Developing Stock List for 120 FOWLR......


In developing my stocklist for the 120 FOWLR (4x2x2) that I am currently building, I have the following question and would truly appreciate reasonable answers and hope that this thread will not be hi-jacked by those on this forum that choose to constantly bicker back and forth regarding tangs and tank sizes:
Anyway, to get to the point, this tank is being set up where a convict tang, or two, or three, (quantity has NOT been decided upon yet) will be the showcase. The remaining stocklist will be cleaners, sand sifters, etc. The tangs will be the showcase.
My questions are as follows, and once again I would greatly appreciate calm, reasonable answers:
1) Does anyone have any experiance with keeping multiple convict tangs, as they are extensively reported to be the best to keep as con-specifics?
2) If convict tangs are to be kept in a group, tank size not a factor, is it better to be kept as a pair or a triplet?
3) See # 2 above, now related to the 120 that I am building?
Thanks for the replies, and once again I hope that this thread can stay constructive and provide additional knowledge to both myself and any others considering keeping convict tangs in a group.


Active Member
hate to be the burster of bubbles, but a 4 foot tank is not really conducive to tang life. They are swimmers that need a longer tank to "spread their wings and fly" so to speak. I was looking into getting a 120 myself and almost bought one for the sole purpose of getting tangs, but noticed the dimensions were only 4 feet long, so I decided to wait until I could find one that was 6 feet long.
I know that a 120 gallon tank is large, but it isn't the number of gallons that really matters to tangs, it is the amount of space that they have to swim. Consider the adult sizes of these fish and realize that many get to be over a foot long...which means that they only have 4 times their length to "run". Tangs are beautiful fish, but my suggestion is to either find a 120 long or wait until you find a tank that is at least 6 feet long.
Not meaning to bicker, just consider the well being of the fish.


Yes, a 135 is 6' long, however it is only 18" deep, which, after adding live rock, gives you about 6" of swimming room in the front.
So, that being said, my tank is 4x2x2. Based on extensive research and reading (i.e. Bob Fenner), I will be placing a convict tang in this tank.
Does anyone have any experiance with convist tangs, specifically keeping a pair or a triplet? I may very well decide not to keep a pair or a triplet, but I would like to have all of the information before making my decision, and I am having difficulty finding any info, other than zebrasome are good when housed in 3's, specifically the convicts..
Thank you for your time.


Why are you butting your head against the wall?
My question was regarding convict tangs and potentially keeping them in multiples. I have already researched and decided upon a convict tang, based upon information from multpile sources. While I inderstand that this is not necessarily your opinion, I have made my decision. Based on that, and my original question, I was not asking for opinions on tank sizes, I was asking for information regarding convict tangs. Therefore, it should be me butting my head against the wall, as you all seem to only reply with "a 4' tank is too small" and not even look at the question that is asked.


Originally Posted by Mugg1977
In developing my stocklist for the 120 FOWLR (4x2x2) that I am currently building, I have the following question and would truly appreciate reasonable answers and hope that this thread will not be hi-jacked by those on this forum that choose to constantly bicker back and forth regarding tangs and tank sizes:
Thanks for the replies, and once again I hope that this thread can stay constructive and provide additional knowledge to both myself and any others considering keeping convict tangs in a group.
Dude, if you already have the answers then why ask them? From my experience with blue and yellow tangs, it seems that additional length is much more desireable for the fish as they can 'stretch out their fins' so to speak. Whether it is 18 or 24 inches is not much difference for a tang since it will be turning around so fast anyway.
It sounded like you are planning on building your tank?? Why not make it longer, say 72 inches, and also 24 inches deep? That way you would have the best of both worlds?
- Matt


Active Member
The reason that we don't answer the question is that we feel that the environment being provided for the living creature isn't suitable. To answer the question is to state that we feel it is ok to place a living creature (or in this case, multiple living creatures) in an environment that will more than likely not suit their needs, which I, for one, don't feel. If this is what you have decided to do (and in no way intend to listen to those that have made similar mistakes and take their advice), I honestly hope that you are successful, not for your sake, but for the sake of the fish that you are planning on purchasing.


I don't have the answers! My questions are regarding CONVICT TANGS.
Once again, I understand that a lot of your opinions are that tangs have to be ina 6' tank. That is not the topic of this thread. This thread is asking questions about convict tangs.
CONVICT TANGS! Not tank size!


Okay, I will try one more time, then I am giving up.
I completely understand and value your opinions regarding tank size and tangs. The fact of the matter is that there are numerous opinions by reputable, experienced, and professional fish keepers and boilogists. Based on all of the information I have read from these reputable, experianced, and professional fish keepers, I have formed my own opinion, which is that I have no moral objection to keeping a convict tang in a 4x2x2 tank. (by the way, a 125 is 6x1.5x1.75 which equals 9sf of horizontal swimming space where as a 120 is 4x2x2 which has 8sf of smimming space). Now, based on that, I am researching convict tangs, and was asking if anyone had any experiance with CONVICT TANGS.
If you have no experiance with convict tangs, then thank you for your time, but please tdo not reply with your opinion to a question that I never asked.
If you do have experiance with convict tangs, then I would greatly appreciate any information and insight you may have.
Have I mis-communicated anything?


I just don't understand what is so difficult here?
I have asked a few questions. If you do not have the answer to the questions that I have asked, then that's fine, but there is no need to continue to push your opinion on me when I have not asked for it.
Once again, I have asked for information regarding convict tangs. If you do not have any information on convict tangs, then there is no need to respond to this thread. If you do then I really appreciate you help.
Browniebuck, there is no hissy fit here. It baffles me that you continue to answer questions that I have not asked.


Tell you what, I will start another thread just regarding keeping convict tangs in groups. No mention of tank size. Will that work?


Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Wow, chill out!
Chill out??? The guy can't get an answer to his question without all this banter....
Originally Posted by browniebuck

Hissy fit in post 9...I repeat, we have a hissy fit in post #9.

That's mature.
I hate seeing all these "tang police" (stupid term if you ask me) beat up on people. Listen.. Make your opinion known then move on. There are WAY too may threads here with people beating up others about putting tangs in a 4' tank. They don't need to hear it from 4-5 people, or 4-5 times.... come on. Make your opinion known, politley, explain it and move on.
To the OP, I can't answer your question but wish I could. Good luck.


Originally Posted by browniebuck
okie dokie smokie
anything about convict tangs, because I don't have a 6 foot tank.
All I have asked is for information regarding convict tangs. It seems like a simple request to me. I really don't understand the problem, and I surely do not appreciate you continually pushing your opinion on me.
This is an informational forum. I have asked for information. Period. It's pretty simple.


they are found in the wild (just like most tangs) in large groups swimming in the open water. if you want a convict, i would advise you to do one. this is because, imo, two will end in some nasty battles, and three might be too much for the tank space. but, if you want multipes, 3 would be better than 2.