COTW: Ricordia

nm reef

Active Member
This weeks feature was created by Debi(aka wrassecal)...she did the research and posted the info. Helps since I was on vacation and let the series slide.:cool:
Many thanks to Debi for her efforts on this weeks feature.
So ya'all fill in the spaces...provide additional info...and as always ...lets see what ya got.
Just a reminder for those of you new to the "Coral of the Week" concept...we've covered a few corals already in this manner. If you'd like to review previous threads simply do a search of this site for "COTW" and you should easily locate the previous threads. There have been several corals covered and each has provided some outstanding information as well as pictures.
"Ricordea is a member of the order of Corallimorpharia. Family name ricordeidae. It is a soft coral with short, club, or berry shaped tentacles. It is also known as a disc anenome. It can be identified by the fact that it has contrasting raised dots across the surface. The colors range from orange, blue, brown, green or purple and can be quite vibrant.
Ricordea is a mushroom coral but may not be as hardy as other mushroom corals.
Aggressiveness is very low but growth patterns can lead to encroachment on neighbors. It reproduces by longitudinal fission.
Symbiotic algae zooxanthellae hosted within it provides the majority of it's nutrituional needs from photosynthesis. It also easts plankton and smaller invertebrates such as crustaceans.
Does well in temps of 76% - 82%
Requires at least moderate light levels. Color may fade under intense MH lighting.
Prefers low to low/moderate water movement within the aquarium which combined with lighting requirements usually means it is best placed low in the aquarium."
I have a few Ricordia Floridia that I've kept for over a year....eventually I'll develope a larger system and when that transition is complete I'd like to secure as many types/colors of this coral as possible. I've seen some outstanding specimens and some of the coloration is beautiful.Below is a pic of the only ricordia I keep...this colony was added in January of 2002 and still thrives in my system.:D

nm reef

Active Member
There are countless colors and types of this coral I cruise the web I often see pics posted of ricordia that are simply un-believable. Below is a shot from the web that is an example of what I'd eventually like to see each morning as my reef wakes up to a new day...sort of gives me encouragement to continue developing my reef to match the quality of some of the other systems ya'all keep!

nm reef

Active Member
This pic of some excellant variations of ricordias comes from the aquarium of one of our own members(if I remember correctly)...I used this pic as my background for a while. One day I'd like to develope the same sort of display in my own system.


Active Member
I've heard a lot of different things about lighting ricordia and I think ricordia is one of those special species that really varies from item to item. I've read people on this board swear by powerful lighting for ricordia. Personally, when I upgraded my lighting my ricordia began to suffer. My LFS guy said in his experience ricordia wants low light so I took a rock and built a little overhang over my ricordia to shade it. It has since taken off. Just another case in which every critter is different...

reef fool

Active Member
Here are my only 2 Ricordia shrooms. At least that is what I bought them as. Kinda boring in comparison to the others on this post!
Seeing those variations and how nice they are, that is definitely on my, soon to be purchased, U-Build it from
Awesome looking!


Here is a pic of mine as it splits into two. Appartently it's base was attached to a loose rock at fell of its perch. The shroom held the weight for three days before it finally split.


Active Member
I'm trying to get a pic up for yall. My green Ricordia has gotten HUGE!! When I bought it a few weeks ago, it was about 1 1/2 inches in diameter. In the bag it shrunk to maybe an inch. I put it my tank and the next morning, I come back from class and the freakin thing is like BAM!! It was like 3 inches across, and had plopped itslef into a perfect little crevace. And it is B E A U T I F U L
I suck at this whole computer technology thing, so I need some help getting this pic up.:(


Active Member
Tigs, those are some sweet ricordia! Everyone, very nice. Would 65w pc on a 20g tank be ok for a few clusters? Bo

nm reef

Active Member
Outstanding pics ya'all....see what you started wrassecal!!
Grouperhead...I'd say with your lighting you'd have a good chance of keeping some ricordia alive and well. No reason why not...some I've seen respond well under lower lighting levels.:cool:


Active Member
WOW! I can't wait to get mine. A board member is sending me some. The LFS's around here hardly ever have any. Everyone's looks so beautiful:D


Active Member
LeBoeuf, thought I would mention...very cool shot.
:) I love getting pics of somewhat strange happenings....that thing looks like it's stretching four inches atleast...:)