Coral of the Week: Frogspawn

nm reef

Active Member
Once again I thought we'd focus a bit on a popular and widely available coral. Any and all comment(including pics) is welcome...I'm betting ya'all have some outstanding specimans.
Frogspawn(Euphyllia spp. ) are very closely related to both the torch coral as well as the hammer coral...the type I currently keep is euphyllia paradivisa . Information I've seen indicates that they prefer low to high lighting levels/moderate current...and they should be added only to systems that have stabalised and begun to mature. Calcium and alkalinity levels should be established and stable.Nitrates should be low and not fluctuating...mine has always responded poorly when PH levels are out of line(8.1-8.3).Feeding is primarily from the water column...but mine does respond to direct feedings of meaty type foods mixed with DT's. The speciman I currently keep was purchased about 15 months ago with 5 branches or heads ... it now has 9 and has grown to nearly double its origional size. One note on this coral is that it does not respond well to severe changes in temp...the first frogspawn I kept was lost due to a heater malfunction that spiked my water to 90 degrees...the frogspawn began to deteroriate rapidly and never recovered.
Below are a few recent pics of the one in my system....

Lets see if members can contribute as much on this second Coral of the Week as they did on the first...the Fox Coral was very well covered...:cool:


Active Member
After looking at your pics I wonder if mine really is a frogspawn or not. I just got it from a freind a couple days ago. It seems to be doing O.K. It's still fairly small only about 3" in diameter. Currently have it about halfway up the LR, and medium water current.


Here is a pic of mine. I have found that the same is true with the pH. Mine is very highly illuminated and probably has a little more flow then it needs. It has split from one head to two since I bought it.
StacyT, I believe yours is a Euphlia divisa if I am not mistaken, but has a different morphology. If I had my other book I would be able to better identify it.


Active Member
I have the same coral for more than half a year. Very hardy one. Never respond bad to a low PH. I had low ph problem in a prev. sytem. It thrieved there under NO flouriscents. Now in my new system it's under T5 bulbs, looks good and even dividing.

i like fish

I tried 2 of these with no luck. My tank is only a year old though, maybe I will try another around July. Would it be possible to give guidelines on what the coral needs by how it is acting? Like how they respond to too much or too little light or current?


Here is mine. I have had him for about a year. Hopefully when I get my new tank running, I will move it to a bigger enviro so it can grow and flurish.


Ooops! I had to deleate my image, wrong one. This should be the one. I hope?:rolleyes:


Member poked my eye out with that
Great shot as always.
Oh... and I have no frogs---Waaaaa


Here's a pic of mine just waking up to the lights coming on.I also think something has/had attacked the small branch in the front.Sometimes it will "droop".and look a little wilted.It has been coming back though.This specimen has been in my tank for about 6 months.


does anyone have them in another color besides green? just curious. all of yours is awesome, but i had one that was brown with tan tips. just curious...


Active Member
as far as frogspawn goes, ive never really had any luck with them till i uppgraded to MH lights. I have had this little guy for about a year and a half now and when it fully expands it seems to be about th esize of a childs basketball. it seems that when many of them are shipped from wholesalers to reatailers, skeleton damage often occurs, causing the specimen to doo poorley overall. maybe thats just my experience, but whenever we get one in to our lfs, it looks pretty bad, and we try to heal it up before sending it out the door. DEfinately a very cool coral though!
good luck


thought u guys would like these pics from a friends tank the first is of his clown in frogspawn the 2nd is of a dead head on a frog spawn with a baby starting off to the side