DeMartini's 18 Gallon ADA


Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
this is going to be awesome...please pose LOTS of pics
Thank you!
Wellll my light came today, but it had a huge dent, so they are sending me a new solana light fixture.


Active Member
Originally Posted by beenbag497
have you told everybody on this site your trading on them for nano-reef????
ohhh noooo! Now they know =( haha


Active Member
Only you DeMartini can get a thread almost to 3 pages and have nothing in your tank
Thats a compliment


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
Only you DeMartini can get a thread almost to 3 pages and have nothing in your tank
Thats a compliment

poeple are going to start losing interest in my invisible reef if I don't start a real one soon heheh


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
I just went on nano-reef to take a look and it doesnt look like youre having much luck there either
And yes, dont be picture shy!!! :D
huh? who isn't having much luck?
I think I can start my tank next week, so new pictures with stuff actually in the tank should be up soon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
huh? who isn't having much luck?
I think I can start my tank next week, so new pictures with stuff actually in the tank should be up soon.
I meant clyde. Sorry bout possible confusion.


Active Member
oh yeah haha he didn't do a very good job making friends there lol. I actually started to feel sorry for the kid because the people there can be down right mean and the moderators don't stop it!... oh well I guess Karma bit him in the ass hahah


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
poeple are going to start losing interest in my invisible reef if I don't start a real one soon heheh
I love your invisible reef!

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
I love your invisible reef!

So do I!!!! It looks WONDERFUL!!! Keep up the good work! Post a few update shots of the invisible reef all ready!


Active Member
hahah wow! it's more of a hit than I thought! I can post more pictures, but honestly the invisible reef looks exactly the same as the last pictures I posted.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
hahah wow! it's more of a hit than I thought! I can post more pictures, but honestly the invisible reef looks exactly the same as the last pictures I posted.

I'm sure some new invisible things grew. :D


Active Member
last week my lights came in, but it had a huge dent so I'm waiting to get a new light. I hope it comes some time this week.
since you guys are so excited about how the tank looks now... new pictures! lol
top down...

best macro shot I could get...

enjoy! haha


Active Member
WOW THAT looks awesome... my only suggestion is to get rid of at least 5 of the 6 anemones you have in there. That tank is wayyyyy too small for 1, sheesh... And what are you thinking a Blue hippo tang in a tank like that... OMG... Have you kept a reef before? I would say the snow flake eel is ok if it werent from what I can see at least 2 ft long. And your mantis shrimp is going to have a field day with those mandarin's I count at least 6 maybe more... well you can be sure there will be less by the morning... Other than that good job, it looks great keep us posted on the progress....

Oh yea and PS.. you may want to add some live rock to your tank.. its a great addition and often recomended when your intention is to have a reef tank.
LOL ok you know jk jk but I couldnt resist....

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
WOW THAT looks awesome... my only suggestion is to get rid of at least 5 of the 6 anemones you have in there. That tank is wayyyyy too small for 1, sheesh... And what are you thinking a Blue hippo tang in a tank like that... OMG... Have you kept a reef before? I would say the snow flake eel is ok if it werent from what I can see at least 2 ft long. And your mantis shrimp is going to have a field day with those mandarin's I count at least 6 maybe more... well you can be sure there will be less by the morning... Other than that good job, it looks great keep us posted on the progress....

Oh yea and PS.. you may want to add some live rock to your tank.. its a great addition and often recomended when your intention is to have a reef tank.
LOL ok you know jk jk but I couldnt resist....
WOW!! Thats one SUPER looking reef!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
WOW THAT looks awesome... my only suggestion is to get rid of at least 5 of the 6 anemones you have in there. That tank is wayyyyy too small for 1, sheesh... And what are you thinking a Blue hippo tang in a tank like that... OMG... Have you kept a reef before? I would say the snow flake eel is ok if it werent from what I can see at least 2 ft long. And your mantis shrimp is going to have a field day with those mandarin's I count at least 6 maybe more... well you can be sure there will be less by the morning... Other than that good job, it looks great keep us posted on the progress....

Oh yea and PS.. you may want to add some live rock to your tank.. its a great addition and often recomended when your intention is to have a reef tank.
LOL ok you know jk jk but I couldnt resist....
I thought it was ok to put a Dori fish in this tank =(
ok ok... sooooo I took back the eel and bought a couple more mandarin's because for some reason they just keep on dying

I also decided against live rock because the plastic rocks with the fake corals look much cooler!


Active Member
sooooooo I called up the place I bought my light from and they said the new light should be arriving on Monday... hopefully they packed it better this time around, so it wont get damaged.


wow that reef looks awesome! i think you should be feeding the mandarins more, perhaps thats why theyre dying. just drop in a pound of shrimp from your grocery store and you shouldnt have to feed the tank for at least another day or so. dont listen to anyone, the dori fish is fine, just get a few nemos to keep it company. also, u dont need any kind of filter, it'll just blow around your sand and it will look too messy