DeMartini's 14G BioCube


Active Member
Originally Posted by highcottn1
gemmi some tips how do u make ur tank look so good!!!

ummm I don't know... patience and money? lol


i was just wondering(didnt find answer in thread) but what type of nano is yours? i am planning on getting one in the near future so i have a tank at school but didnt know what brand was best. i f you have some advice on what kind it would be a big help.
Tank looks awsome by the way!


Active Member
it's a 14 gallon biocube. I like this tank a lot... I would totally suggest it for anyone that wants a nano. the 12 gallon Aquapod is also supposed to be great, but the biocube's bigger lol
if you have any more question I will be more than happy to answer them for you!


cool thanks for the info you know if the lights on the aquapod and the biocube are similar? i noticed you were able to keep corals with the original lights.


Active Member
I'm not sure... I think the lights on the aquapod are a little stronger, but not much more. As of now I have stock lighting, but I did order metal halides today. You can also add an extra PC inside the hood of the biocube... I was going to do that, but I want to add an anemone and clams, so the metal halides would be best.
stock lighting is fine. You can add a good variety of corals. My corals grow well and always look really healthy.


I see people adding jets to their tanks. I just have the stock pump in my 29 g bio cube. Is that sufficient? Or do I need something else to up my water flow. Beautiful tank by the way.. quite impressive. Thanks in advance.


hey buddy,
Guess what I got my tank toddaaay!!! I am so excited just waiting for it to settle a little bit before I start running everything!!! But if you happen to think of any little pin pointers that arent already on your 9 pages let me know please!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by PettyHoe
I see people adding jets to their tanks. I just have the stock pump in my 29 g bio cube. Is that sufficient? Or do I need something else to up my water flow. Beautiful tank by the way.. quite impressive. Thanks in advance.
It should be sufficient enough, as long as there is water movement everywhere in your tank. Upgrading the pump also increases the turn over rate so your filter will catch more stuff. If you feel that you need more flow, I hear a lot of people switching the pump with a rio hf6. If you do upgrade you may need to make the spill over from chamber one to chamber two wider in order to increase to the flow to the pump.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jeepxj922
hey buddy,
Guess what I got my tank toddaaay!!! I am so excited just waiting for it to settle a little bit before I start running everything!!! But if you happen to think of any little pin pointers that arent already on your 9 pages let me know please!!!
yaaay! congrats! If you have any questions feel free to ask me.


Lauren - You've done a great job with your tank. I'll be taking some decorator ideas from yours for my 29g. I've started fragging some of the LPS from my 210g and moving over but I need to get more color.
Question - I saw that has a hood for the biocube the shows 3 PC lights. Do you know if that is for the whole hood (bulbs and all) or is that just for a kit to retrofit into your existing hood?
Keep up the pics.
Hey jeepxj - Where in NoVA??


Active Member
Originally Posted by steveoutla
Lauren - You've done a great job with your tank. I'll be taking some decorator ideas from yours for my 29g. I've started fragging some of the LPS from my 210g and moving over but I need to get more color.
Question - I saw that has a hood for the biocube the shows 3 PC lights. Do you know if that is for the whole hood (bulbs and all) or is that just for a kit to retrofit into your existing hood?
Keep up the pics.
Hey jeepxj - Where in NoVA??
thanks! Its a retro kit that comes with the extra bulb. You can send in your hood and they will install it for your for about $60.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jeepxj922
DM whered you get your filter floss?
I get it at pet club for about $5. It's Marineland Rite-Size Bonded Filter Pads. I just cut it up into small strips.


Active Member
DM a couple of quick ones to clarify.
1) If you have a good amount of LR rubble in the middle chamber do you need rubble in the right chamber with the heater? I have read different warnings on packages that the heaters CAN'T be touching anything. I also have 15 pounds of LR in my 14g BioCube.
2) This I think is from your you leave bags of carbon in the chambers all of the time or do you put them in periodically? Please clarify, as I understand it carbon would take too much nutrients out of our small systems.


Active Member
1) If your heater is one of those glass ones I would not recommend putting rubble with it. If its a plastic one, it should be fine.
2) I use a bag of carbon periodically because the bag can get dirty fast and I don't want it to start producing nitrates.