Disappearing Pods?

reef newbie

Could the use of a UV light be what's making my Pods disappear? I've seen them before I had the UV light. Now I can't find a single one.


Active Member
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I never see a pod unless all lights are out. Tne only time I see any is when I get a flashlight after lights out or first thing in the morning when I turn on my lights. I do see them if I take off my hob skimmer. I have them and mystis shrimp in mine.


I see tons with the lights on especially at feeding time they come out to eat with the fishies.

bang guy

The purpose of UV is to kill any living cells that pass through. Seems normal that it would kill larvae and this will reduce your zooplankton populations. I don't believe the typical UV will directly kill most pods, they're just not strong enough. I think they will kill larvae & eggs in the water column though.

reef newbie

:nervous: Thanks for the info.I do look at my tank at night and I still don't see any Pods.Is there anything else that could be killing my Pods?I only have five fish in my 90 gal. tank. A Kole tang,blue damsel,lawnmower blenny,green chromis and a dottyback. These fish wouldn't beable to wipe all of my Pods out would they?


Active Member
What inverts do you have in the tank? Do you have a sand sifting star or anything like that?