I must say, this forum is no different than any of the other forums i have come across. Thats the problem with typing out sentences rather than actually speaking them. Emotions get all fired up and tempers flare because we as humans cant tell what type of emotion was backing the sentence that set us off. We sometimes percieve a sentence as a bit bashing or with a sense of saracasm behind it. In all actuallity, a 6 ft tank will do okay for a little while, not long. But that also depends on whether there is enough room for them to swim freely without hindering there swimming path too much in your tank. Seeing this fish in the wild and watching them, they are realy built to be in a larger tank. I dont know how long you intend to have this naso, but they generally are not happy in a tank unless it is larger than any of us could afford. I have 6 tangs myself in a 240 (2yellows,1 sailfin,1 hippo,1 powder blue, and 1 purple along with 19 other fish and counting) In my opinion it will do fine for a while. As for the copperband, it would be okay but they tend to nip at zoos. oh and if your naso is pushing over 7 inches, yeah "for a while" is nearing.