Active Member
Originally Posted by Jstdv8 http:///forum/thread/382190/computer-help/160#post_3336732
Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/382190/computer-help/160#post_3336729
Originally Posted by Jstdv8 http:///forum/thread/382190/computer-help/160#post_3336695
well when you have two creens up at the same time you jsut grab the top of one of the screens and drag your mouse down to the middle left or middle right of the screen and it will kind of change and then release the drag adn it will split the screen, do it with the other and now you have a perfect split screen in seconds without having to resize or nighing. its fun to do if nothing else.
wow, window tiling for those who cant use menues or keyboard commands. M$ making computers "easier and easier for morons to use."
No offense to anyone who falls into the moron category. But its you who keep people like me employed. Well, except me, i cant find a job.
In the old, and probably current system, click window and then arrange or tile.
I'm that moron, isnt that what new gadgets are all about is making it neat and fun to use?
I mean why don't we all go back to using windows 3.11 and DOS?
Certainly wish we could. It would keep Code 19's out of my hair and I could focus on real computer work instead of trying to get the moron to admit that they were looking at pron so I have a better idea of what virus I was working on getting rid of.
As a computer user, they dont see the fun of attempting to fix the PC. It makes tech support's life easier to just come out with it and tell us what you were doing so we know where to start fixing things. Tech support could care less what you do with your machine, just tell us what you were doing when it all went south. Due to the invention of the mouse, morons are using PCs. With every single upgrade to software, more morons lose their inhibitions and get a PC. With all these id ten teas using pcs and not owning up to their mistakes, a simple 10 minute fix turns into a 2 hour job. I dont mind charging someone $120 for something that they could have gotten out of for only $30. But when my day is packed fixing the same problems over and over, annoying isnt the word for it. Too many morons put too much faith in ther anti-virus. Its startling to admit how inadaquite the majority of these programs really are.
If Lindows really was user friendly, I would suggest it to everyone. Then again, it should have been free.
A comedian once pointed out this thought:
If the automobile industry improved at the same rate as the computing industry, we would all be in flying cars that ran on water. However, they would also break down every other day and you couldnt do a thing to fix it yourself. Either way, keep taking life's advances in stride.
edit: Meowzer, any problems with the new machine or transfering files?
Originally Posted by Jstdv8 http:///forum/thread/382190/computer-help/160#post_3336732
Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/382190/computer-help/160#post_3336729
Originally Posted by Jstdv8 http:///forum/thread/382190/computer-help/160#post_3336695
well when you have two creens up at the same time you jsut grab the top of one of the screens and drag your mouse down to the middle left or middle right of the screen and it will kind of change and then release the drag adn it will split the screen, do it with the other and now you have a perfect split screen in seconds without having to resize or nighing. its fun to do if nothing else.
wow, window tiling for those who cant use menues or keyboard commands. M$ making computers "easier and easier for morons to use."
No offense to anyone who falls into the moron category. But its you who keep people like me employed. Well, except me, i cant find a job.
In the old, and probably current system, click window and then arrange or tile.
I'm that moron, isnt that what new gadgets are all about is making it neat and fun to use?
I mean why don't we all go back to using windows 3.11 and DOS?
Certainly wish we could. It would keep Code 19's out of my hair and I could focus on real computer work instead of trying to get the moron to admit that they were looking at pron so I have a better idea of what virus I was working on getting rid of.
As a computer user, they dont see the fun of attempting to fix the PC. It makes tech support's life easier to just come out with it and tell us what you were doing so we know where to start fixing things. Tech support could care less what you do with your machine, just tell us what you were doing when it all went south. Due to the invention of the mouse, morons are using PCs. With every single upgrade to software, more morons lose their inhibitions and get a PC. With all these id ten teas using pcs and not owning up to their mistakes, a simple 10 minute fix turns into a 2 hour job. I dont mind charging someone $120 for something that they could have gotten out of for only $30. But when my day is packed fixing the same problems over and over, annoying isnt the word for it. Too many morons put too much faith in ther anti-virus. Its startling to admit how inadaquite the majority of these programs really are.
If Lindows really was user friendly, I would suggest it to everyone. Then again, it should have been free.
A comedian once pointed out this thought:
If the automobile industry improved at the same rate as the computing industry, we would all be in flying cars that ran on water. However, they would also break down every other day and you couldnt do a thing to fix it yourself. Either way, keep taking life's advances in stride.
edit: Meowzer, any problems with the new machine or transfering files?