clean up crew is in the house!


Active Member
I hope somebody gets on to answer this here before it's too late, but one of my snails died. I've been watching the little bugger since last evening, suspicious, and man it sure looks like he's gone.
Should I take him out of there, or will the crew take care of things? I don't want my water levels to go whacko (don't know if that'll happen with a snail). I think he's a turbo, his shell looks kind of like a green and white cylinder, about the size of a quarter.
Appreciate responses...
As always,
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
If you have Astrea snails you will have to right them, the rest should be ok.
The atreas i got from have all righted themselves. I did help one or two that fell into rubble(wedged). The rest did ok. THey just need some time. or maybe the crabs helped them. . . hmm. . .


Active Member
I'm talking about a snail that was in the tank a few days before I put my crew in. He's definitely met his demise (RIP
), and I was just wondering if I should take him out, leave him in for someone else to get his shell (don't know if there would be interest there), or what, if anything, leaving him in will do to my water levels.
Thanks again.
Lisa :happyfish


I've had 3, maybe 4 now, snails die in my tank and I didn't remove them right away. My tank parameters stayed fine, although when I pulled them out the first couple of days. When I smelled it and it started to reek, that's when I removed it and threw it away.


Active Member
Thanks malousbury,
I'm planning on my weekly partial water change on Sunday, will it be ok, do you think, to wait til then? I think it just died yesterday, as I only noticed him not moving late last evening.
Advice appreciated,
Lisa :happyfish


He might not be dead, it's not unusual for them to just stop moving for a few days. If you can pick him up (he's not stuck to the glass or something) see if he smells bad.


Active Member
Thanks a lot E-Bob, I'll just leave it then because the snail is still stuck to the glass in a spot that I haven't been able reach with the algea sponge (too big), getting a new one that I can use in all areas. I'm thinking he just gorged himself to sleep for a couple of days...Ahh, reminiscent of Thanksgiving Days past ...

Thanks loads, I feel better.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Thanks loads, that makes me feel better. I don't want to lose any of my critters, they're just all so cool. And besides, that would get me to wondering why, tearing the tank apart and all that stuff...I'm happier when I can just look. :yes:
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
HI Lisa!
It will fall if it is dead, and your water will start to smell if you don't remove it. When in doubt do a sniff mistaking dead sea critters.
How exciting, a pair of clowns in your future! Are you doing false percs? The clowns are so cute the way they wiggle all over the tank. Sounds like a great time will be had by you and the birthday girl in a couple of weeks.


I think the reason snails die is a change in salinity. I think I may be having a problem because they're from the LFS for one, and I have a nano which is a little harder to keep the salinity at one set point because evaporation.


Active Member
Yeah, we've been looking so forward to that weekend for SO LONG...can't wait!!!
We're not really sure what kind of clowns we want to get, but we do know that we want to make sure they're healthy and eating. Do you know if there's anything else we need to check for before we leave the LFS? I just want to make sure that we aren't disappointed when we get home. OH, and I'm going to show my daughter how to drip acclimate for when she gets her own tank. She's as excited about this hobby as I am... :jumping:
Thanks Fishmamma,
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Hi Lisa
According to my Clownfishes book Clarkii's are the most hardy, but many LFS stock tank raised False Percula or Ocellaris Clowns which are also very hardy. Best to buy tank raised when possible. Also if you are getting a pair if it is possible get one fish that is larger than the other- this may make the pairing process go more smoothly. I think a pair of False Perc's will also be nicer tank mates than a Maroon etc....So exciting, fishies soon! I love my clowns, they are so cute. The female bullies the heck out of the male at feeding time and when she comes near he 'quivers' so she will have mercy on him. She is getting so fat from hogging all the food. :yes:
Let me know how it goes at LFS! Oh, I should mention I also have found it helpful to test LFS water SG and pH. If they are close in numbers to your tank acclimation should be fairly easy. I have read that pH differences greater than two tenths can really stress out the fish. Good luck and have fun! :D


Lisa, yea your first fish! Are you getting them this weekend? Didn't read the hole thread. I found tank raised false percs. The ones in the pictures I showed you. The advice given to me was to try and find a pair already together in a tank. One should be smaller than the other, if possible. I asked the lfs to feed them so I could watch and they were glad to do it. They scrambled for the food. I didn't have problems at all with acclimation. I agree with fishmamma in that my female bullies my poor little male. Sometimes in the evening she'll just keep him in a corner. I really feel bad for him. But that passes and the next day they're swimming together again. They get along very well with the 6 line too. I'm so excited for you! Please post pics when you get them.


Fishmamma, I'm sorry I didn't see your post question about the 6 line moving in the tank. Yes, he moves all over the tank and he's the COOLEST thing. He litterally sqeezes into every nook and cranny of rock in the tank. He's so fun to watch. The clowns are fun to watch too cuz they're all over but not like Six. Also, If you should decide to get one beware, they make a cocoon at night to sleep in. When I got mine the next day I saw him at the bottom of the tank early the next morning and thought he was dead and something was trying to eat him. :eek: But that's what they do. I thought it was the neatest thing once I found out it was his normal thing. Ant.


Active Member
Well, that snail has definitely died, and I did a water test today and my ammonia is up a bit. I'm heating water right now for a partial water change. I ended finding ro/di water at wal-mart, very happy about that!! I'm going to take the snail out of the tank, but I was thinking of leaving the shell since the rest of my crew has already vacated the snail out of it. That should be OK, right?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Lisa- I don't see why not. I am sorry you lost a critter.
Ant- Very cool about Six. I think I may order one from this site. :jumping:


Active Member
I'm didn't plan on getting my first fishies until next weekend (got a nice gift cert. for mother's day), and it's my daughter's b-day. She's been so excited about this project that I'm going to get her a pair of clowns to put in MY tank (happy birthday to both of us!!). That is, IF, I can get my testing levels back to where they've been. I'm hoping that that the water change today is going to help get the ammonia down, and I'm taking the dead snail out...still waiting for the water to heat up enough to put in. Here's hoping...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I just did about a 15% water change in my tank. I also took out the powerheads and filter siphon and cleaned those off in the water that I removed from the tank, and I took my poor little deceased snail out. I sure hope this helps get my levels where they've been. The ammonia was up, but not much, just don't want to put fish in until levels are perfect.
Tell me what you think.
Lisa :happyfish