Coral Keepers 10 gallon dart frog diary.


Active Member
hey dude im wanting to do a tank with half water half land do you have any idea on what i will need to do its a 55 gallon long....i want it to have a water feature in it something like yours plzzzz help.......

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by kclester
turtles im not sure what kind yet....and green anoles
Ok. Hmmmm.... Whats your substrate going to be? Coco fiber, sand, pebbles, ect? Are you going to have a back round? Are there going to be live plants in the tank and water?


Active Member
its gunna be pebbles and its is gunna have plants ont the land side for not to sure about the water just not sure on how to build the land side of the tank...and i do want it to have a water feature like yours....


Active Member
naw i havent did anything ....its just a 55 gallon long tank go ahead and draw it out im looking forward to it


If turtles are going to be involved itll be quite a bit harder. Turtles are strong once they get larger and can be very destructive. What Ive done is used a glass divider, siliconed rocks and wood/roots on it, then siliconed it into the tank on a steep angle. Then dump soil in 1/2 and water in the other half. Properly decorated you cant even tell theres glass and its durable and easy to clean. Just my $0.02.
Oh and make sure to silicone EVERYTHING into place as turtles like to push things around and dig up plants for whatever reason. I silicone rocks together or to the sides and silicone rocks around plant pots which I burry in the soil.


Active Member
coral keeper how did you make the back for your tank ? I have a 55 gallon that i just made into a turtle tank. I was planning on puttin a back on it like yours so i could add some anoles. Is it possible to have a few limbs sticking out of it also, so they will have a place to sit and bask ? plzzz comment back soon ill post some pics up as soon as im done with it i think you might like it. Its right up your alley

coral keeper

Active Member
Go to home depot and get a few cans of Great Stuff. Its a foamy glue. You can stick in a few limbs if you want. When you spray the Great Stuff put on what ever you want on it like coco fiber, peat moss, ect. Don't wait very long or it wont stick as well. Or you can spray the great stuff and put the limbs in and then let it dry up. Then you can put brown (or what ever color you want) silicone over the Great Stuff and put on the coco fiber or peat moss or what ever you want, it will work very good if you put the Great Stuff then the silicone on top of the silicone after the Great Stuff drys up.


Active Member
i've been looking for something, later on in the year, when i got seahorse tank urnning smoothly and my parents cool down from all the money they spent on it, to buy.
how much did this project cost you? and what size is that tank?
and one more quesiton, where do you buy dart frogs? heard there only poisonous from what they eat, thats neat.

coral keeper

Active Member
Thanks for the compliments everyone!! Its a 10 gallon tank and it only cost me like $15-$20. You can buy them from breeders and yes, they get there poison from eating poisonous bugs in the wild. So people feed them FFs and lots of other bugs that aren't poisonous. There are dart frogs that are $15-$1,000 each