Compiling my 180 stocklist... suggestions?


The time has finally come, the house is just about ready and I can start cycling my 180. Some of the fish from the 155 will be moving over to the 180, whatever doesn't get moved will go in a different tank or go to a good home as my friend has a fishless reef.
Definitely going in the 180:
Purple Tang (still a baby, 3-4" tops)
Blonde Naso Tang
Coral Beauty
Sleeper Banded Bullet Goby aka Dragon Goby (I know the thoughts on sand sifters, but he's staying, period)
3 Maldives Lyretail Anthias (might get rid of)
Mystery Wrasse (baby, only 1" right now)
Blue Common Cleaner Wrasse (Again, I know the thoughts, but I've had him forever, and he stays)
Green Target Mandarin
Copperband Butterfly
Black Combtooth Blenny
TailSpot Blenny
Other fish in the 155 that are being moved or given away or could also go in the 180:
3 PJ Cardinals (they just bore me, I think I'd rather get a trio of fairy/flasher wrasses)
1 Yellow Watchmen Goby (evil little thing)
Flame Angel (gets along with CB, but was offered money if I get rid of it)
2 Ocellaris Clownfish (they spawn all the time, I'm planning on raising the fry and think it might be easier if they're in their own 30G tank, thoughts?)
Orchid Dottyback
What we're thinking of adding (not all, trying to find the best and most colorful combination):

2 Onyx Clownfish, or possibly just another two ocellaris
McCosker's or Whip Fin Fair Wrasse
Swissguard Basslet
Leopard Wrasse Pair
Yellow Candy Hogfish (Twin Spot Hogfish)
Jewel Damsel (Love to try, but still on the fence) or a Blue Sapphire Damsel
Different trio of anthias if I get rid of the Lyretails - thinking about Bartlett's
Borbonius Anthias (a pair if I can find two)
Thought about the Atlantic Blue Tang (Acanthurus coeruleus) but think they'll be too much going on
**We do tend to keep heavily stocked tangs, always have and have never had any issues as we do stay on top of water parameters and maintenance. This will be a 180G AGA, 55G sump, 40G refugium, also running a Fluval FX5**
So what are your ideas?


YAYYYY...So are you gonna set this up in the new house....and keep the stuff in the 155 at the old place??? (until the 180 is ready)?


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/382975/compiling-my-180-stocklist-suggestions#post_3346075
YAYYYY...So are you gonna set this up in the new house....and keep the stuff in the 155 at the old place??? (until the 180 is ready)?
Yes. I need to hypo the fish in the 155, so it will stay running for quite some time. Plan is, set up 180 tank next weekend, or the following depending on how much dust is flying around still, move over some stuff and do a quick cycle (the same thing I did when I upgraded the 40 to the 155), move some rock and some sand over, watch parameters, add corals and rest of rocks and refugium (starting with a 20G and eventually I'll change over to a 40), let the 180 sit with corals and inverts but remain fishless and perform hypo on the 155 for 8 weeks. The anemones and SPS are going in the 14G and 20G for a few weeks to make sure parameters don't kill them. My husband's brother will be living in this house once we move out so I can keep the tank here for some time. I originally was going to get rid of the 155, but might do a FOWLR in it.


Active Member
I'll comment on some of the selected fish, but I need a little bit for some interesting suggestions. Not bashing the stocklist by any means, but it really could use that "cool" oddball fish. The Borbonius might fill that.
I think I would skip a basslet in that large of tank with that many active fish, you'll likely never see him. Leopard wrasses and Yellow Candy Hog would be great choices, since the Mystery is still small (Mystery's get rather mean when larger to newcomers). Sure you know my stance on QT, and QT'ing leopard wrasses isn't nearly as hard as it's made out to be. Need a dedicated tank, in the 12-29gal range, with silica-based sand (won't absorb copper if you choose to go that route), large chaeto ball, a pile of CC (both for pod growth), and some dedicated live rock that won't be added back to a display tank. The QT will need to mature a bit longer then average, but not too much.
If you did get rid of the Lyretails, that would free up the tank for other anthias species. IMHO you probably could do multiple species, not just a trio of one type. 3 Bartlett's, 2 Evansi's, 1 Red-Stripe, or whatever species you like and aren't hard to keep (Ventralis, Purple Queen, etc). Though that would kinda limit your other stocking with all those mouths to feed. With Borbonius, they are a slightly cooler-water (deeper, technically). If you can't keep the tank under say 76°F, I would suggest to skip.
What about a Pink or Orange Skunk clown, instead of the perc/occel? Pretty vibrant coloring, and slightly unusual, and just as passive, not mean at all, like Tomato or Maroon. Not sure why they aren't seen as much, other then the fact they aren't Nemo-looking.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight http:///forum/thread/382975/compiling-my-180-stocklist-suggestions#post_3346095
I'll comment on some of the selected fish, but I need a little bit for some interesting suggestions. Not bashing the stocklist by any means, but it really could use that "cool" oddball fish. The Borbonius might fill that. I agree, it's definitely missing that one "wow" fish, we just can't figure out what to make it.
I think I would skip a basslet in that large of tank with that many active fish, you'll likely never see him. Leopard wrasses and Yellow Candy Hog would be great choices, since the Mystery is still small (Mystery's get rather mean when larger to newcomers). Sure you know my stance on QT, and QT'ing leopard wrasses isn't nearly as hard as it's made out to be. Need a dedicated tank, in the 12-29gal range, with silica-based sand (won't absorb copper if you choose to go that route), large chaeto ball, a pile of CC (both for pod growth), and some dedicated live rock that won't be added back to a display tank. The QT will need to mature a bit longer then average, but not too much. I have a 14G BioCube that serves as my "coral QT" tank most of the time and I have quaratined fish in it, but it's never seen any meds at all, and if I do go with the Leopard's, they will go in here more than likely. I happen to know someone who has a pair that is already eating frozen, he's looking to get out of the hobby within the next 6 months (leaving for the army) and if/when he does, I might jump on his since all the "work" is done. The Mystery may go in a different tank so that I can add him to the 180 later down the road as I know the mean streak they can possess. So far, he's super shy and gets beat on by my clowns and YWG, but that could all change. I got him for a really good price, so I couldn't turn it up, but it was really out of order for when he should be added. Other tanks always help. As for the basslet, I just like it so much. I may throw it in a different tank. I have 13 tanks to choose from, LOL, I would just like to not keep them all running when we move. Do you think a Swissguard would be better served in a 40G Breeder? The Yellow Candy Hog is basically a definite. I had an argument with someone on another forum who told me that they can be aggressive towards any other wrasse, which I think is a bunch of BS, care to give your input? I was under the impression that a Yellow Candy Hob, McCosker's Wrasse, Cleaner Wrasse, Mystery Wrasse (although they can be mean, mine does behave as of now), and Leopard's could all go together.

All my fish will be QT'd before going in the 180. All the fish in the 155 were QT'd with exception of one who introduced ich to the whole setup and now I have to hypo before anyone goes in the 180. Ugh, the one time, right?

If you did get rid of the Lyretails, that would free up the tank for other anthias species. IMHO you probably could do multiple species, not just a trio of one type. 3 Bartlett's, 2 Evansi's, 1 Red-Stripe, or whatever species you like and aren't hard to keep (Ventralis, Purple Queen, etc). Though that would kinda limit your other stocking with all those mouths to feed. With Borbonius, they are a slightly cooler-water (deeper, technically). If you can't keep the tank under say 76°F, I would suggest to skip. I would love to do multple species of Anthias, but am unsure of which to combine. My Lyretail's are aggressive with each other and I wouldn't dare add any other anthias of any kind with these three monsters. I've gotten bored with the Lyretail's, but hubby likes them. I have zero luck with Evansi's for some reason. I'm not sure if I want to keep the tank under 76, or if I can until the LED's are done, I actually was unaware of this about Borbonius, that's something to consider, so thanks for the info. My one LFS has had two Borbonius for over 2 years now and just can't seem to sell them (might be the $299 price tag they carry, crazy overpriced store), but since they've had them for so long in a tank kept at 79*, would you think these would fair better than just ordering from online? The money isn't an issue if it's a better fish.
What about a Pink or Orange Skunk clown, instead of the perc/occel? Pretty vibrant coloring, and slightly unusual, and just as passive, not mean at all, like Tomato or Maroon. Not sure why they aren't seen as much, other then the fact they aren't Nemo-looking. Unfortunately, I need one "Nemo" type fish in this tank for the nieces and nephews to look at. I think I can get away with a black version of Nemo, but anything more than that won't happen. I have Pink Skunks in a different tank and I barely see them unless it's feeding time because they're in love with their BTA, lol.

Thanks for taking the time to write this all up. You are well aware how much I value your opinion when it comes to stocking lists. If you can think of that one "wow" fish, please let me know, because I'm really stuck.
Forgot to mention, I do have an orange spotted filefish that eats frozen that could go in, but I'd rather keep her in her own smaller tank where I can watch her better. That would be a nice "wow" fish, but don't think it's the write environment for her as she is very shy.


Active Member
looks like you have some sweet fish already.i do like the leopard wrasse pair.
i had a fowleri tang ,they look alot sweeter in person.


I don't think I can get away with another Tang, I'm already pushing it with my Blonde Naso.
I love the look of smaller fish just moving all over the reef, like anthias/wrasses/dottybacks, etc, just wish they'd all peacefully coexist.
I don't plan on upgrading again for quite some time so I'm willing to go all out on the fish as far as cost, training them to eat, etc.


Active Member
well if price is not the issue i recomend a mated pair of crosshatch supplier was trying to sell me a pair he had .they are the most beautifull fish around.they are almost reef safe and not aggressive like other triggers.
i am going to upsize my 250 to an 8 foot by 30 by 30 next winter.i am thinking of getting a pair.


No more big fish though, I'm at my limit having a Naso and a purple tang. And in my honest opinion. no triggers are "reef safe" in you intend on keeping inverts.


Active Member
thats least you know the limits.hard to not inpulse buy.
maybe a flame hawk.mine dont bother my shrimp at.
i would think another tang would be ok if you only have two.i have 4 in my 150 without a problem
as for small fish i have never really had little 2 inch fish.but now my 250 reef is getting more corals and 300 lbs of has alot of caves i made and i think alot moe small fish compared to 4 or 5 big ones is the way i am leaning like you.
i like the square anthia,i will be getting one soon.


I'm considering doing a hawkfish of some sort. I'm so afraid with the shrimp and my porcelain anemone crab though. I think the long noses are the more behaved ones, but I need to do some more research.
As for the tangs, I probably could get away with one more, like a Kole or similar smaller one, but my Naso is not nice to other tangs, and with the two algae blennies, two dwarf angels, Copperband Butterfly, I'm concerned about algae on the rocks for them to eat as they tend to strip them down in no time. My naso is still small, but I know in time she'll get much bigger and I want her to have a lot of room and be the "queen of the tank." I think one more tang would just make it cramped.
Afraid of doing a Panda goby as they seem to to be coral nippers and my husband will throw a temper tantrum if I add one more "with caution" fish to this reef. We had a group of 6 little citron gobies in our 155 for awhile and they slowly all disappeared.
If I had my way I'd throw in a ton of dottybacks, as they're small and colorful, too bad they'd kill each other.


Active Member
i think you are running out of options.i looked up the pandas.i have seen them at the lfs.seems there are tough to keep and get eating.they nip at sps to spawn.that sucks i really like d them too.


I know :(
I have this same thread going on a local reef forum and they're all stuck with suggestions as well.
Don't worry, I'm planning a FOWLR once the reef is all set and then we'll hav a whole new stocklist to deal with, LOL.


Active Member
How about my lemon peel? I'm bored of it and want to add something different to my tank.