Define 'Cruel and Unusual Punishment'


Active Member
Originally Posted by ZappBrannigan
what does that have to do with anything, thats what you do when you cant come up with an argument, personal attacks, and for your information im just studying international business in china,
First off skippy, you were the one that said we were "hateful and vicious" so exactly who is making the personal attacks?
You say it is wrong for a government to sentence a criminal to die. OK. You call religious people who pray for justice where a murderer will be put to death hypocrites, Maybe. But you voluntarily chose to go study in a country known to execute political dissidents and people who dare to pray. What does that make you?
What is everybody keep mentioning where i go for? how does where you go or live affect your opinion, yeah china and the US both have the death penalty, doesnt affect my decision to travel between them..
belgium is famous for tasty chocolate treats, actually i hate chocolate, but that doesnt stop me from going there to visit my family. :p


Active Member
Originally Posted by ZappBrannigan
What is everybody keep mentioning where i go for? how does where you go or live affect your opinion, yeah china and the US both have the death penalty, doesnt affect my decision to travel between them..
belgium is famous for tasty chocolate treats, actually i hate chocolate, but that doesnt stop me from going there to visit my family. :p
Because you run down people on this board, Christians and the US in general over our policy of putting criminals to death under certain circumstances while you choose to live and study in a country that puts people to death for opposing the party in power or daring to be born female.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by ZappBrannigan
What is everybody keep mentioning where i go for? how does where you go or live affect your opinion, yeah china and the US both have the death penalty, doesnt affect my decision to travel between them..

Since you brought up China in another political thread and were speaking of China's policies in a "great" manner. If you are going to use China and back it up with "I live there" then you living in China will also play into the issues.


Active Member
At least this nutcase liberal put his money where his mouth was and moved to the democrat utopia.
That being said, you guys are slacking, we need to be far enough right winged here, to get China to block this site...


Active Member
All I am going to say is this....just because he happens to be visiting another country for something does not mean that he can't be against the death penalty personally. Why does where he is have anything to do with his political views???? That is silly, illogical argument. It does not have anything to do with the subject at hand.
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Since you brought up China in another political thread and were speaking of China's policies in a "great" manner. If you are going to use China and back it up with "I live there" then you living in China will also play into the issues.
oh actually i just used it as an example along with europe as a society with no guns. i never spoke of it in a great manner, aside from it being easy for an american with some investing and fincance knowlege to make some good money here, i quite prefer the US.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hlcroghan
All I am going to say is this....just because he happens to be visiting another country for something does not mean that he can't be against the death penalty personally. Why does where he is have anything to do with his political views???? That is silly, illogical argument. It does not have anything to do with the subject at hand.
If he simply expressed an opinion I wouldn't have given it a second thought. But he attacked those on this board for expressing a pro death penalty opinion and referred to others as hypocrites for supporting it when he himself chose to live and study in a country that has among the worst human rights records in the world.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
At least here in the USA. WE DO NOT BILL THE FAMILES OF THE CONDEMED FOR THE COST OF THE BULLET TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD. Or better yet use them as slave labor in factories.
You're right, we don't. We bill the taxpayer instead. Kinda like putting a blank in one member of the firing squad's gun. That way, we're all responsible and no-one can specifically be held accountable.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
If he simply expressed an opinion I wouldn't have given it a second thought. But he attacked those on this board for expressing a pro death penalty opinion and referred to others as hypocrites for supporting it when he himself chose to live and study in a country that has among the worst human rights records in the world.
Yeah, we're awesome.
We rank 5th in the world in executions per capita, behind China, Saudi, VietNam and Uganda.
Just the company I want to count myself among.
One man's hypocrisy is another man's rationalization.
Originally Posted by reefraff
But he attacked those on this board for expressing a pro death penalty opinion
LOL, expressing a pro death penalty opinion is one thing,, "rah rah lets string em up by is ballsack and let everybody watch him bleed to death" is quite different.
i didnt attack anybodies pro death penalty opinion, i said its disturbing how vicious and violent your proposed execution methods are. thats all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by uneverno
Yeah, we're awesome.
We rank 5th in the world in executions per capita, behind China, Saudi, VietNam and Uganda.
Just the company I want to count myself among.
One man's hypocrisy is another man's rationalization.
So you comparing the circumstances under which we put someone to death with those of the other countries you listed?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ZappBrannigan
LOL, expressing a pro death penalty opinion is one thing,, "rah rah lets string em up by is ballsack and let everybody watch him bleed to death" is quite different.
i didnt attack anybodies pro death penalty opinion, i said its disturbing how vicious and violent your proposed execution methods are. thats all.
Fair enough


Active Member
Originally Posted by ZappBrannigan
i didnt attack anybodies pro death penalty opinion, i said its disturbing how vicious and violent your proposed execution methods are. thats all.
Let the punishment fit the crime...


Active Member
The only thing I'm arguing is that it hasn't solved anything...........we put people to death all the time. People are still killing.........obviously this method does not work..........we should come up with something better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hlcroghan
The only thing I'm arguing is that it hasn't solved anything...........we put people to death all the time. People are still killing.........obviously this method does not work..........we should come up with something better.
In a perfect world I would agree but obviously jail time doesn't work either.
I think a lot of it goes back to the poor misunderstood criminal mentality that has turned the dam jails into hotels. I say throw them in a hell hole and make them earn the right to me moved to a better facility by doing good time. I have personally talked to a couple kids that couldn't have been much over 20 and they said the gangs they ran with would think nothing of doing a year or two in jail. Make them do 6 months worth of good time in a place with no TV's, dirty magazines and such then move them to the place with the nice conditions and maybe even job training. They screw up they go back and start over.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
In a perfect world I would agree but obviously jail time doesn't work either.
I think a lot of it goes back to the poor misunderstood criminal mentality that has turned the dam jails into hotels. I say throw them in a hell hole and make them earn the right to me moved to a better facility by doing good time. I have personally talked to a couple kids that couldn't have been much over 20 and they said the gangs they ran with would think nothing of doing a year or two in jail. Make them do 6 months worth of good time in a place with no TV's, dirty magazines and such then move them to the place with the nice conditions and maybe even job training. They screw up they go back and start over.
I also agree with this. I think prisons are way too cushy.