we need to do something about this.".
Ok, now let's put it in simple terms.
Saddam was under house arrest. In this country House arrest allows the authority at any given time to search your home because you committed a crime. So at any given time the inspectors can search anywhere hussein lives or controls without hinderance. He was TOLD to provide proof of disarmamnet. He never did......He could have easily showed the inspectors he was complying but he refused to. Once again, when placed on house arrest one must comply with authorities.
Not to mention.....Our country told Sadaam all he had to do was allow the inspectors the access they wanted and show proof of his compliance and it would be avoided. What did Hussein do? He sat there flipping the world off with the belief nothing would happen. Why? Because for 10 years he had been doing the very same thing with no reprecussions.
I hear it is all Bush's and his administrations fault. If you want to lay bl;ame at their feet, fine. But there is far more blame to throw around than there. Try blaming the world community for their ineptitude to contain and enforce that which they started. Blame the congress for saying, "Yeah, he is a problem we should deal with now." And not just the republican side, but the democrats now also....for they voted for it by a majority landslide.
I have to laugh when I hear the fox news biased crap. People, you discount Fox news, yet take the word of a guy that makes movies for profit. A guy that is at heart an entertainer and and artist. A guy that Complains about out sourcing jobs in this country, yet out sources his own movie to be produced to Canada.
Fox reports the SAME exact news as every other news channel. They have Opinion pieces and slots which is where O'reilly and Hannity fall in. Just like Cnn has their own Opinion pieces. The news itself is reported the same. You are complaining about the opinion side....which ALL news stations have and have a slant is opinion, not news.
People need to remember that.
Why is it articles are discounted by some just because the source may have a political leaning one way or the other. The article Mudplayer posted a few discounted for this reason. Does the source make it any less true? No, because if it was falsified or lies, the source could be sued for slander and lose more than they gain. Is it a bad report, no, it shows you another side of the mother that "cared so much" for her son and forces you to question her motives. People want Bush's motives questioned and use the same tactic and some of you are fine with it, but when it is used this way, the source sucks.
Have any of you ever had friends or family members that had family members or friends that committed a crime? Does this make you evil or bad for being friends with the family or friends of criminals? Does this make you a criminal? Try looking at Bush and the Saudi "connection" in that light and maybe you might wake up a bit.
Oh, and let me leave you with one more fact...In the last 100 years 80% of wars have had Oil as a focal point or incedental bonus.
I am not by any means Happy with Bush and his administration. But when you give someone a choice between Bush and a guy that has as many if not more contradictions coming out of his mouth, and questions about his beliefs or convictions, I had to choose Bush. If Bill Richardson would have ran, the Dem's would have had my vote.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Please do not resort to calling people "idiots" or other names. This board has had some issues with children running rampant and it will not be tolerated.
Either discuss and disagree like adults who live in a free country and, I would assume, are smart enough to actually DISCUSS issues instead of name calling. People who resort to name calling, IMO, do not have facts on their side and so can't debate. It doesn't mean they are wrong, it means they need to go work on their confidence.
If you can not disagree and debate like adults, the thread will be closed.
One I did not call anyone on here an Idiot. I called Bush an idiot. Since he is not on this message board and that is my opinion of him it's a little thing called Freedom of speech.
I also called the people who voted for him idiots too. Not my fauly he felt personnally attacked.
It's funny how you didn't address folks being called a moron.
Be fair. Stop picking one side.
If you are to be a Mod then you need to learn how to become Neutral, not one sided.
I notice you are allowed to Insult people left and right without anyone threatning you with bumping them or closing things out.
Politics ALWAYS bring out the worst in people as well as religion.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by rpick
i have the highest respect for our troops. when they join, they know what they're getting into and the risks. i feel that everyone coming out of highschool should be required to serve 2 years with the promise to pay for their college education. this will give them self respect, the opportunity for a good job and may even lower crime.
i support our troops. i want them to have the best equippment that our money can buy. why send our troops into battle with humvies with no armour plating, no clear mission, and not enough troops to keep the peace?
I don't buy this unprepared stuff some are spewing. You can look at the casualty to injury survival ratio and compare it to every other war and see only 1 in five wounded in combat die. Compared to other wars it was anywhere from 7 in 10 die to 2 out of 3 die. Apparently we are better prepared to prevent the death of our troops than ever before. In world war 2 we launched attacks with sub-par weaponry against Germany and Japan...and we lost a lot buy doing that. So if we were ill equiping our troops I would think the death to injury ration would be atleast equivalent to our best in the past wars intstead of far superior. Don't believe a google search on war injury to death ratios and casualties through American history.
The mission? Take out Hussein and his regime and aid in setting up a government in it's place for the Iraqi people. That seems pretty clear cut to me. Not enough troops to keep the peace? Once again, compare the casualty/death ratio of civilians per year in every other war previously....MUCH better.
Originally Posted by rpick
i support our troops. i want their spouses left behind to get breaks on their monthly bills since their income is cut in half. corporate america should support them with understanding that bills may be late because of this. they still need to pay but have it deffered.
i support our troops. i want them to get the best medical care that money can buy. i do not want their medical benefits cut and hospitals shut down.
Coming from a military family I can assure you those enlisted full-time have NO bills such as water, rent, and electricity. As they are supplied housing on base. So without sounding callous, the families don't worry about bills as they have very few. Most military families are close nit that if the unfortunant happens the family takes them in....however the government still provides a pention to the spouse.
Originally Posted by rpick

you cannot compare cindy sheehan with jane fonda. jane went to north vietnam and socialized with the enemy. she now realizes what she did. cindy sheehan wants to speak to bush, but since all of the reasons for being there are proven false, he cannot give her any answers. an honorable man would meet and talk even if they disagree. you can have a debate and still respect their view and THEN get on with your life. bush considers anyone that does not agree with him a traitor.

If everyone that demanded to speak with Bush about his policies got the chance to......Bush would be spending his entire day talking to civilians one on one. Think about it...she had her she any better than the other families that she deserves to talk with him more?


my apoligies to reefraff for not laying into keleighr for the same thing. i did not catch that.
calling the opposition names is the same thing as directing it to someone you debate.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
One I did not call anyone on here an Idiot. I called Bush an idiot. Since he is not on this message board and that is my opinion of him it's a little thing called Freedom of speech.
I also called the people who voted for him idiots too. Not my fauly he felt personnally attacked.
It's funny how you didn't address folks being called a moron.
Be fair. Stop picking one side.
If you are to be a Mod then you need to learn how to become Neutral, not one sided.
I notice you are allowed to Insult people left and right without anyone threatning you with bumping them or closing things out.
Politics ALWAYS bring out the worst in people as well as religion.
STOP IT!!! The mod addressed all name calling by adding "and other names." You were NOT singled out. Just because you have an issue with the mod in question does not mean the Mod is singling you out. I believe some one else used the "idiot" term before you anyway.......


Active Member
Darth Tang said:
This debate has gone downhill quickly. Much like I see our country, unfortunantley. There is no need for name calling on either side.
It seems that you all seem to think that the only way we figured Bush was not the right person was from one source. Michael Moore.
Totally and completely wrong.
Just type the name Bush into Google and trust me, Michael Moore isn't the only name that somes up that has information about him.
I watched the Debates between him and Kerry.
HE made no sense, strayed off the topics, repeated himself for for various questions.
HE also seemed to forget the point of why he was there.
What did his earplug fall out during half of it?? Did he lose connection to the person who was feeding him his answers?
There are many reasons why Bush is the worst person to be in power right now.
Again and I will keep repeating myself, it's funny how is willing to RISK our children but not his own.
Never once has he said in fornt of the press to his girls, Are you ready to die for your country? Because you know he's not and they are not.
The History channel ran a doc. on Recruiting for the services. This is where I learned that 38 out 0f 40 kids (cause they all 18-21) were in it for the college money. NOT because they had the calling to defend their country. So you might say they new what they were getting into but more were hoping to have a future with the College piece.
Kind of a sucky trade off.


Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
ONE I never actually DIRECTED anything at you.
TWO not my fault you were an idiot and voted for Bush.


One I did not call anyone on here an Idiot...Not my fauly he felt personnally attacked.
So glad you cleared that up...we must have mistaken your following words for "idiot."
Originally Posted by keleighr
BYE then I new you were STUPID!!!

Man you are stupid

So sorry you feel singled out.
I also called the people who voted for him idiots too
An Idiot that Voted for Bush...Twice :scared:


Active Member
I think it is sad how Cindy has just been dropped. I don't agree with her, but it is kinda pitiful. I saw a clip of a press conference where there were only 3 reporters with her in this big press room. Goes to show the media motive behind the coverage.