Close-ups! Let see 'em


Active Member
Wow, thats alot of really nice big pics.
But the author of the thread and the site asked that pics not be larger than 500 x 500. Why cant some members not respect this?


Active Member
those pics are 640x480 im a "little bit off" so get real mad at me and call me disrespectfull over a picture thats a tad bit too big? its not like they are
1020 x 940
just tryin to share some pics thats all..if the "poster" wants me to ill be more than glad to delete them from his thread
and i also never read where the site asks for pics under 500x500,i must have missed that ESPECIALLY when i see 80% of pics on this forum as big as mine without anyone calling them disrespectfull or getting yelled at
jeez :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
those pics are 640x480 im a "little bit off" so get real mad at me and call me disrespectfull over a picture thats a tad bit too big? its not like they are
1020 x 940
just tryin to share some pics thats all..if the "poster" wants me to ill be more than glad to delete them from his thread
and i also never read where the site asks for pics under 500x500,i must have missed that ESPECIALLY when i see 80% of pics on this forum as big as mine without anyone calling them disrespectfull or getting yelled at
jeez :notsure:

I dont know if its a glitch or what but My cumputer shows the properties of those pics being 800w to 768w. :thinking:
If you upload pics thru SWFs manage attachment window it states this and does not allow larger than 500 x 500. Thats all the pics with the line around them in the post.
People that link to hosting sites can link photos with out SWF being able to control the size.....
My main point and what I think swlovers too, is that many abuse this and do load many that are much larger, causeing veiwers to have to scroll sideways to veiw them. I also hate haveing to do this as well.
I dont know if can, because Im not a computer whiz, but they may, if this kind of abuse continues, block yours and everyones ability to link to those types of hosting sites.....
I apologize to swlover for turning the thread to this conversation and will let it be...


No no don't delete them, they are great shots! Dogstar, no problem I appreiate the support. I was just trying to follow rules too. They do mention keeping them smaller. It makes it easier to veiw and to reply to a thread thats all. Keep them coming..I like the crab SCARY!!!


Active Member
I love this thread! You guys take great pics.

swlover, what kind of star is that in your first post?


Active Member
nice pic quil... i wish i could get a pic of my dwarf lion... heres a couple of mine... i like my clown and anemone but my anemone isnt to well...i working on it though...


tx reef

Active Member
I tried to take some close up shots of my reef, but unfortunately, I have been hanging out with my buddy the Captain too long and can't seem to get a picture to focus......... :hilarious