Originally Posted by
Al Mc
Sorry for your loss. The LMB is my daughter's favorite fish! I know it will be a sad day around here when 'Hugo' passes
(hopefully not for awhile
I hope your Hugo lives a long and happy life. LMBs are the fish that's easiest to get attached to, they seem to be the most intelligent of any fish I've ever seen (I've had quite a lot over the years).
Hephestes (or Blenka/Blennichica as my wife affectionately called him - Russian for "my little blenny") would perch in the front when we would be in the room, and would look right in our eyes. If we weren't looking at him he'd bounce up a couple inches and flap his little fins as if to say "here I am!". During some really rough times we went through my wife would sit in front of the tank and talk to him while I was working long hours and she was unable to work. He would sit in front as long as she was there and that kept her from feeling lonely. He made my wife so happy, that I too have developed a strong affection for the cute little guy. I am devestated at the thought of having to tell her the bad news when she gets home late tonight.