Clarion Angelfish


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Hello all...
As some of you know...I love angelfish. About a year ago, the restriction was lifted forbidding clarion angels to be imported. I know a LOT about please, no smartypants comments here. I know that Clarions feed off of parasites on manta rays in the wild, and I know that they are very prone to a type of vitamin a deficiency, and I also know that they are prone to ich and HLLE. I am aware that they require a lot of sponge and algae in their diets...and that TOO much protein is not good for them. They get about 8 inches FULL GROWN in the wild...therefore, I feel it would do quite well in the 55, if I buy it as a juvenile...and DONT WORRY, a 75 is on the way...hopefully within just a few months. I am prepared to spend up to 1,500 on this fish, and my brother in law's friend, who owns a fish store, has said he can get them for me for about 1,300. So, if there is anything you feel I should know regarding the care of this fish, please let me know. I have done my research, and am just looking for additional feedback. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
you better be 400% sure that you could keep it alive, imagine loosing a $1,300 fish...... it would be AWSOME if you could keep it alive though! good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
you better be 400% sure that you could keep it alive, imagine loosing a $1,300 fish...... it would be AWSOME if you could keep it alive though! good luck
Thanks...I am fully prepared to take the chance. This is my dream fish. I have about 5 years experience with the hobby, and have kept many angels in those 5 years. I am yet to lose one. I do not have any large angels right now...for I was only raising them for a friend of a family member with a 600 gallon aquarium. I will be sure to keep everyone updated, though it may be a while until I can get it...because they only show up every so often on the wholesaler's lists.


that is definatley a beutiful fish. i hope you succed because you might be one of a dozen people in the united states to own one of these. what are you planing to feed it if it eats parasites? oh and i'd keep it by itself if i were you because less chance for food competition and the whole tank is its territory. good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by nanocuber7
that is definatley a beutiful fish. i hope you succed because you might be one of a dozen people in the united states to own one of these. what are you planing to feed it if it eats parasites? oh and i'd keep it by itself if i were you because less chance for food competition and the whole tank is its territory. good luck

Well...that isn't the only thing it eats, but thank you for your concern. Thats like asking, what do you plan to feed a neon goby? I do not plan to have much else in the tank, but I may have a few other things in there. We'll have to see. Thanks for your advice!


Active Member
Probably just the 75. As you know, things aren't going well with my mom, so I might move back in with my dad....idk. But, then I obviously have to put up with his crap again. So, I have no idea...but I think I will just set the 75 up at my dads. We'll see....


Active Member
ok just curious. How at age 12 are you coming up with 1,300$$$
***) Thats crazy lol. Anyways regarding an angel like that, sonce there is limited quality, make sure the specimin is in good shape. as with tangs and such; the sick pr unhealthy die (ones that dont accept captivity..i know its sad) and the rest that are healthy and people buy. thing is with real rare fish like this is that you most likely wont be able to chose the most healthyist specimin Greatly put success to the numbers and luck. basicaly this one fish will be your success or downfall so it is a large risk even if you know what your doing. i hope for greaat success and good luck.


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Originally Posted by RUBBERDUCK
ok just curious. How at age 12 are you coming up with 1,300$$$
***) Thats crazy lol. Anyways regarding an angel like that, sonce there is limited quality, make sure the specimin is in good shape. as with tangs and such; the sick pr unhealthy die (ones that dont accept captivity..i know its sad) and the rest that are healthy and people buy. thing is with real rare fish like this is that you most likely wont be able to chose the most healthyist specimin Greatly put success to the numbers and luck. basicaly this one fish will be your success or downfall so it is a large risk even if you know what your doing. i hope for greaat success and good luck.
Travis, my parents are putting in 300 and the rest is being covered by my earnings from my paper route. I am one of the few 13 year olds who actually saves!! I realize this is a large risk, but its a risk that I am willing take. I will keep you updated, and thank you.


Active Member
ur lucky, your parents acctually let you spend the money you earn , the money i put in my bank account is savings for a car


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
ur lucky, your parents acctually let you spend the money you earn , the money i put in my bank account is savings for a car
I am very lucky. However, I have my money divided into three, fish tank, and car.


same for me half goes to the bank and the other half goes to my tank. but its cool to have a tank set up when your a kid


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer9006
by the way u have to post pics when you get it that fish is alsome. if i had 1500 bucks id buy that to.
Will do! It isn't FOR SURE that I will be getting it, I may change my mind, but I am very seriously considering. Just figured I'd ASK before I bought. And, I don't know when I will be getting it...depends when it comes in...and they're R A R E.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer9006
is that its juv. stage in the pic.
That picture is actually a sub-adult.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Emperor11
That picture is actually a sub-adult.

Are they related to Queen angels?