Coral Keepers 10 gallon dart frog diary.


I am sorry if I offended you. I do recall on the other board some people telling you that a 10 gal is too small for 2 azureus.
I also am not saying that it can not be done. It can be done ( kind of like putting a yellow tang is a 10 gal tank)
It depends on if you want to do what is best for your frogs.
Leucs IMO would be a bit better. They use the whole tank top to bottom. My azureus are huge ( 2 years old) and I would never put them in a 10 gal.
The only 10 gals I even have set up at my house are for raising up of froglets
You know how when you talk to people about SW fish they all have different opinions about what fish gets along with what and what size tank they need. Same thing with Dart frogs.
Have you figured out what kind of "small dart frog? you want? Auratus might be another good choice for a 10 gal but dont get more than 2. They are a bit smaller tha azureus and they also climb and utilize the whole tank. But definately I would not try Imitators or vents.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by porkchop48
I am sorry if I offended you. I do recall on the other board some people telling you that a 10 gal is too small for 2 azureus.
I also am not saying that it can not be done. It can be done ( kind of like putting a yellow tang is a 10 gal tank)
It depends on if you want to do what is best for your frogs.
Leucs IMO would be a bit better. They use the whole tank top to bottom. My azureus are huge ( 2 years old) and I would never put them in a 10 gal.
The only 10 gals I even have set up at my house are for raising up of froglets
You know how when you talk to people about SW fish they all have different opinions about what fish gets along with what and what size tank they need. Same thing with Dart frogs.
Have you figured out what kind of "small dart frog? you want? Auratus might be another good choice for a 10 gal but dont get more than 2. They are a bit smaller tha azureus and they also climb and utilize the whole tank. But definately I would not try Imitators or vents.
Im probably going to get a azureus. But still not sure. Ill keep reading and there might be some better choices.


Make sure no one around you uses any kinds of pesticides, Just to be on the safe side I would ask. Even small trace amounts can have negative effects on the frogs that may even lead to death.
Leaf litter is a great addition. Not only do it provide the frogs a place to hide but it is also a great way help build up the population of springtails which are great frog snacks. If you have no added any springtails to the tank, you might want to think about doing so.
It is good to add them a few weeks to a month before you get the frogs then they have a chance to build up a big population that will take longer for the frogs to deplete. Really good for helping keep weight on froglets.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by porkchop48
Make sure no one around you uses any kinds of pesticides, Just to be on the safe side I would ask. Even small trace amounts can have negative effects on the frogs that may even lead to death.
Leaf litter is a great addition. Not only do it provide the frogs a place to hide but it is also a great way help build up the population of springtails which are great frog snacks. If you have no added any springtails to the tank, you might want to think about doing so.
It is good to add them a few weeks to a month before you get the frogs then they have a chance to build up a big population that will take longer for the frogs to deplete. Really good for helping keep weight on froglets.
My family never uses pesticides in the house. What are springtails? Where can i get them?


I dont know if you have neighbors or not but wind can make that stuff travel pretty far. I would just to be sure. Kind of like a peace of mind thing
Sping tails are tiny tiny white bugs. They help with eating of plants leaves that dies and fall off and frog waste. You could put in a tiny bit of them and in a matter of weeks end up with hundreds ( good thing not a bad thing)
I have a couple of cultures going of them. If you pm me your address I will gladly send you some to get your tank seeded.
What I do when I send out cultures is pack them either in a deli cup or just ziplock with cocofiber dirt. Just dump that dirt into your tank ( under leaf litter,around plants, any where in the tank really) and they will start reproducing.
With you having a water feature the springtails are so light they can walk on water so then the frogs can just pick them off when they see them.

coral keeper

Active Member
Will this work? The plants need nutrition to last a long time. So i was wondering if i can add my tank water? I do water changes every week on my freshwater heavily planted tank and just top off with that water? Will that work instead of tap water?


You have made the most amazing from habitat that I have ever seen!! I can tell that you have put alot of thought and planning into this venture!!! can't wait to see the frog!!! or is there a frog already in there and I missed it??


You have made the most amazing from habitat that I have ever seen!! I can tell that you have put alot of thought and planning into this venture!!! can't wait to see the frog!!! or is there already a frog in there and I just missed it??

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by kimC
You have made the most amazing from habitat that I have ever seen!! I can tell that you have put alot of thought and planning into this venture!!! can't wait to see the frog!!! or is there a frog already in there and I missed it??
Thanks!! There is no frogs in there yet. I hope i can get the frogs by christmas time!

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by kimC
You have made the most amazing from habitat that I have ever seen!! I can tell that you have put alot of thought and planning into this venture!!! can't wait to see the frog!!! or is there a frog already in there and I missed it??
Thanks!! There is no frogs in there yet. I wana get the frogs by christmas time. But im not 100% sure when.
i hope you dont mind, but iam going to steel your ideas.. i have been making changes to my frog tank, but after seeing yours ,mine is going to change now. mine looks so boring.
nice job....

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by goober_hunter
i hope you dont mind, but iam going to steel your ideas.. i have been making changes to my frog tank, but after seeing yours ,mine is going to change now. mine looks so boring.
nice job....
I dont mind at all! lol. Iv seen some SUPER vivs and terrariums and those SUPER vivs make mine look like junk lol. But they are huge and will cost a TON of $$$$ to make it look like a SUPER viv. Thanks for the compliments everyone!