clean up crew is in the house!


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Some people may disagree with me on this:
Do not drip acclimate fish that have been shipped to you. The large amount of ammonia in the bag can become extremely toxic if the ph of the water in your tank is any higher than the ph in the bag. I would say it is safe to drip acclimate if you test the bag for ammonia, and test its ph though.
I've heard this is a result of packing with pure oxygen instead of a normal air mixture? Something about the part CO2 plays in pH balance? What aclimation procedure do you recomend for fish in bags with a low pH? Would areation help?


Active Member
Originally Posted by DSkidmore
I've heard this is a result of packing with pure oxygen instead of a normal air mixture? Something about the part CO2 plays in pH balance? What aclimation procedure do you recomend for fish in bags with a low pH? Would areation help?
Nope, it is just because ammonia is more toxic in water with higher ph for some reason. Acclimating a fish in a bag with low ph is no problem at all. The problem is if there is ammonia in the bag and the ph of the bag is lower than that of the tank.


Active Member
airforce, just sent the email with 6 attachments...hope this works.
Ebbyboby, keep your eyes open!!! here's hoping.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I got the mail but the attachments didn't make it. Sorry, I don't know of anything else to do.
I was really excited to see the tank too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
The large amount of ammonia in the bag can become extremely toxic if the ph of the water in your tank is any higher than the ph in the bag.

Originally Posted by mudplayerx

Nope, it is just because ammonia is more toxic in water with higher ph for some reason. Acclimating a fish in a bag with low ph is no problem at all. The problem is if there is ammonia in the bag and the ph of the bag is lower than that of the tank.
Now I'm really confused. If low pH in the bag isn't a problem, but having the bag be lower than the tank is?...?
If the problem is that raising the pH is what makes the ammonia toxic, then the biggest problem would be with bags that start out with a low pH, and adding tank water would raise the pH without significantly lowering the ammonia level. If the bag had a high pH, then adding tank water would lower the pH, making the ammonia less toxic while acclimating the fish to your tank conditions. The fish in the bag with the high pH would be more stressed to begin with and need careful acclimation more.
There is going to be some ammonia in the bag no matter what, unless the fish was starving before he was packed. That is part of why the acclimation process is necessary, in addition to temperature, pH, salinity and other concerns.
You have also left hangning what to actually do to fish with low pH and high ammonia in the bag. Use an ammonia binder, then acclimate?


Active Member
OK, so when actually during a post do you insert the pic? I think I have it figured out on my software, but where on this site do you choose?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I just don't even know where on this site that I can download a pic. Can I adjust the pixels there?
Lisa :happyfish
Have a great rest of your night, if you don't have time to answer this. :happy:


Active Member
I was able to email my pics to work where I work on IBM (again, much more familiar ground). Got them there and safe, but I need to know, at which point during a post do you, and where do you, insert the pics? it a copy and paste thing?
Let me know...
Thanks for your help.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Ok, when you click on "reply" (not the quick reply) you will see the text box and all. Well below that is an "Additional Items" tab. There you will find the "Manage Attachments" button. That will enable you to browse your computer and add the pictures. Hope this helps.


Active Member
I just printed off your instructions on how to post pics (put them right into my purse, so I wouldn't forget them). I'm at home right now, so I don't know how to resize the pics, I'm pretty sure I know how to do that at work. So, hopefully tomorrow... :jumping:
So, ya watchin' Idol? Who you pulling for? Just wondering...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
It is a complete 50/50 toss up for Carrie and Bo. I would like to see Bo because there hasn't been a true rocker anywhere near the finals but yet I'm a big country fan and Carrie has that country voice...not to mention the looks! I think Vonzell should have gone a while ago.


Active Member
Next week's gonna be a tough one now...hope you didn't get this already...but a choice between Bo and Carrie???? They've been my 2 choices right from the start!! I love 'em both.
You workin' tonight?
Hopefully tomorrow at work I can find some time to play with posting pics...this is ridiculous that I can't get my pics online!!
Talk to you later....
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I actually liked Constantine more than Bo but he had a bad week. I'm looking forward to his CD to come out. I'm sure he got a contract from someone. He was really good. Yes I'm working tonight. I work M-F and every other weekend.


Active Member
watch for a new thread if it looks like my pics are gonna work out tomorrow. This one's getting kinda long...have a great night.
Lisa :happyfish