DeMartini's 8 gallon BioCube


Active Member
Ohhhh, looking gooood. by the way, I got my ricordias!!!! YEA

I also picked up a new globophelia and hammer coral. And the 150w MH Nano hood upgrade with an Arctic Chiller!!!!!
I got a leopard wrasse too but she isn't looking too good right now.
Any ideas? She is lying on her side breathing very hard....all levels what they should be and all other fish GREAT! Just her...makes me have lots of experiance so if you know anything let me know. LOVE your pics you get the best ones I have seen on this site.
Also is this a different tank than I am used to????


Active Member
That tank is too cool. You certainly have good color and diversity in there, and it's tiny!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ER..MD
Your tank looks great, how long did it take for the coraline algae to grow on the tank back?
I've has been set up for 7 months now. It didn't take very long to start growing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
That tank is too cool. You certainly have good color and diversity in there, and it's tiny!

Thanks! =)


Lauren, that Gorgonian is RIDICULOUS!! (As is your camera). The detail in your close-ups is National Geographic-esque. I think Im going to take back my camera and upgrade because while I like my full-tank shots, there are some things of which I cant get close-ups...
Hey, have you ever used Tigger Pods?
I paid 20 bucks for a bottle of them. Im going camping this weekend and figured my new fish would be able to forage while Im gone. And in the long run, Im hoping they will colonize the tank.
Do you think these pods will reproduce and colonize Aragonite Reef Sand???
Finally, can you tell me the name of my new finger coral? And also, do you know why he/she is leaning to the right? As you can see from the pic, the "branches" are reaching towards the light, but the base of it is bent to the right. There is no rock supporting it and it stands up all on its own. As long as it is happy Im happy, but I just want to make sure he looks ok.
As always
PS - I noticed my hermits scraping at the back base of the finger coral. I figured it was them just cleaning, didn't think they were harming her. But you can definately see the position change over 48 hours.



Active Member
Hey Lauren,
When I moved my tank to my new house I unintentionally stirred up my sandbed and I think I released a lot of junk into the water because I have had a serious red cyanobacteria problem ever since. I am losing the battle and some of my corals are receding. I know you had success with the Chemiclean Red Slime Remover a long time ago when you first started your tank. Did you suffer any deaths or have any corals at the time? I hate to use chemicals, but I am ready to as a last resort. My new tank is cycling now and I have no other option in the meantime.

Thanks for your help!