clean up crew is in the house!


Active Member
Lisa- In my experience snail death will only cause a small spike for 2 or three days so things should level out soon. My levels were always uder .025. Like WhoDey was getting at, it may depend on how high your spike was.


Active Member
My ammonia was reading between .25 and .5. With the water change and clean out, I just tested again, and I'm back to normal. I'm really glad that did the trick. I'm going to plan another partial change sometime this week, don't know when for sure. I love my tank. :yes:
Thanks everybody.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Also, I've decided that another thing my girl and I will be shopping for this weekend is a protein skimmer. I def. want to get one in there. We're going to have so much fun!!
Lisa :happyfish


Lisa, glad your numbers are back to normal and I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how bad that makes you feel. That is so great that you have your daughter to share in your obsession! She will really understand how to do things when it's her turn. Have fun shopping! :happy: Ant.


Active Member
Lisa- when you are emptying all that nasty stuff out of your protein skimmer you will be so happy you put one in. I think of mine as a little safety net for my small tank. What a fun shopping trip it will be for you girls!!


Active Member
I must have a magic protein skimmer :)
The stuff that comes out of mine either smells like the ocean, or like wet potting soil. It has never smelled foul.
ps- watch it smell like a corpse tonight after I said that lol


Active Member
I'm really looking forward to getting a skimmer in and seeing what a difference it's going to make (hopefully). Also, I'm going to do a partial water change and test (not in that order) tomorrow if I'm not on til later, that's why...I'm planning on getting fishies this weekend, and I want them to walk the red carpet and be happy. :cheer:
We got an awesome pic of our coral banded shrimp this evening. I really wish I could post it, but not sure how. We've also got a really cool pic of one of our featherdusters. Do you change the pixels on this site, or what? Any help with this is much appreciated...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Open the picture in Paint and click on Image:Stretch and Skew and downsize the picture. That should do the trick. If you want to double check, you can right click on the picture icon and click on properties...there it will tell you the image size.


Active Member
On problem airforce, I'm working in McIntosh. I'm really familiar with PC, but this is really pretty new to me.
Any other suggestions. Maybe I'll send the pics to work, now wait, my internet pw has expired, waiting for IT to take care of that...will post pics when I can, dang!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Yeah, I read that in your other post. I'm not familiar with Apple at all. I'm the IT guy here at work and all we use is IBM. If you want, you can send the pics to me and I would be willing to post them for ya...I get very bored here at work...although American Idol is on right now so it may be a little delayed.


Active Member
airforce, definitely send your email address!!! That's so nice. Am. idol is over here now. just let me know where to send the pics until I figure this out.
Thanks loads!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Amerian Idol ... too bad they don't have one of those little smilie faces blowing chunks lol.
I'm sure I watch shows you guys would hate too :)
I can't wait to see the pics you took.


Active Member
Hey, I wasn't a huge reality fan but when you are stuck in front of a couple plasmas and told to sit for 9 don't have much of a choice. It keeps us busy up here so I'm not going to complain.


Active Member
Airforce, didn't work, not a legit email address, according to my browser. :notsure: Are there supposed to dots between all the spaces? I just copied and pasted. let me know.
Thanks, Lisa :happyfish