Color Color Color I have color!!!


Active Member
awsome zoos murph!!!Tyvm reef nut my goby is my fav fish he is always out and about and even comes out more when the cams here are my fav zoos some very pink!!


Active Member
And a pic of my tank about four month ago it is one of my fav pics of my tank the clam is gone i traded it off i wish i never did that but i got the crocea clam instead..


Active Member
its so not fair sweetreef..... no one should have a tank as nice as yours its just not fair!!! :D
wish i had the ability to make a tank like yours......
love the zoo's wish i could find some with the colors u have.... my 2 lil frags that have a few orange and yellowish blue ones are my favrite things in the whole tank lol kinda sad but they are sooo cool lookin


I love these tangs, however, the black one is sick. I wish I QT them before adding them to the tank. But, I stll love the contrast!


Active Member
great pics but how about some without the saturation and hue tuned up?? i like your pics but why do you always mess with the color. not that you dont have a great tank but i prefer the more natural pics


Originally Posted by GregM779
Uh, how do you post pics now?
Just Use The Managed Attachments Button.