comments on your Live Fish Store


Just for some eyecandy and maybe a little design inspiration:
google "greenwich aquaria" and click on the "store" link.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
thanks flricordia and alix 2.0! I orginally designed a lagoon tank to fit somewhere in the store, and the plan is still in the works.
I think that a $10 frag tank would be awesome! I haven't ever thought about that... What kind of corals do they sell? Is it all sps or cuttings of soft coral and LPS corals?
The clam garden sounds neat, however not that many people consider clams to be freakin' awesome creatures... at least I've never ran accross someone other then me who smacks down 300 dollars for a 12" derasa clam :D :D
They have 4x40breeder tanks they sell $10 and $20 frags out of anything from zoanthids to LPS. Anything that doesn't move as a whole piece after a week or two gets fragged. Best thing they ever did. An example is a zoanthid rock priced for $49. After a week it doesn't sell so he fags it into 8 pieces for $10 each and makes $80 from it easy. People find it easier to shell out $10 x 5for 5 different frags then $49 for one coral rock. None of the other LRS want to do it and theya re left in the dust as far as sales go.
One thig that attracts people to his shop is it is clean. Has 3 different large rooms. Enter into dry goods. To the left F/W and right S/W. All the tanks are in in two stacking rows along walls and kept clean, fresh look. Very high-end looking. You think upon first entering 'HIGH PRICES', but not at all. Best prices in Pensacola and surrounding area.
How is that so? Volume, customer loyalty and atmosphere of professionalism.


Active Member
Do they listen to your needs? Yes and then tell me what I really need and save me money
Why do you go to your local fish store? I drive two hours away to saint louis beccause they know what they are doing
what could they do different in your local store? Get me out of the store faster more staff as i drive so far I want to spend time there but not 4 hours after a 2 hour drive then 2 hours back
how many display tanks do they have? TONS From 1200 gal to 5 gal
Do they have anything unique? stingrays 3 foot black tips etc.
Would you go more often if there was some fort of aquatic entertainment? They have a few flat screens for the kids for movies etc and a sweet boston terrier for the kids to play with
I.E. bala shark/stingray petting zoo... Stated above rays etc
Are the people secretive about what they do? Nope not at all
Does the staff seem knowledgeable, is it frustrating to talk to idiots? :They know and have people like bob fenner and many others inn the store a lot.


Do they listen to your needs? Definitely! But I've run into a few just trying to make a sale. Why do you go to your local fish store? My boyfriend's friend, who is insanely experienced and has a million FW and SW tanks gets everything there. What could they do different in your local store? Brian.
If anyone read one topic I had, he told me a mandarin would be a great starter fish for a 29 gallon and would eat mysis shrimp. I should have researched first, I know. She died in a day. She was my favorite.
Plus, I once saw him drop a green chromis on the floor...and I saw a powder blue tang that obviously was dying and called his attention to it and he didn't even care.
how many display tanks do they have?
If that means big tanks (sorry I just joined, not too good with the lingo) then one FW and six SW
Do they have anything unique?
A pond.
Would you go more often if there was some fort of aquatic entertainment? I.E. bala shark/stingray petting zoo...
Probably not, because I worked at The Shedd Aquarium in Chicago for years so that bores me now lol
Are the people secretive about what they do?
I don't know, I haven't asked them secretive things.
Does the staff seem knowledgeable, is it frustrating to talk to idiots?
Everyone is knowledgeable except Brian.

matt b

Active Member
I cant really help with the tech stuff, But the thing I love in a fish store is just over all good guys. Like throw in a free frag now and then or if the price tag says something give it to them cheaper and do this for the new guys not just friends.


Active Member
along the same lines, make sure your staff knows what things are REALLY worth. at this one LFS i dont go to too much anymore, the manager was adament that 4 regular, unattached zoas were worth $20.


the 3 best LFS in my area all sell the fish, coral, and dry supplies to set up and keep them alive.
as for guarantee on fish its usually 5-7 days and u must bring the fish and a water sample thats seperate from the water the dead fish is in. all 3 also write the date the fish was recieved next to the name and will not guarantee it untill it has been in the store for a week, u can buy it b4 that week is up but u do so without the guarantee.
also u should have a few large tanks for live rock, one brand new, one curing, and a cupple fully cured so customers can get rock to put right in there tank or get some with a lil die off to start a new tank cycle.
another LFS which is really a LCS (local coral shop, cuz thats all they sell) has a big tank that is 7'x7'x1', like a big lagoon for just clam, anemone, sps, and, acans. they also have a frag tank with peices for $15 once in a while they do a clear out sale 2 for $15!. i would sugest bringing in big corals and fraging them urself to make a lil profit.
good luck and i wish i lived near ya so i could go shoping sounds like u got a good plan


Active Member
Originally Posted by NPage
One little thing a LFS by me does, they write the fish's arrival date on the tanks next to name and price.
I appreciate knowing I'm not buying a fish that had just arrived and is still under shipping stress.
I don't know why more LFS don't do this. Seems like a no brainer to me.
Yeah, my closest LFS does this and it is an awesome practice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by morval
as for guarantee on fish its usually 5-7 days and u must bring the fish and a water sample thats seperate from the water the dead fish is in. all 3 also write the date the fish was recieved next to the name and will not guarantee it untill it has been in the store for a week, u can buy it b4 that week is up but u do so without the guarantee.
I can not standd a store that will not give you any guarantee 9 I went to petland and they a no guarantee but they ended up giving me a 15 day before I left and I like my LFS because I know thhey QT everything for a week to two weeks prior to it ever coming into the DT shop
also u should have a few large tanks for live rock, one brand new, one curing, and a cupple fully cured so customers can get rock to put right in there tank or get some with a lil die off to start a new tank cycle.
I like that as well my LFS you can buy anything in any tank plus they have a large pit in the back about 8 foot long full of rock curing plus they have more in thhe QT area so when the one in the main shop gets low they just walk down the strip mall and grab more.
I think every shop should have a brought in date not someone who guesses that distrubs me.


Well-Known Member
quarantining fish for a week is not necessarily the best thing to do. In live fish stores, I have noticed that (if it is a small store) there are very few quarantining systems. The systems that I have seen never have any fish in them for quarantine.
Thanks all for the advice! keep it coming! I really want to hear people's opinions so I can model my store after it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
quarantining fish for a week is not necessarily the best thing to do. In live fish stores, I have noticed that (if it is a small store) there are very few quarantining systems. The systems that I have seen never have any fish in them for quarantine.
Thanks all for the advice! keep it coming! I really want to hear people's opinions so I can model my store after it.

Why is it not the best thing to do ? If you bring one home you certainly QT it andd when your in buisness selling to people would'nt you want the piece of mind to know the fish was secluded and in the best health it can be in ?
The man that owns thhe store owns the whole strip mall so he has the room for a large probably 3,000 Sq ft plus size QT area and thats onne floor they build their own systems etc Then thhey have a seperate place for frags to grow out thats probably 30 foot long by ten feet wide and beautiful makes me wanna do it in my garage.


This is kind of dumb but, I have found many people that like it.
My local fish store has a tank that they keep covered up and about once a month they have a GREAT deals and show you what is in the tank!!!
One time it was a black tang for 200.00, anthias for 10.00, and a shark for 40.00
It is just a fun little thing that common customers enjoy.


Well-Known Member
wow, that's neat regina. I never thought of something like that. It would definately keep the regulars coming.
What else could I do that might be mundane, but helpful in sales? I was thinking something like if you buy over 150 dollars of goods, you get a free frag... something like that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
wow, that's neat regina. I never thought of something like that. It would definately keep the regulars coming.
What else could I do that might be mundane, but helpful in sales? I was thinking something like if you buy over 150 dollars of goods, you get a free frag... something like that.
M live gun store does a deal where thhey have something covered up for a week and everyweek they do a drawing you buy tickets only one per peson and then they draw and and give the gun to whomever was drawn. I got a sig 1911 .45 for a 25 dollar ticket. The guns retail cost here is 1,300 bucks. Not a bad deal for 25 bucks. They do them for different prices. I also got a 12 guage for a 3 dollar ticket two months prior. I think it would be cool to do something like that as well. It makes me always go in atleast once a week andd buy a ticket. I have spent about 300 bucks in tickets and have received 3 guns in total over the past year and a half from a .22 the .45 and the 12 guage. I sold the .22 for 700 bucks and have the others still ( I have 12 .22's soo it was not needed .lol. anywho thats just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I never thought of raffles for stuff like that. I know at my grand opening, I am raffling off a 240 gallon aquarium with stand, canopy, lights, powerheads and dart pump :D
I think that it would be neat to do that fish some rare fish and corals and type of equipment...


Well-Known Member
What is the most impressive thing you have ever seen at a live fish store?
What is the most expensive thing you have bought?
What do you think the markup is on the items that you buy?
As far as decor... is art or some display information needed? I like books, but that's not really display.
Anyone buy fresh/saltwater books?


To answer your question about art and books in the store. At my LFS they have a few posters that show the kinds of fish but i think they do that at just about every store.
I really think a $10 frag tank would be great because I would rather spend $50 for a few different frags than for one big $50 coral. But if you do the frag tanks, make sure that they are neat. At my LFS there are always a few corals that are hidden behing rocks and it is really hard to find them.
When you have employees make sure that they are working! A local store that i went to just went out of buisness and i really think that it is because their tanks were always covered in algae and the workers would just sit around and spend monay on buying new tanks instead of keeping up their aquariums.
ooh Fats71 idea of a prize tank or something would be pretty cool also.
oh and about other display art, I think that the aquariums are more display than you need!