Dive trip... I mean business trip... to Guam (Micronesia)


Active Member
Awesome pictures:eek: :eek: . Makes me want to get scuba certified really bad. Just out of curiousity is it better to get certified when you go on a trip or go through a program at the local YMCA or something? Hear in the Puget Sound in Washington there is a lot of marine life, I'm just not too excited to swim in 55 degree water.:nope: . Once again thanks for sharing and great pics.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Anyway you look at it you need to open water dives somewhere for your certification. The best way to do it is do the course work locally and do your open water dives in some nice place. If you have decent places locally by you to get your open water dives in I'd just get it done locally though, because on a dive trip to any decent place you want the freedom of going where you want, not where the instructors say...
Any way you look at it you need to just get certified...:)

mr. tuna

Active Member
Awsome pics!
Do you have some sort of underwater/digital camera?
I am going to isreal, and to taba, which is on the red sea.
Looking forward to it. :yes:

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
All of the pictures were taken with disposible underwater cameras. The one I used diving was believe it or not good to 95 feet according to the box, and we brought it to just about that depth and it did well. The nice thing about this model is that it comes with a flash and you could reuse the housing, just replacing the film with 800 speed film for new uses. I am definately pursueing buying a permanent digital one though...


Active Member
Thanks for the pics... I've been to Hawaii, but nothing like that. Bet you wish that fish store was on your block.

big pete

brooklyn, what kind of camerea are u using for those underwater shots! i gotta get me one

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Thanks guys... the camera is a Nikon 5700 with an Ikelite housing and a Superstrobe 4000... just kidding... it was a $7 underwater Fujifilm disposible camera. On some of the dives I used a seperate model that is good to 95 feet! Soon I will get a housing for my digital camera, but for now these little underwater ones work fine and are the right price.