DeMartini's 14G BioCube


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
are you sure they were picassos? if so then buy them and sell them online!!! that's a great deal.

The guy there said they were. They had the irregular markings but I don't know for sure myself. I am not all that good at identification so they might have been Saddle backs or occilaris?


Active Member
Here is how my tank looks like today. I was able to make room on my sand bend to take out the egg create. I didn't have my tripod with me so I couldn't get any close ups. I'll take more once I get my tripod. I'm upgrading this tank to a 30 gallon in january and giving it to my boyfriend.



Active Member
Wow Excellent full tank. It looks tremendously full but very well done ! Its BEAUTIFUL. I Wish i could get mine that full. Hey peef also when i bought my b/w clowns at the lfs maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago they had several that had wierd markings and teardrop looks and some with picasso looks kind of but i believe they are just irregulars not ness picassos. I bought the normal looking ones and they are doing great in my 10 gal ! HEHE. They are tiny so i will upgrade it soon. Sorry to jack the thread demartini. Your tank is always nice and also what are those bright bright green zoos called ? I have a frag of those and was just curious.


Active Member
thanks! this tank is kind of a mess right now because I'm in the process of upgrading it to a 30 gallon.
the bright green zoas that I think you're talking about are called green lanterns.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
do you have a 30 gal thread?
I'm giving my boyfriend this tank, so he is going to set up a 30 gallon glass finnex tank. a lot of the stuff is also going into my 18 gallon ADA


I have read most of the responces lmao from 1 to 20 pages, it took me a coupel of hours actually all day b/c i kept returning to read more comments, im planing on getign the jbj 29 gallon and need to do alot of research, i also wana just make it small invert tank and was wondering what happen to ur sexy shrimp lmao did u loose in that tank hehehe


Active Member
Originally Posted by HaloStalker
I have read most of the responces lmao from 1 to 20 pages, it took me a coupel of hours actually all day b/c i kept returning to read more comments, im planing on getign the jbj 29 gallon and need to do alot of research, i also wana just make it small invert tank and was wondering what happen to ur sexy shrimp lmao did u loose in that tank hehehe
that was a lot to read! I have no clue where the sexy shrimp went. I think my sixline did something to it.
good luck with your tank!


=P hope to see new pics, i was also wondering if i could add a refugium to a nano tank? im a bit worryed about my tanks evaporation and at least the refugium would be doin me alot of good and adding more water to the system? hows ur evaporation, how often do u top off with fresh water=P


Active Member
yes you can, but since you can't drill a bio cube you have to drill into the refugium to over flow into the tank. Do a sreach on above the tank refugiums. Since I have an open top I have to top off every day. More than 2 days w/o top offs my pumps would run dry.



And this
dear, fellow nano cubers, is exactly what inspires me to try to make my own tank look as best as it can. Thanks, Lauren, for posting your updated pics!~
Your coco worm always has me in awe! I've seen coco worms at my LFS, but never have I seen one that looks like yours.
Absolutely stunning.... amazing. LOOOOVE it!
You're moving all of this to your new 18 gallon, right?
Which tank did your picassos go into?


Active Member
awww thanks kat!

I'm giving this tank to my boyfriend, who is going to upgrade it to a 30 gallon... we're going to share the corals. My 8 gallon will be going into the new 18 gallon.
The picassos are in my 10 gallon frag tank. They hosted a tiny frag of xenia lol. the picassos will eventually be in the 18 gallon.
did you talk to the owner of aquarium concepts about the misbars?


Originally Posted by DeMartini
The picassos are in my 10 gallon frag tank. They hosted a tiny frag of xenia lol. the picassos will eventually be in the 18 gallon.
awww!!~ At least they're hosting something !
Too cute!!~ You ended up with some gorgeous picassos! Love the orange "dot" on them!
Originally Posted by DeMartini

did you talk to the owner of aquarium concepts about the misbars?
I'm gonna have to call them tomorrow because I sent them an e-mail right after I got your PM and I haven't heard anything back from them.

I'll check my spam folder to be sure, but as of today, I haven't heard a word. Do they still have them? I'm looking for a pair of misbar percs or ocellaris, or a really cool misbar gsm, ideally one with just a piece around his face. There's a member somewhere in this section that has one like that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
awww!!~ At least they're hosting something !
Too cute!!~ You ended up with some gorgeous picassos! Love the orange "dot" on them!
I'm gonna have to call them tomorrow because I sent them an e-mail right after I got your PM and I haven't heard anything back from them.

I'll check my spam folder to be sure, but as of today, I haven't heard a word. Do they still have them? I'm looking for a pair of misbar percs or ocellaris, or a really cool misbar gsm, ideally one with just a piece around his face. There's a member somewhere in this section that has one like that.
it takes them a while to respond to emails. You are better off calling them.