Clown with no stripes?


Active Member
I was working at my LFS today and we had just gotten in a shipment of false percula clownfish. I was inspecting them and I saw one that had no stripes. He looked just like the others only all orange. Has anybody seen false percs this way?


Active Member
It wouldn't happen to be a fire clown, would it? I was at my LFS a few weeks back, and they had one there. It looks more like a tomato clown w/o its stripe than a perc w/o its stripes.


Active Member
Nope wasn't a fire clown, fire clowns I've noticed are a red color while the percs are bright orange. (and this clown was bright orange) Also the fire clowns have more of an oval shape than the percs. He looked identical to the others only no stripes.


Active Member
I've never seen one either until today, must just be a wierd clown, you know how some fish just come out looking different. I almost bought it just because it looked so diferent.


I've seen some with stripes that were just on one side or even with a white dot on a side. The LFS guy told me that it was due to inbreeding. I nevertheless bought one with a partial stripe and it only lasted a few weeks.


Active Member
I have one with a broken stripe. It is kind of neat how the stripe comes down one side, stops, and then starts up again and wraps around to the other side.
I have never seen one with no stripes. If I had room in the tank for the little guy I think I would of had to bring him home.


One of our local stores gets some "mutant" looking clowns in from time to time.They are all inbred and usually don't live too long from my experience.


Actually, at the university where I am studying a grad student in another department(I think biology) is researching with clownfish. He breeds them and I forget what he is looking for, but he has shown me pictures of clownfish he has bred. Some clownfish will only have one stripe, some none, some will be missing an eye. These results are not from the breeding, but from the lack of certain chemicals or the presence of. Sorry, I can't remember the specifics, but it was a really cool research project.


There are true perc clowns without stripes. ORA has been trying to selectively breed them for some time now. Its a very difficult mutation to et since having stripes the the dominant gene. So perc without stripes are super rare and usually sell for $100-$200 each easily. I have a pair myself. So if the one at your LFS is looking healthy, I would buy it right away before they realize what they have!


at the store i work at we got a shipment of tomato clowns in and there was one that had 2 stripes instead of the regular one.


That would be pretty cool. I think it might be worth a little bit extra, but misbarred is more common than no stripes on a perc.


I'll try to get some pics of them tonight. I'm not very good at taking fish shots though so cant make any promises on quality.

bang guy

I've seen them before and I agree with the earlier poster that it's probably not genetic but more likely something missing from the environment. I had some pretty interesting mis-bars but none with no stripes yet. I do have one Ocellaris that came out with a grey tail stripe.


Well here he is. This is half of the pair, but they really like to move around. So kinda difficult to get a good shot of them. They look kinda like an oversized bright orange with black trim clown goby.


Ive seen oceelaris that look like piebald ball pythons... Just white all over the place and orange... called a snowflake.