Cut n Run?


Originally Posted by reefraff
If you really think Clinton has any shot of being selected as Senate leader you are truely delusional

That ship has long since sailed. And bad as Harry Reid has done they aren't going to throw him out but if he decided to step aside there are too many others in line ahead of Clinton to begin with. She will be blammed for Obama's loss in November.
Maybe she will be blammed, whatever blammed is. It has been really cool to have so many great candidates, but now she needs to be rewarded for her great showing. Her followers will be happy with the compromise, IMO. And, the Democrat party will have the first female in both leadership positions, and the first ethnic non rich white guy as POTUS! We are watchiing history in the making!
About November, I guess we'll see?
A CutNPaste From CNN:
Originally Posted by CCN

WASHINGTON (CNN) — House Republicans have changed their new slogan about change.
After losing a hotly-contested Mississippi congressional seat this week, their third straight special election defeat in a row, House GOP leaders planned a public relations offensive, including a rollout of a new agenda pegged to the slogan, "The Change You Deserve."
It turns out the phrase matched a tagline for the anti-depressant drug Effexor. As word of the similarity got out, Democrats had a field day ridiculing Republicans.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland, told reporters Wednesday, "Democrats, not drugs, is what the American people need."
House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel, D-Illinois, released a list of what he called the side effects of "Republican rule,” including “nausea because what they did to the economy makes people sick to their stomach."
Asked Thursday morning if he was planning to change the slogan, House Republican Leader John Boehner said "No. I think it's working just fine."
But in an e-mail later that afternoon from GOP Conference Chairman Adam Putnam to House Republicans, the new agenda had a new name — “The Change America Deserves.”
A memo sent out hours later from Boehner's political action committee to GOP candidates also included the new slogan.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
One of our hospitalists is from Iran. A gorgeous brilliant woman I love discussing world affairs with. We actually have many MDs from that region. She was telling us one day about how her generation was moving away from the religious fanatic leaders, how they had found the internet and were seeing the outside world, how life was away from the religious fanatics who took over after they got rid of the Shaw. She said her generation was able to see past the hurts of the past her parents were still bitter about. But, this war set that back a generation, it seems. When we invaded Iraq, the moolas were able to say "See, America hates palestinians. You need us to protect you from them".

I have never seen so many blatant lies in one paragraph. Since when did the palestinians live in Iran? When have we EVER attacked palestinians?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
One of our hospitalists is from Iran. A gorgeous brilliant woman I love discussing world affairs with. We actually have many MDs from that region. She was telling us one day about how her generation was moving away from the religious fanatic leaders, how they had found the internet and were seeing the outside world, how life was away from the religious fanatics who took over after they got rid of the Shaw. She said her generation was able to see past the hurts of the past her parents were still bitter about. But, this war set that back a generation, it seems. When we invaded Iraq, the moolas were able to say "See, America hates palestinians. You need us to protect you from them".
Using the politics of fear is great for getting a party elected, but is it best for us Americans? This administration, alone or through it's proxy Talk Radio has tried to make us think all Iranians are evil terrible people, when in reality, they love their children just like we do. They eat, breathe, love, laugh just like us. They want peace, just like we do. But, they do not trust us, and they fear us. Our history with them goes back decades. I feel that when we change our POTUS, we can begin to heal the damage our foreign policy blunders have done.

I don't know what you are listening too but I have heard President Bush remark on several occasions that our issue isn't with the Iranian people. Our biggest foreign policy blunder with Iran was to elect Jimmy Carter, another untested rookie politician that sat back and watched the whole Iranian deal to fall apart.
If they said "see they hate the Palestenians" after we invaded Iraq they are in desperate of additional education in the area of Geography.

When you have time for a little reading google "iranians embracing western culture" The younger Iranians may not hate the US like some of the older ones but it is western culture in general, not the US they like so much and none of that has been dampened much by the war. I just watched a news report a few weeks abo about a middle east country with a very moderate western type culture that many Iranians are migrating to.
But thats the problem, can we somehow keep the current radicals that control the country from building a nuke without causing an anti west backlash that will be caused by a military strike against them. 10 years from now Iran will most likely be a much more moderate country if it stays on its current tack. Unfortunatly I think the Mullah's want to draw the west into a military confrontation to turn public opinion back against the west.


Geez, I hope the NRC goes this route again!
"You must vote for us because Iran is going to attack us! The attack "could come in the form of a mushroom cloud" 'cause they have "tubes from Africa"!
Blah Blah Blah, in one ear and out the other.
We are not that stupid, though. It worked twice, but Americans are fast learners. No one will believe a single word about national security from a Republican mouth again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Maybe she will be blammed, whatever blammed is. It has been really cool to have so many great candidates, but now she needs to be rewarded for her great showing. Her followers will be happy with the compromise, IMO. And, the Democrat party will have the first female in both leadership positions, and the first ethnic non rich white guy as POTUS! We are watchiing history in the making!
About November, I guess we'll see?
A CutNPaste From CNN:
Keep dreaming. If Americans wake up to the fact unemploymen, food and gas prices have shot up under the reign of Reid and Pelosi the Dems could lose seats this fall

The Pelosi Premium on gas is now over 1.30 a gallon but she wont allow a vote to open up oil leases off Florida less than 50 miles from when China and Cuba are drilling.
Harry's handouts in the farm bill increased subsidies despite a large increase in farm incomes over last 2 years and record high crop prices and skyrocketing demand.
And Reid and Pelosi's "let them eat cake" ethanol subsidies. Despite record high crop prices they increased payments to ethanol producers which puts even more pressure on farmers to convert land to non food crops. So far sugar and flour are about the only crops that haven't taken a hit so i suppose if they can afford a few eggs and a cup of milk poor folk can eat cake because they cant afford anything that is connected with corn (meat, eggs, poltry, milk etc.) Oh, I forgot, the new farm bill includes provisions for cullulose based ethanol so sugar is out too


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Geez, I hope the NRC goes this route again!
"You must vote for us because Iran is going to attack us! The attack "could come in the form of a mushroom cloud" 'cause they have "tubes from Africa"!
Blah Blah Blah, in one ear and out the other.
We are not that stupid, though. It worked twice, but Americans are fast learners. No one will believe a single word about national security from a Republican mouth again.
Yeah, they will trust a one term Senator with no serious legislative acheivements or foreign policy experience.
Just heard Teddy Kennedy stroked out, Best wishes to him and his kids.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Thanks for editing out the hatred comment. Really, I live in the most conservative state in the union and most of my friends are conservatives. Although I do believe there is a special place in hell for those who take a families tragedy and use it for political talking points. When you insinuated I was lying about our son, I did hate you, but I don't hate the Republicans I know personally. I might feel a bit of hatred toward those that treat the woman whose husband is in the Army badly, grilling her about using the wrong word (post or base, really?) or because they misunderstood her words. But, these are faceless,nameless entities on a fish forum. Hating them is really not worth the time, righto?
I NEVER insinuated any such thing Suzy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Darn, I thought you edited that out. I just didn't go back far enough.
Oh, well.
Surely your hatred hasn't blinded you so badly that you can't see that all the candidates will leave Iraq. Surely you can understand that we cannot keep up this level of engagement long term and still be able to protect our interests elsewhere. Surely you can see that calling it "CutnRun" when one candidate says it, but "Victory" when another candidate says it is complete hypocrisy.
But, heck, maybe McCain will get elected (and Ozzy Osbourne will tour with Barry Manilow). He will catch OBL, eliminate AQ and end all wars! Yahoo!!!! Maybe America will believe the lies like they did last time.
Naw, it's gonna be Obama as POTUS, Pelosi as Speaker and Clinton as Leader of the Senate, setting the agenda. We will get to be proud of country again. World leaders again!
McCain will not leave Iraq prematurely. You're simply saying that to try to equate obama's ridiculous policy with McCain's. No dice.
If we don't protect our interests in Iraq, Israel, etc. what's the point of being ready to protect our interests elsewhere? If we run from Iraq our enemies will understand all they need to do to chase us off is delay the fight.... We will be setting a precedent that will forever enbolden our enemies.
I'm currently proud of our country.
A few politicians elected from either party will never change that for me...


Of course you didn't. It's gone now and I am sure not many saw it anyway. No big. It's gone.
BudMan, you think the electorate is going to blamm the Democrats for the mess the country is in? True, they did make some gains the last election cycle, but they have not been able to accomplish much with such a small majority. Not to worry, though. There are projections of gaining a strong majority in both the Senate and The House, so all will be good in 2009.
With all the special elections going down, though, the Dem majority is increasing already!


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'm currently proud of our country.
A few politicians elected from either party will never change that for me...
Really? You are not a teeny tiny bit ashamed of how we have acted the last 8 years?
I am looking to becoming a strong leader in the world community. A country proud of it's heritage that stands up for the principles we proclaim.
Waterboarding, torturing prisoners and showing it to the world, spying on our own citizens, joking about bombing other countries, ignoring our very being of what we are and what we stand for is not why I am proud of our country. I am proud because we will not be known around the world for those things anymore. We will become diplomatic leaders again, leaders that other countries want to aspire to be.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
McCain will not leave Iraq prematurely. You're simply saying that to try to equate obama's ridiculous policy with McCain's. No dice.
Yeah, right. McCain will "win", Obama will "CutNRUN". Got it. Heard you the last 40 x's.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Of course you didn't. It's gone now and I am sure not many saw it anyway. No big. It's gone.
BudMan, you think the electorate is going to blamm the Democrats for the mess the country is in? True, they did make some gains the last election cycle, but they have not been able to accomplish much with such a small majority. Not to worry, though. There are projections of gaining a strong majority in both the Senate and The House, so all will be good in 2009.
With all the special elections going down, though, the Dem majority is increasing already!
I can't speak for anyone else here but I for one and getting a little tired of your repeated lies about people calling you or your beloved candidate names or making the utterly false claim that JM said anything negative about your son. I was active on the thread at the time you posted about your son having been killed and you are flat out lying when you say journeyman or anyone else said anything against your kid. I remember it well because Journeyman PMed me to make sure I saw that before responding to the personal attacks you made on me. He figured we should cut you a little slack. His response was to offer his condolance for your loss.
But as long as you keep bringing it up I also remember the incident because you bringing up your son was so out of the blue Just like now when you bring this up for no apparent reason. It had nothing to offer to the issue being discussed then, it has nothing to add to this topic either.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Some people just have to interject personal tragedies on a regular basis throughout their lives. Ignore it reefraff, I do...Just scan for the meat and potatoes regarding the topic, the rest is just filler in Suzy's post.


I would think you would have had some feelings about ArmyWife being harrassed. Seems a bit unpatriotic to me.
Ok, I was miffed that JM called me angry. I wanted him to know I was angry, but only with him. So, you are right, it has nothing to do with the thread or with you....Period. ...
I recall a thread where someone asked about a post of mine, and JM stated something like " She implied that her son died", which sounded to me like he was implying I was lying. If I took it the wrong way, I am so very sorry for bringing it up. Of course, I am sure he meant it in the most sincere patriotic way.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Some people just have to interject personal tragedies on a regular basis throughout their lives. Ignore it reefraff, I do...Just scan for the meat and potatoes regarding the topic, the rest is just filler in Suzy's post.
I actually hope that you never experience a family tragedy. It really does hurt and it does change your life filter. Please excuse my filler and go straight to my meat. I don't actually have any potatoes to add.

el guapo

Active Member
Wow . Seriously how much more of this do we have to put up with ? Why is it we can not have a political debate with out SUZY coming in pointing fingers and crying foul ? She has done this with every thread . She turns it in to how the world revolves around her and how nobody cares except her . We are all ignorant except her . The rest of the world has no bearing because she lives in one of the most conservetive states in the union .
I have said it before and I say it again . I enjoy reading these threads and getting involved but she is just causing these threads to be nothing more than mud slinging . She continues to insult members and moderators . She acuses the MODS/Admin of deleting only her posts to cover up the truth .She turns every thread into chaos . Her last post that had anything to do with fish was almost a month ago . She only comes her to stir the pot and cause problems in these off topic political threads . Always with the same M.O attack McCain and the republican party , Attack members of the forum that support republican ideas .
She crys foul because Armywife was singled out . Armywifes information is 2nd and 3rd hand and she argues points like she has personal experience .There are a lot of us that have: been on post , down range , in country . We know what combat is like, Yet Suzy has no problem insulting us and singling us out . Some how we are lesser forms of life , being that we are just men or even worse republicans . Her loss is the only one that matters and we should all respect that . Never mind what anyone of the rest of us has given to our country .
She has accused many of us of coming on to her , She has made numorus acusations that are of adult nature . She Is just rude and crude . There is no place in these forums for posts like
" So, a bit off topic, but one of my girlfriends and I were thinking about starting a fish site, using a bit of VS appeal. You know, a bit o' cleavage sprinkled in with a lot o' fish stuff? Think it would fly? Our hobby is so man related, it seems like a bit of feminism might be an area not yet explored?"
" I guess that daterape stuff works for you?"
Even after The Journeyman had to close down threads and delet content , Warning us all to stop it or there would be consquences . Suzy laid low for a week or two then comes rightout of now where and is back at it . She doesn't want to have civilized adult conversations she only wants to fight bicker and cause mayhem .
How much more do we honestly have to deal with before she is banned ?

bang guy

Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
How much more do we honestly have to deal with before she is banned ?
Hi, if you feel a post is out of line then flag it and a Mod will look at it.
If you look at your post from a MOD point of view it could be seen as harassment because you are singling her out. I hear your points but please use the system or the whole thing melts into a mudfight and we have to ban everybody.


Active Member
Hey you can't blame her for fighting dirty sometimes -- it's usually 4-5 like minded people going against her.
** edited by Bang Guy

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Hey you can't blame her for fighting dirty sometimes -- it's usually 4-5 like minded people going against her. El Guano, you haven't exactly been a model citizen around here either and I think you are a hypocrite for pointing anyone out.
Thanks for chiming in Jmick but you not one to talk either .