Clarion Angelfish


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Originally Posted by corbin1234
japan is got some good fish-would much rather have him
Nah...I've decided on the Clarion....


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Originally Posted by fedukeford
i vote the japanese one! much prettier
i happen to agree. the other one, although very very very pretty, just looks like a flame with blue instead of black. Dont get me wrong, tis still amazing looking, but the japanese angle i think is more unique.
PS: good luck with the fish taht expensive! maybe i should quit my job at the library and get a paper route!


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Originally Posted by fishieness
i happen to agree. the other one, although very very very pretty, just looks like a flame with blue instead of black. Dont get me wrong, tis still amazing looking, but the japanese angle i think is more unique.
PS: good luck with the fish taht expensive! maybe i should quit my job at the library and get a paper route!
A valid point! But, I am still pretty sure I will go with the clarion. But, we'll see. And, keep your job at the library. I've been saving up for years, plus, there are a LOT of disadvantages to having a paper route. IT SUCKS. And thank you for your kind words.


Active Member
IMHO, that's just too many restrictions, obstacles and worries for any fish...whether it's $13 or $1300.
The problematic examples that you gave, in your first post, are almost certainly too much for extremely experianced fish keepers...15 - 20 years in the hobby...let alone someone as young as yourself.
From an outside point of view, I think you need to seriously reconsider your choice. You're looking at a 90% chance you're going to lose $1300.
This is a fish that deserves to be left in the wild.


srry to all those guys who dont think this fish is a good choice but it looks alsome.
adding that it is a hard fish to keep if he can you know how good that feel to be able to wake up and see thank in your tank. everyone has felt that with at least one fish or you havent gotten any fish you want.
to say i have seceeding in keeping this fish that only a handful of people have is alsome and i hope you go for it and have no regreats at all :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Emperor11, I not had read over the responses you gotten here, but if it wasn't mentioned, even at 8" in a 75 is not large enough tank for this fish, it really needs lots of space if it is to survive long term.
Myself, I am up in the air what to get the Clarion Angelfish (Pair) in which my cost may be about $2,500 and they would be in a 240. So you not only need to be concern of its diet in captivity, but tank size as well with high water quality.
I see you saying you know this and that of the Clarion and a real main factor is tank size and I no believe that telling you this is being of anything like a crack pot. And one other thing as well as a larger tank size, also this tank would had to been well established for if I do decide in getting this angel, my reef tanks would by that time aged 10 months to a year.


I am sorry, please excuse (ignore) my response for I not realised one other had answered this post.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Emperor11
Which do you guys like better?
I like the could get a pair for that price and they would be much more comfortable in your 75. I agree that your tank should be mature before adding any angel. I would'nt put one in until the 8-10 month mark. Good luck with whatever you decide..and keep us posted!


Active Member
Thank you guys, for your quick responses. I think I will wait for my dream fish, the Clarion, until I am older, with more experience, with a bigger tank, because I want what is best for this incredible fish. Do you all think a Japanese Pygmy would do okay? Also, promisetbg...I couldn't find a picture of the angel you were talking about. Could you post a pic of one, if you get the chance?
Thank you to all,


Active Member
Okay's what I'm thinking, let me know if you think I'm wrong. My choices are Japanese Pygmy or Majestic Angel. The Majestic only gets 7" max in the WILD, and a yellow tang gets 9". People say you can keep a yellow tang in a 75, so wouldn't I be able to keep a majestic in a 75? Let me know....


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Originally Posted by promisetbg
I'm mistake..I meant to say Interruptus..that is the japanese pygmy.

Ahh...thank you for the clear up.


Active Member
Alrighty guys, well, I have decided against the Clarion, for I want what is best for this fish. Yes, its my dream fish, but I feel it deserves a bigger tank than I can provide, and I think I could use a little more experience...I have kept many angels, but I feel that even 5 years experience isn't enough for a fish with that price tag. I have also decided against the Interruptus angel (japanese pygmy) because after looking at several pictures, some are very pretty, and others are awful, and being as rare as they are, if I ordered one, there's a 50/50 chance of it being a good specimen. I am thinking a Majestic, anybody have any ideas for me?


from what i've heard the japanese is a very hardy fish. they take to almost any food and they stay small. i think one would be very happy in a 75. and i've heard that sometimes you can get them for as low as $600 mabye. i also think you be better off with the japanese anglefish because if you going to spen 1500 on a fish you should be sure you don't have their minimum tank requirement. you want the to be happy and stress free.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nanocuber7
from what i've heard the japanese is a very hardy fish. they take to almost any food and they stay small. i think one would be very happy in a 75. and i've heard that sometimes you can get them for as low as $600 mabye. i also think you be better off with the japanese anglefish because if you going to spen 1500 on a fish you should be sure you don't have their minimum tank requirement. you want the to be happy and stress free.

Thanks for the info! I'll certainly look into him.