Clarion Angelfish


Active Member
Emperor 11, are you geek? I think you should hold off on the clarion, I'm 15 and 1300$ is ALOT of money for a fish...I thought my 180$ bluespot was a lot. Since you know ALOT about angels, i think, I have a 95gal which I'm going reef with soon, I was going to do a pair of flames, but now I'm wondering if there is any big angel that I could keep, in the tank are a pair of ocellaris clowns, cleaner shrimp, bluespot jawfish, and a royal gramma. I plan on getting a bicolor blenny, and either a flame angel and a kole tang, or just one BIG angel. BTW No hijack intended, I just thought this way I could get YOUR opinion


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yimmy
Emperor 11, are you geek? I think you should hold off on the clarion, I'm 15 and 1300$ is ALOT of money for a fish...I thought my 180$ bluespot was a lot. Since you know ALOT about angels, i think, I have a 95gal which I'm going reef with soon, I was going to do a pair of flames, but now I'm wondering if there is any big angel that I could keep, in the tank are a pair of ocellaris clowns, cleaner shrimp, bluespot jawfish, and a royal gramma. I plan on getting a bicolor blenny, and either a flame angel and a kole tang, or just one BIG angel. BTW No hijack intended, I just thought this way I could get YOUR opinion
Yes siree bob. I am going to hold off on the clarion anyway, because I was informed that the restriction on them WAS NOT was a hoax. GRR. LOL. You could EASILY get a majestic angelfish in with all those fish in a 95 gallon, or you could do a flagfin, regal, blueface, blue-ring, blueline, asfur, or rock beauty. However, the Majestic is one of the more reef safe big angels. 95% of the time, they are reef safe with EVERYTHING. Clams, LPS, SPS, zoos, shrooms, whatever...they're usually fine. Shedd's aquarium has one in a full blown reef. Oh, and don't worry, you're not hijacking the thread. I never mind helping people out with angels! If you have any questions about large or dwarf angels, let me know, or email me at If you have AIM my screen name is TecFrk808. BTW, to prove my point, here are a few pics with a majestic, an ADULT majestic I might add, in a full reef.



Active Member
As I said before, the Majestic can USUALLY be kept with anything you want. Plus, they're very peaceful, shy at they don't have the normal "boisterous" angel attitude. I have chosen all the angels I posted pics of, for their size. They all stay 10" or under, which would be fine in a 95. The Majestic only gets 7-8, as well as the regal, and the asfur only gets 6. The others, besides the majestic, can be kept in reefs with some guidelines. They are fine with softies (except SOMETIMES zoanthids), and they are also fine with SPS. However, LPS are meaty, and will most likely be eaten. However, many times you can buy small frags of LPS corals and find out what they will and won't eat. The Rock Beauty requires a LOT of sponge in its diet, so purchasing that angel formula, made of 80% sponge, would be a good idea. And buying cheap feeder sponges from your LFS every 6 months would be good as well. It takes them a while to eat the entire sponge. The attitudes of the angels in those pics range from very peaceful, to very boisterous. They are all peaceful, except for the bluering. Oh, and the Regal is also many times reef safe!


that sux with the clarion but i was wondering about the regal. they heve one at my lfs but i dont think my tank is big enough. its a 55g.
i should be getting a 250g soon if everything goes right. that should be big enough.
well my question is are they hard to take care of. im still not sure if i want a reef or an aggresive tank if i get the 250g. are they like most angles or do they need special care.
srry about taking your thread
by they way i cant beleive how young you r with so much knowlegde u have and have been doing this for 5 years. if i would try as hard in school as you with fish i would have As


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Hey Adam, still waiting for my refund. Remember $50.
Hey Barry! How have you been? Listen, I just wanted to apologize for my rudeness in the past. I feel terrible, I was a huge jerk. I went to the post office repeatedly, as you know, and filed the claim, they said I did it wrong, yada, yada, yada, brought it back, nothing ever happened. I'm so sick of it. However, I need you to see my point of view. I had shipped corals like that MANY times before. Not a single problem. I think that when that box got crunched (not my problem), the bags leaked. They were like triple bagged, if I remember right. I packaged everything exactly how you told me to. I used those mugs, I didn't realize you couldn't. They said thermos, and thats what u said to use. I had never seen the other kind, until you threw a fit about it. I'm sorry this didn't work out, really I am, but I have no money. My mom won't even let me take out money out of the bank now. I've learned my lesson, trading things online is a dangerous never know what might happen in transit. I don't know what to do, I have no money...and neither do my parents. They're getting divorced, which has been another reason I haven't gotten back to you. I rarely have access to a computer. I just want to get this BEHIND ME! I'm never doing any business with the PO again. I hate them so much. Email me at so we don't hijack the thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer9006
that sux with the clarion but i was wondering about the regal. they heve one at my lfs but i dont think my tank is big enough. its a 55g.
i should be getting a 250g soon if everything goes right. that should be big enough.
well my question is are they hard to take care of. im still not sure if i want a reef or an aggresive tank if i get the 250g. are they like most angles or do they need special care.
srry about taking your thread
by they way i cant beleive how young you r with so much knowlegde u have and have been doing this for 5 years. if i would try as hard in school as you with fish i would have As

Yeah, I'm ticked about the whole thing with the Clarion. A small regal would do just fine in a 55g, granted you get that 250 within a year FOR SURE. Don't worry, you didn't take my thread. It would not do well in a aggressive tank, so if you buy one, plan on a reef, or a peaceful fish only. As far as difficulty, they aren't a beginners fish by any means. They can be difficult to acclimate, though once acclimated they're indestructible. You will need to keep your water quality and feed it a varied diet filled with mysid, formula 1, formula 2, angel formula, and other high quality foods. If you do choose to get one, be sure to get a red sea or an indian ocean specimen. Not only are they better colored, but they do better in captivity. And, thank you..I love fish. I love this hobby. It started out just helping my brother in law out, and now I have my own tank and volunteer at my LFS.


Active Member
Hey, Barry...since I have no money right now...I am prepared to make you a GREAT deal. I will give you two Atari's. Thats right...the old ones. One being a darth vader edition, the other being regular. They have the joystick controllers and are in perfect working condition. I have about 20 games or so for it as well...this is worth a TON of money. A lot more than 50 bucks thats for sure. Or I have the original Odyssea, which doesn't work, but is worth a lot, or I have an original playstation, or a sega dreamcast, or a sega genesis. Oh, and the ataris also have the paddles for pong. Let me know.


ya well the one they have is at the lfs i work at. it is from that part of the world it has the yellow belly wnd not the grey one. it is a little big. probely pushing 4-5 in so im not sure about that one. im also not sure about the 250g probley can get it cheap from this guy i know who want to get a 500g and combine his 2 150 and 250. but setting it up will cost alot and i need to buy a car and pay for insuance so i might stick with my 55g unless something opens up but thanks for the help


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer9006
ya well the one they have is at the lfs i work at. it is from that part of the world it has the yellow belly wnd not the grey one. it is a little big. probely pushing 4-5 in so im not sure about that one. im also not sure about the 250g probley can get it cheap from this guy i know who want to get a 500g and combine his 2 150 and 250. but setting it up will cost alot and i need to buy a car and pay for insuance so i might stick with my 55g unless something opens up but thanks for the help
If it has a yellow belly, its from either the red sea or the indian ocean, which is very good. Its a little big, I wouldn't purchase this one, unless you can GUARANTEE that 250 will be here by next year this time. If you see a small red sea regal on the order list at the LFS you work at, order it...keep an eye on it...if you've had it a month and its eating well...take it home. It can do fine in a 55 for a couple years, if you buy it at like 2". JMO


Active Member
Wait, let me see if I understand what you were saying to hot883. You don't have money to refund him $50 for corals that he paid you for that died in shipment. However, you had the money to spend $1300 or $1500 on a rare angelfish. Something is a little contradictory there. I don't want to jump in your problem with hot883, but you posted it in a public forum. The guy deserves his money.
Also, you say you have not been able to get to a computer lately. Well, how do you explain having a post every single day since March 13? That is also a little contradictory. I think hot883 is right when he said you are trying to avoid him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Emperor11
Hey Barry! How have you been? Listen, I just wanted to apologize for my rudeness in the past. I feel terrible, I was a huge jerk. I went to the post office repeatedly, as you know, and filed the claim, they said I did it wrong, yada, yada, yada, brought it back, nothing ever happened. I'm so sick of it. However, I need you to see my point of view. I had shipped corals like that MANY times before. Not a single problem. I think that when that box got crunched (not my problem), the bags leaked. They were like triple bagged, if I remember right. I packaged everything exactly how you told me to. I used those mugs, I didn't realize you couldn't. They said thermos, and thats what u said to use. I had never seen the other kind, until you threw a fit about it. I'm sorry this didn't work out, really I am, but I have no money. My mom won't even let me take out money out of the bank now. I've learned my lesson, trading things online is a dangerous never know what might happen in transit. I don't know what to do, I have no money...and neither do my parents. They're getting divorced, which has been another reason I haven't gotten back to you. I rarely have access to a computer. I just want to get this BEHIND ME! I'm never doing any business with the PO again. I hate them so much. Email me at so we don't hijack the thread.
Wait, let me see if I understand what you were saying to hot883. You don't have money to refund him $50 for corals that he paid you for that died in shipment. However, you had the money to spend $1300 or $1500 on a rare angelfish. Something is a little contradictory there. I don't want to jump in your problem with hot883, but you posted it in a public forum. The guy deserves his money.
Also, you say you have not been able to get to a computer lately. Well, how do you explain having a post every single day since March 13? That is also a little contradictory. I think hot883 is right when he said you are trying to avoid him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Wait, let me see if I understand what you were saying to hot883. You don't have money to refund him $50 for corals that he paid you for that died in shipment. However, you had the money to spend $1300 or $1500 on a rare angelfish. Something is a little contradictory there. I don't want to jump in your problem with hot883, but you posted it in a public forum. The guy deserves his money.
Also, you say you have not been able to get to a computer lately. Well, how do you explain having a post every single day since March 13? That is also a little contradictory. I think hot883 is right when he said you are trying to avoid him.
WOAH...I was going to get the Clarion out of my bank account, but now my parents are making me save for college, because we have a lot less money than we used to. I KNOW he deserves his money, he's a good guy. Thats why I'm making him such a good deal on those rare video game systems...its all I can do. And, please...this is our problem, and respectively, please stay out of it.
I have been on at school...I'm not trying to avoid Hot883 at all! And I know I haven't been on EVERY day...because on the weekends I am with my brother in law with NO computer AT ALL. I'm doing what I can! Thats why I'm hoping he's interested in some rare video game systems...that are worth more than 50 bucks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by peter1215
hey emperor11
please check your yahoo email . i just sent you an email regarding angel fish. thanks
Which one did u send it to? I have so many...LOL. All for different uses. I've been using lately, so if you could, please send it to that one, or let me know which one you sent it to.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Wait, let me see if I understand what you were saying to hot883. You don't have money to refund him $50 for corals that he paid you for that died in shipment. However, you had the money to spend $1300 or $1500 on a rare angelfish. Something is a little contradictory there. I don't want to jump in your problem with hot883, but you posted it in a public forum. The guy deserves his money.
Also, you say you have not been able to get to a computer lately. Well, how do you explain having a post every single day since March 13? That is also a little contradictory. I think hot883 is right when he said you are trying to avoid him.
lion crazz ,, hes trying to fix the problem now... and with all due respect... its none of your business, its between them two
hes making him an awesome offer with the old video games... if hot883 took the videogames he could probably make upwards of 100 dollarsor so


Hey Emperor, is it only a good idea to get regals if theyre eating well and look healthy at a lfs or should they just be avoided?