So how is your father?. I knew he was trying to silently hang in there but it was showing on his face when we were carrying it up the stairs. Yes I helped carry this beast UP STAIRS!!!
I know he is sore today. Make sure and wish him a happy birthday for me.
To those that say he is freeriding on his parents coat tails, you are mistaken.
Obviously at his age the financial portions of this hobby can be hard to reach. He makes up for it with passion for learning, respect to those willing to teach or share, and the desire to ask. He tries a hundred methods, identifies the 99 ways that do not work and then rides the winner. Those qualities along with just plain being a decent young man DOES make it feesible to have anything he wants. Good strong family and positive role models make him able to play with bigger dogs than your average 15 year old. Not silver spoons.
Be patient, plan and research your moves. Larger tanks are rediculous to tear down and move if you are unhappy with location or configuration of plumbing. Try and reverse engineeer what your finished project looks like in your head. It saves a lot of time and money to do things once.
Keep the pictures and updates coming.