Dafts 3G pico


Put some tank water in a bucket.....scrub....scrub...scrub..LOL
Then put some more tank water in a different bucket...rinse .. rinse.. rinse
Replace the sw you removed with new SW, and you also have a water change
....and Ithink you will need a few..
What CUC do you have in there? i see one snail


LOL...well it wouldn't hurt to get some turbo snails, an emerald crab or two, maybe a sally lightfoot...etc :)


Or a soft brush.....Just make sure it has never been used for anything else....you wouldn't want any chemicals to get on the rock....


all of the cuc I mentioned so far :) PLUS, some nassarius snails, cerith snails
won't be an overnite thing, but in time they will eat it


Active Member
Just wanted to add something in. I use a toothbrush to clean rock. Works like a charm, best tool I've got. =) Are you in a reef club, or are there any in your area? We have a couple sea hares we try to pass around to people with algea issues. When all the algea is gone in one tank (they are like bulldozers!) they'll starve, so we pass them around.