Coral Keepers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.


Wow 2 clams in that tank, when the maxima gets big are you gonna get rid of it? Just wondering I would love another clam in mine just afraid theres not enough room.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by iyachtuxivm
Wow 2 clams in that tank, when the maxima gets big are you gonna get rid of it? Just wondering I would love another clam in mine just afraid theres not enough room.
Yes, I'm going to get rid of the clams when they get too big.


Active Member
Man I want one of these new tanks something fierce....they are sweet. Yours is really coming along. Looking nice. I hope your orange SPS turns around for you.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Clams look great. When does the other corals come in?
Is those diatoms i see? lol
Thanks. Wednesday or Thursday.
Yes, that's diatoms lol. But, I'm going to get a few nass snails, and a tiger tail cucumber to clean that up.


your tank looks really good, we just got a 29biocube not to long ago and i used the same idea on the aquascaping. Love the clams. keep it up, you are very knowledgable.