Coral Keepers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.

coral keeper

Active Member
Here is a picture of the collection cut on the skimmer. It would collect this much in 7 days and I would clean it out ever 7 days. Everyone says it stinks REALLY bad but each time I change it I smell it and it doesn't stink.



looks great. you must have become used to the smell. but thats nothing compared to what i have to clean, the coralife 65.

but, tank is looking good. what kind of skimmer is that? i may be getting a skimmer for my ten gallon.

coral keeper

Active Member
Thanks for the compliments everyone!! The corals are coming in today! At around 10am my time.
I also have some more good news! The diatoms are starting to go away! The sand bed looks much cleaner already!
I also got 15 Margarita snails.


Active Member
I just read the list of SPs on page 4, and HOLY COW! Good luck with those, some of them can be VERY picky with water parameters.