Coral of the Week: Frogspawn


Can frogspawn be placed near a hammer coral? I'd heard that since they're closely related they would be ok in close proximity.
Has anyone seen a blue variety of frogspawn?


I have had mine in my 30 gallon for about 4 days now, man its cool! Mine looks just like the lumiscent green variety, and it has 4 medium sized branches. I now have a 175W metal halide and man does it LOVE that light, although not accepting whole food, he opesn up alot more when theres some Dt's in the water. Good coral for everyone, very interesting to look at. I have concluded that the torch coral (which I also have) probably evolved into the frogspawn after many years of evolution . I noticed that my torch has some of the same "pin head" purple dots up and along its pylops. Very cool I suggest it for everyone. Mine faired the best from a wholesaler ship job out of the 3 corals I got, 1 didn't even survive it, I am suprised the forgspawn did so well.

nm reef

Active Member
Debbers...I have seen pics of "blue" frogspawn. Never seen one in person....maybe I've saved a pic of the blue tinted one...if I can locate it I'll post it up. Myself I'd avoid having a hammer and frogspawn too close ...they are both classed as Euphyllia but even being related they'll still show aggression towards each other. I keep 3 types of Euphyllia...torach/hammer/frogspawn...and I give them plenty of space. All three have sweeper tentacles that can reach several inches and I don't want to risk a little tentacle warfare.:cool:
Great pics and info ya'all...looks like another coral is covered pretty well. Keep the info and pics coming...I'll keep this thread sticky for a few more days then let it slide away to the depths. Later after we develope this "Coral of the Week" idea futher all somebody should need to do is use the search feature and search for "Coral of the Week"...which should provide access to each of the corals ya'all feature. My thinking is it'll be a great reference point for general info on specific corals.:cool:


Active Member
this was a great idea Nm.
Debbers about keeping the two can be done. in the first pic i posted on this thread, the coral in the upper right corner is a hammer that is fully opened. when they both are expanded to maximum puffiness, they touch and their tentacles intermingle, and neither shows adverse signs from this, and from what i uderstand it is because they belong to the same family, Euphyllia. Their placement was pretty much an experriment to see if it could be done and this is proof that it can.
ou cant see it in the pic, but farther to the right of the brown anchor is a green anchor and the brown and green tentacles intermingle as well without any adverse reactions!
good luck all!


Staff member
So are those clowns using the frog as a HOST, and, if so, how does the coral react to that?


Here are three of my favorite images of one of my favorite corals.
E. paradivisa. Measures well over a FOOT across.

E. divisa. I've had this one nearly four years now. This is it's true color.

E. paradivisa. Portrait of mouth and tentacles.


Active Member
Yes the clown does host in the frogspawn. He started doing it a few months back and the frogspawn dosen't seem to mind at all :)



Originally posted by Old Yeller Tang
Glad to see you over here, 64 Ivy! Your a definite bonus to this board. Your experience will be quite helpful for many here. I've enjoyed your contributions on --.

My pleasure, OYT, I was wondering where you went. Looking forward to getting to know the folks here but I've gotta get back to the (Oakland/Tennesee) game right now. Go Raiders!!!!

nm reef

Active Member
64Ivy...outstanding pics as always...I've seen several of yours over the last couple of years. You other places...:D
Welcome to our humble lil board.
Folks as I suspected ya'all got some great stuff to share...thanks for participating...time to un-sticky now and see which coral we can focus on next week.....:cool:


I got this one as a frag about 6 months ago and it seems to have almost double in size. It's been very hardy in my tank so far and I love the way it looks! I had a hammer placed beside it 2 months ago and the hammer started sending out sweeper tentacles which I was worried about. The hammer died shortly after that. I'm not sure if it was really the work of being beside the frogspawn or not because I got another hammer after the first one died, put it in another area,and it went downhill too. Everybody has great looking frogspawn, makes me want more.


I bought a frog about three months ago and it's doing very well. All these different pictures have confused me some......
My frog has two distinct heads and each head has many "branches" all with one "head "(Polyp?) at the end. Mine looks like the one pictured by attml. Many of the other pictures look like the base of the animal is branching; not distinct heads. Other pictures indicate corals where each "branch" has multiple ends.
My question: How many varieties of frogspawn are there?

nm reef

Active Member
Best answer to the "how many kinds" question is Julian Sprungs "Corals: A Quick Reference Guide" there are several types pictured. Plus countless others not listed in his book.:cool:


You're right. I was trying to cheat a little and get info the easy way. I should do my own research! ;)


If anyone can take a look at my pic and tell me when I should prop it and how I should go about doing it, I truely would appreciate it.