DeMartini's 14G BioCube


Wow, Thats awesome. I added one last week but its not as pretty. I posted pictures. I have a question about it. Mine pulled into its shell yesterday morning and hasent come back out. Do you think its ok?
I want to see a full tank shot.


Active Member
those are nice clams you got there. i have a quick question if you dont mind me asking. not trying to flame you, just asking because i want clams too. what kind of lighting to do you have and how much watts?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bgrae001
Wow, Thats awesome. I added one last week but its not as pretty. I posted pictures. I have a question about it. Mine pulled into its shell yesterday morning and hasent come back out. Do you think its ok?
I want to see a full tank shot.
I'm not sure... it seems kind of weird that it has'nt opened all day. Are your parameters alright? is there anything around it that that could be bugging it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by feixjai
those are nice clams you got there. i have a quick question if you dont mind me asking. not trying to flame you, just asking because i want clams too. what kind of lighting to do you have and how much watts?
I use a 70 watt metal halide


Active Member
Wow Lauren! This is my first time on your thread. I just can't believe your color. I'm definitely going to look for some rics now!!! Could you send me the site also: Also, what do you use for nutrient supplementation?


Originally Posted by DeMartini
I'm not sure... it seems kind of weird that it has'nt opened all day. Are your parameters alright? is there anything around it that that could be bugging it?
its out in the open where nothing else can tuch it. I'm going to run all the water tests today.
Thanks for posting the full tank shot, It looks great.


Active Member
What is the forest of yellow by the Coco Worm? Is it GSP that just came out yellow in the picture?


Originally Posted by SigmaChris
What is the forest of yellow by the Coco Worm? Is it GSP that just came out yellow in the picture?
Isn't that awesome?? She answered this before somewhere on another thread, but yep, that's gsp that is surrounding the coco worm.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
I need to frag! but here is my up to date full tank shot!

i would pay top dollar for any of those frags, hook me up!

pappa d

well first off i would just like to say congradulations on the beautiful tank! infact your tanks are what inspired me to get a nano in the first place. i just got my biocube 29 2 days ago. heres a pic: (i transfered everything out of my 58g, so there was no cycle incase you were worrying about the fish and inverts heh) my question to you though is what would you recomend as some starting corals for my tank, i do not plan on upgrading lighting anytime soon. and also when you get to a point where your corals are too big and need to frag them, what do you do? do you just pull off the polyps and try not to explode them or what? sorry, im new at starting a reef. sorry for the long post and keep up the good work



Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
Wow Lauren! This is my first time on your thread. I just can't believe your color. I'm definitely going to look for some rics now!!! Could you send me the site also: Also, what do you use for nutrient supplementation?
thank you! I'll send you the link tomorrow. I add DT's phytoplankton, dkh buffer and calcium.


Active Member
Originally Posted by autofreak44
i would pay top dollar for any of those frags, hook me up!

I'll let you know when I start fragging!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pappa D
well first off i would just like to say congradulations on the beautiful tank! infact your tanks are what inspired me to get a nano in the first place. i just got my biocube 29 2 days ago. heres a pic: (i transfered everything out of my 58g, so there was no cycle incase you were worrying about the fish and inverts heh) my question to you though is what would you recomend as some starting corals for my tank, i do not plan on upgrading lighting anytime soon. and also when you get to a point where your corals are too big and need to frag them, what do you do? do you just pull off the polyps and try not to explode them or what? sorry, im new at starting a reef. sorry for the long post and keep up the good work

It looks like your off to a good start. I really like your rock work. There are a lot of different corals that your could start out with. Any kind of mushrooms, especially ricordea which is my favorite, green star polyps, clove polyps, candy canes, frogspawn, zoanthids (but since your lighting isn't too strong the really colorful ones may turn brown on you).
When it comes to fragging, it really depends on the type of coral your fragging. If you ever need to frag something, make a thread asking how, or you could always ask me and I'll be happy to help.

pappa d

thanks alot! and are all the mushrooms compatable to live in the same tank/should there be a certain distance away or anything? sorry to be adding to all the questions that you get asked, and thanks for taking the time out of your day to answer mine and everyone else's on the board too!


Active Member
You can put the mushrooms right next to each other. More aggressive corals like frogspawn should be kept away from other corals so it doesn't sting them