Originally Posted by mudplayerx
The large amount of ammonia in the bag can become extremely toxic if the ph of the water in your tank is any higher than the ph in the bag.
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Nope, it is just because ammonia is more toxic in water with higher ph for some reason. Acclimating a fish in a bag with low ph is no problem at all. The problem is if there is ammonia in the bag and the ph of the bag is lower than that of the tank.
Now I'm really confused. If low pH in the bag isn't a problem, but having the bag be lower than the tank is?...?
If the problem is that raising the pH is what makes the ammonia toxic, then the biggest problem would be with bags that start out with a low pH, and adding tank water would raise the pH without significantly lowering the ammonia level. If the bag had a high pH, then adding tank water would lower the pH, making the ammonia less toxic while acclimating the fish to your tank conditions. The fish in the bag with the high pH would be more stressed to begin with and need careful acclimation more.
There is going to be some ammonia in the bag no matter what, unless the fish was starving before he was packed. That is part of why the acclimation process is necessary, in addition to temperature, pH, salinity and other concerns.
You have also left hangning what to actually do to fish with low pH and high ammonia in the bag. Use an ammonia binder, then acclimate?