comments on your Live Fish Store


Well-Known Member
Hello all,
I'm going into business soon in a few months and I am designing my store front. I know what I want to do in it, however I want to know what other people think about their live fish stores?
Do they listen to your needs?
Why do you go to your local fish store?
what could they do different in your local store?
how many display tanks do they have?
Do they have anything unique?
Would you go more often if there was some fort of aquatic entertainment? I.E. bala shark/stingray petting zoo...
Are the people secretive about what they do?
Does the staff seem knowledgeable, is it frustrating to talk to idiots? :D


Do they listen to your needs? Depends on if I go somewhere like ***** or Petsmart, where I think most of the staff is not very knowledgable on saltwater fish, or an experienced SW dealer. There is a shop called The Reef, that I love. They are very good at what they do and won't let me rush into anything.
Why do you go to your local fish store? *****, b/c they have great equipment and The Reef shop b/c they have a knowledgable staff
what could they do different in your local store? ***** needs to take out their dead fish
how many display tanks do they have? ALOT
Do they have anything unique? SW specialty store has a variety of diff fish a national store won't carry everyday
Would you go more often if there was some fort of aquatic entertainment? I.E. bala shark/stingray petting zoo... Yep!
Are the people secretive about what they do? Not that I know of
Does the staff seem knowledgeable, is it frustrating to talk to idiots? :D Think I answered this above! and yes it's frustrating talking to idiots!


everything at my LFS has ich. so thats something you could do different. just a suggestion.


I trust my lfs a lot. Sure she is really expensive, but she has the coolest stuff there.
There is somewhere to 20 20 gal tanks, 2 70 gals, 125 gal and a 150 gal.
This is one person running this store so she knows everyone that shes selling to.
She does have a website, but of course I can not post it.
She even teaches classes for peoples that know about reefs and how to maintain them (I think to maintain one)


Active Member
1. Make sure you have an 'expert' around all the time. Even non-newbies want someone in there they can go to for advice that they can trust.
2. Scan for dead/sick fish hourly. If I see a dead fish on my first visit, I don't go back. If I see one in a place I do buy from, I won't buy for at least two weeks, especially if I know it wasn't a 'transport death.'
3. Stock all levels of fish, from $5 to $50. One LFS I go to only has semi-rare fish that are >$50. Fun to look at, but not what I'm ready for.
4. Stock less brands of dry goods but have more inventory, or a quick replenishment system. Nothing is more frustrating than going in for something simple like Purple-Up or a Mag-Float, and it being out of stock. I'll take 3 less brands of Ich medicine for some acrylic MagFloats any day.


Well-Known Member
Hah, very good advice.
Yes, I like to listen to my customers and treat their needs. I don't like people to rush into anything. Teaching a class or something on maintaining aquariums seems wonderful!
Yes, the local fish stores in town right now barely have any dry goods worth buying. All they have is chemicals, and I'm all for the more natural way of doing things.
Do your live fish stores offer glass aquarium drilling, acrylic aquarium drilling, acrylic aquarium building etc? Would any of you be interested in it if they offered that?
Do your local fish stores have cyanobacteria or hair algae problems? Do you see a lot of problems... saltcreap, electrical problems, not enough flow, dying fish/corals/inverts. (I know that some of you have already said this)
If you owned the store, what would you change?


My lfs has no problems at all. Just high prices.

She listens a lot and if she does not know the answer to your problem (which is unlikely) she will find some good info on the internet.
Kind of funny she use to have her store in the basement of her house, but now renting out a space downtown. Closer to me though.
If I wanted some other fish that she does not carry. She would order from her vender and get that fish for you.


I would like to see more organization..Corals are usually together..SPS with SPS...LPS...with LPS..but on the fish side, most LFS seem unorganized with there displays..The dead fish thing always gets me, because I can do that easily enough on my own...I would prefer to see the LFS accurately check for LIVE animals..I love to talk with someone who does at home what he advocates in the store (drinking his own coolaid)...a rare fish section is certainly cool to look at, so maybe you can do like a pay and order type of thing with 1 tank..


Do your live fish stores offer glass aquarium drilling, acrylic aquarium drilling, acrylic aquarium building etc? Would any of you be interested in it if they offered that? No they don't offer it and yes I would be!
Do your local fish stores have cyanobacteria or hair algae problems? Do you see a lot of problems... saltcreap, electrical problems, not enough flow, dying fish/corals/inverts. ***** needs to clean their tanks and keep the dead fish out. The specialty store I go to keeps their tanks sparkling!


Well-Known Member
Rare fish is definately something that I am interested in. I think that it would be wonderful to do some sort of pay and order thing with one of my aquariums.
I have been on a long journey in the last few days and visited about 20 live fish stores in three states. I see a lot of the same stuff in the stores, they all have square or rectangular aquariums, one main display tank and then a fish side and a coral side. There are reasons for this, I think I would just like to see something different.
I have, however, got some really neat ideas from several live fish stores about small systems and things. They said that their business has increased over the last year more then ever and if I am going to open, I mise well do it now.
I am thinking about some sort of petting zoo coupled with a nice large selection of fish, corals, and invertebrates. Also, some unique things such as a cylindrical acrylic aquarium and a small decorated concrete koi pond and waterfall.
Question: Do you trust a saltwater fish store if it also sells other types of aquarium inhabitants?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
Hello all,
I'm going into business soon in a few months and I am designing my store front. I know what I want to do in it, however I want to know what other people think about their live fish stores?
Do they listen to your needs?
for the most part
Why do you go to your local fish store?
less expensive than ordering from SWF
what could they do different in your local store?
get good live rock and take care of their aip. also, get better/more corals
how many display tanks do they have?
about 5 FW and 1 SW
Do they have anything unique?
yes one of the girls that works there walks around with a rat on her shoulder. thats about it.
Would you go more often if there was some fort of aquatic entertainment? I.E. bala shark/stingray petting zoo...
no, actually i would probably avoid that store because i would feel like the animals were being exploited.
Are the people secretive about what they do?
im not sure what you mean... i dont think so...
Does the staff seem knowledgeable, is it frustrating to talk to idiots? :D
the staff knows what they are talking about, at least the manager does. i prefer to deal with the FW girls because they give me SW stuff at SW prices :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry to say, I never have regarded ***** as a live fish store... I see them as selling feeder fish like minnows ... bait. lol.
What else would be fun? What would be considered to be fun and entertaining for like schools or groups of people to come and learn about saltwater animals?


Well-Known Member
I never considered it exploiting animals, if that is the case, are we exploiting dogs, cats, cows, horses, petting goats, lizards, snakes, turtles, and other animals that we keep, eat, and pet?
What type of services do your live fish stores offer? What would you like to see them offer?
What do you think a live fish store could do that doesn't have much to do with aquariums or aquarium animals?


Originally Posted by fishkid2
My lfs has no problems at all. Just high prices.

She listens a lot and if she does not know the answer to your problem (which is unlikely) she will find some good info on the internet.
If I wanted some other fish that she does not carry. She would order from her vender and get that fish for you.



One thing I love is a local pet store membership for repeat buyers.(A 20.00 membership fee a year) It is nice to know that you can get an extra 10-25% off of something you want.

I also want frags for 20.00-30.00, not big huge full size corals for 250.00
Just my opinion!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by regina13
duly noted!
I tell all of my clients what I know when they ask questions, and if I don't know, I try to find out. If a customer wants a fish right now, I try my best to get it quickly.
The main thing though is that right now, I am not making a single profit on dry or live goods, and only on services. I want more of a profit margin, as well as wanting to put a very cr@ppy live fish store here in town out of business.


Well-Known Member
wow, nice. I didn't think of that. Yeah, frags are definately always cheaper. Depending on what the demand is here in town, I will try to diversify.
The membership thing is amazing, thanks for telling me that! I think I will probably use that idea!


One of the LFS has an infinity tank for their clams that is about waist high...really cool


Active Member
white paint. clean floors. keep everything REALLY clean and open. read a book on fung shui if you need to. i hate going into dark, humid, dirty fish stores. if its bright and happy, customers will be in a better mood. and when customers are in a good mood they spend ca$$$h.


You could also do what my lfs does. Have weekly specials.
Like one week have 10% all fish then the next have 10% on corals ect.