Originally Posted by
WOW THAT looks awesome... my only suggestion is to get rid of at least 5 of the 6 anemones you have in there. That tank is wayyyyy too small for 1, sheesh... And what are you thinking a Blue hippo tang in a tank like that... OMG... Have you kept a reef before? I would say the snow flake eel is ok if it werent from what I can see at least 2 ft long. And your mantis shrimp is going to have a field day with those mandarin's I count at least 6 maybe more... well you can be sure there will be less by the morning... Other than that good job, it looks great keep us posted on the progress....
Oh yea and PS.. you may want to add some live rock to your tank.. its a great addition and often recomended when your intention is to have a reef tank.
LOL ok you know jk jk but I couldnt resist....
I thought it was ok to put a Dori fish in this tank =(
ok ok... sooooo I took back the eel and bought a couple more mandarin's because for some reason they just keep on dying
I also decided against live rock because the plastic rocks with the fake corals look much cooler!