Coral Keepers 180 gallon reef diary.

WOW where did u get them.... prices? and i was saying why did u order frags.. why didnt u get from ur reef buddies... wow thats huge.. ur tank has to be full now lol

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Marchingbandjs
WOW where did u get them.... prices? and i was saying why did u order frags.. why didnt u get from ur reef buddies... wow thats huge.. ur tank has to be full now lol
Get who? lol The Surgeon fish? Be more specific. :p Trust me, if I could get the frags that I ordered locally, I wouldn't be ordering online.
LOL Its no where near full!.... yet! :p

coral keeper

Active Member
Here are a few more pictures that I took today.

Leather coral

Red Monti Cap

Niger Trigger

Fridmani Pseudochromis and Flame Cardinal

Brown-Eared Surgeonfish (Acanthurus gahhm or Acanthurus nigricauda)



Active Member
Pic one...vermetid snail?
I have a few of those too, they suck lmao.
Really beautiful and super quick progress.

Break me off a piece of that MON-TI CAP. lol