Color Color Color I have color!!!



oceana thanks for clearing that up! I was just interested, it seems very cool. That is a subtle but very nice difference...I should try that with my tank pictures. My old digital camera wasn't one of very good quality and the coloring of my tank, especially the rocks, looks completely different in the pictures as opposed to real life.
Sweet I love your reef hon!! You do'nt have photoshop...what do you use to change the saturations? :)


Active Member
hp photo imaging its pretty cool it lets you put your name and stuff on your photo somthing like this!!!


Originally Posted by oceana
here it is again with not much but slight saturation and hue distortion.
does not change the pic but just makes it look better. but the first pic is what the tank looks like if your standing in front of it.

WoW! that is a big difference :scared: Do you use the camera or editing software :thinking:


Active Member
Nope same pic just edited. I use maya software but what I did can be done with the most basic photo software.
all i did was up the saturation about 10 degrees, tuned out the light by 7 drops, and up the contrast a bit. i also sharpened the edges for that extra pop. if you do it to much the pics begin to look very fake. personaly i dont post pics that have been edited because I think its like false advertising. a new member comes on and see all kinds of super bright pics and wonders why they cant get a tank like that. I think sweets tank,my tank, and many other tanks on this board are plenty bright without using photo programs.


Here's some different color for u sweetreef
Found these zoos last week



That is the color with the daylights on I just have a little two much actinic I think I will be replacing one of my actinics vho soon. They have a yellow skirt with pink and purple middle.