Coral Keepers 180 gallon reef diary.

Lol nice damsel in the tree i want a tree like that i just got a few frags and fish today.. YAAAA time to update my thread... What are you plans just stock?

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Marchingbandjs
Lol nice damsel in the tree i want a tree like that i just got a few frags and fish today.. YAAAA time to update my thread... What are you plans just stock?
lol Its not a damsel! Its a Yellow Clown goby! :p Nice!! What do you mean on stocking? fish or coral wise?

coral keeper

Active Member
Here is a picture of the Sea Hare and the Sea Lettuce Nudibranch. The Sea hare tripled its size since I got it!! I got it 39 days ago and counting.

gill again68

Active Member
Hey Coral Keeper, I saw a post where you were talking about using ocean sand for your tank. Can you tell me if you do any extensive or minor tweaks to the sand before you put it in your tank. I am thinking about driving to the coast to get my sand but want to avoid any big trouble as this is the first marine tank that I am doing. Also, if you do not mind, what is your recipe for your DYI rocks. I have made some with portland, oyster shell and rock salt. They are coming out pretty nice.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68
Hey Coral Keeper, I saw a post where you were talking about using ocean sand for your tank. Can you tell me if you do any extensive or minor tweaks to the sand before you put it in your tank. I am thinking about driving to the coast to get my sand but want to avoid any big trouble as this is the first marine tank that I am doing. Also, if you do not mind, what is your recipe for your DYI rocks. I have made some with portland, oyster shell and rock salt. They are coming out pretty nice.
I just got it and just added it to the tank, didn't do anything special. I'm not 100% sure on what I added, I didn't write it down or anything like that, sorry. I got the recipe from another forum.