Coral Keepers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.

coral keeper

Active Member
I have some bad news. The male maroon disappeared yesterday. Before yesterday, I checked the tank at night and he was happy and normal like always, then yesterday the lights come on and he is no where to be found. The big maroon didn't kill him because they were a pair and I don't think it jumped out because I can't find his body.


Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
I have some bad news. The male maroon disappeared yesterday. Before yesterday, I checked the tank at night and he was happy and normal like always, then yesterday the lights come on and he is no where to be found. The big maroon didn't kill him because they were a pair and I don't think it jumped out because I can't find his body.

That sucks I know how you feel I lost my male a few weeks ago and mine were together for close to a year.Then I had to pay some good $ for a male but it seems like they have paired back up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
I don't think it jumped out because I can't find his body.

Well you do have a dog
. Check the back chambers, and if it he doesnt turn up, check in the LR, and if that doesnt turn up, wash your dogs mouth out with the hose.

coral keeper

Active Member
I lost my camera, I'll post some pictures in about 8 months.

LOL I'll post SOME pictures right now, I don't have good pictures of all the corals.


Active Member

Anything is better than nothing. Look at my pics, they're crap lol.. But Idc, bet my camera records video beters than most since its HD lol just doesnt take great pics

coral keeper

Active Member
I already spent a total of $1282.29 with taxes. (I added another powerhead and I still need to get calc/alk supplements and calc/alk tests which will cost about $50 I think.)

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
lol kool video. Clwon looks aggresive and looks like he can eat a handfull lol
Thanks! lol Yeah, shes a pig. But she isn't aggressive at all! I had her with a royal gramma with no problems at all!