I have had mine in my 30 gallon for about 4 days now, man its cool! Mine looks just like the lumiscent green variety, and it has 4 medium sized branches. I now have a 175W metal halide and man does it LOVE that light, although not accepting whole food, he opesn up alot more when theres some Dt's in the water. Good coral for everyone, very interesting to look at. I have concluded that the torch coral (which I also have) probably evolved into the frogspawn after many years of evolution . I noticed that my torch has some of the same "pin head" purple dots up and along its pylops. Very cool I suggest it for everyone. Mine faired the best from a wholesaler ship job out of the 3 corals I got, 1 didn't even survive it, I am suprised the forgspawn did so well.